  1. Israel Jubilant (vv.1-5)
  2. Israel Militant (vv.6-9)
Israel Jubilant (vv.1-5)
A New Song for a New Situation (v.1)

VERSE 1 Praise the LORD (Wll.h; [Piel.imper.2.p., halal, praise] Hy" [pr.n.])!

Sing to the LORD a new song (Wryvi [Qal.imper.2.p., shir, sing] hw"hyl; [prep.w/pr.n.] vd'x' adj.m.s., harash, new] ryvi [n.m.s., shir, song),

And His praise in the congregation of the godly ones (AtL'hiT. [n.f.s.w/3.m.s.sf., tehillah, praise] lh;q.Bi [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr., qahal, assembly] ~ydIysix] [adj.m.p., hasidh, loyal; "godly"]).

Call to Celebrate (v.2)

VERSE 2 Let Israel be glad in his Maker (xm;f.yI [Qal.impf.3.m.s., samach, rejoice, be glad] laer'f.yI [pr.n., "God prevails"] wyf'[oB. [prep.w/, asah, do, make; "Maker"]);

Let the sons of Zion rejoice in their King (!AYci-ynEB. [n.m.p.cstr., ben, son, + pr.n.] WlygIy" [Qal.impf.3.m.p., gil, exult] `~K'l.m;b. [prep.w/n.m.s.w/3.m.p.sf., melek, king]).

In the Time-Honored Fashion (v.3)

VERSE 3 Let them praise His name with dancing (Wll.h;y> [Piel.impf.3.m.p., halal, praise] Amv. [n.m.s.w/3.m.s.sf., shem, name] lAxm'b. [prep.w/n.m.s., machol, dance, dancing]);

Let them sing praises to Him with timbrel and lyre (`Al-WrM.z:y> [Piel.impf.3.m.p. w/3.m.s.sf., zamar, sing praise, make music] @toB. [prep.w/n.m.s., toph, timbrel, tambourine] rANkiw> [conj.w/n.m.s., kinor, harp, lyre]).

Adornment (v.4)

VERSE 4 For the LORD takes pleasure in His people (hc,Ar-yKi [conj. +, ratsah, be pleased with] hw"hy> [pr.n.] AM[;B. [prep.w/n.m.s.w/3.m.s.sf., am, people]);

He will beautify the afflicted ones with salvation (raep'y> [Piel.impf.3.m.s., pa-ar, glorify, adorn, beautify] ~ywIn"[] [adj.m.p., ana, poor, afflicted, meek; cp. Gk., praei/j] `h['WvyBi [prep.w/n.f.s., yeshu-ah, salvation, deliverance]).

Waiting for His Coming (v.5)

VERSE 5 Let the godly ones exult in glory (~ydIysix] [adj.m.p., chasidh, loyal, devoted] Wzl.[.y: [Qal.impf.3.m.s., alaz, exult, triumph, be jubilant; 18X] dAbk'B. [prep.w/n.m.s., kabhodh, glory]);

Let them sing for joy on their beds (WnN>r;y> [Piel.impf.3.m.p., ranan, cry out, give a resounding cry] `~t'AbK.v.mi-l[; [prep. + n.m.p.w/3.m.p.sf., mishekabh, bed, couch]).


  1. While the previous psalm summoned the whole of creation to praise, reserving Israel’s part in it for the final verse, here it is her praise and calling that fill the song.
  2. That verse, Ps.148:14, is the seed from which this psalm was developed.
  3. Of the seven words of v.14b-c, six occur in Ps.149, but only one in Ps.148.
  4. The subject of Ps.149, generated by Ps.148:14, has to do with Israel’s prophetic destiny in the coming Kingdom when she is safe for all time and blessed beyond imagination.
  5. This psalm envisages a situation that occasions joy of deliverance following a military deliverance from international aggression (vv.6-9).
  6. The song begins and ends with the call to "Praise Yah!/Hallelujah!".
  7. A "new song" suggests a new situation, and it is clearly a song of victory.
  8. The sense in which a "new song" is to be understood varies with the context in which it occurs (cp. Pss.33:3; 40:3; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1; Isa.42:10; Rev.5:9; 14:3).
  9. The historical setting of Ps.149 is the Kingdom Age – the Millennium.
  10. The song is a song of praise arising out of Israel’s deliverance, and exaltation at the coming of her Messiah, Jesus Christ.
  11. At the Second Advent of Christ, all born-again Jews of the Age of Israel, as well as those who come to faith in the Tribulation, will be present and accounted for.
  12. OT saints receive their resurrection at the outset of the 1,000 years.
  13. A new song will be composed in celebration of Israel’s good fortune.
  14. So they are singing of no less an event than the Second Advent, as seen in Pss.93,96-99.
  15. Israel, as one nation under God, will be universally devoted to the Lord their God.
  16. This fact is made apparent by the New Covenant of Jer.31:31-34.
  17. All of this will be fulfilled for Israel when Christ returns (Rom.11:26,27).
  18. This song will be sung when God’s people assemble for worship (v.1b,c).
  19. In v.2-4 the redeemed of the Lord are encouraged to celebrate at all times and in all places and with great festivity.
  20. Verse 2 is a call to the "sons of Zion" to revel in their deliverance and vindication.
  21. God is referred to as "their Maker" and "their King".
  22. Israel’s Maker is the Lord, who gave them their very existence as a people with unique privileges.
  23. The designation "Maker", or "Creator", is used elsewhere (24X: Job.4:17; 32:22; 35:10; 36:3; 40:19; 95:6; 115:15; 149:2; Prov.14:31; 17:5; 22:2; Isa.17:7; 27:11; 29:16; 44:24; 45:9,11; 51:13; 54:5; Jer.10:16; 51:19; Hos.8:14; Hab.2:18).
  24. It is a reminder that if God can create the universe and all it contains, He is equal to the task of delivering all who bear His name from the adversities of the Angelic Conflict.
  25. He is also Israel’s King whose sovereign power will propel her into her destined glory.
  26. "Their king" is God and His agent is Jesus Christ.
  27. Israel will "be glad" and "rejoice/exult" in Yahweh, "their Maker" and "their King", in His presence when He rules over them on the throne of David forever.
  28. The Jews of the kingdom are all "sons of Zion" (3X: Lam.4:2; Joel.2:23).
  29. They are all citizens of the city that bears His name.
  30. In the face of worldwide opposition God will establish His Son on His holy hill (Ps.2).
  31. Israel is enjoined to celebrate their victory in the time-honored fashion as they did after they crossed the Red Sea (v.3; cf. Ex.15:20).
  32. All across the land Israelites will celebrate their blessed condition in the New Age with dancing and music (cp. Judg.11:34).
  33. The music will be very upbeat and charged with energy.
  34. The tambourine and harp will accompany the celebrations, private and public.
  35. His accomplishments (called "His praise") will be exhibited with rhythmical movements to the accompaniment of music (2Sam.6:14; Ps.150:4).
  36. If the people delight in their King it is because their King "takes pleasure in His people" (v.4a).
  37. He forgives and forgets their past and blesses them according to their devotion to Him.
  38. The evidence of His pleasure in His people, Israel, is the nature of the deliverance His "afflicted ones" enjoy, having survived the holocaust of the Great Tribulation.
  39. The positive believing remnant He will "beautify/adorn" with a very, very special "deliverance".
  40. They will go from rags to riches in a most dramatic fashion.
  41. When all seems to be lost, they will be delivered from incredible odds when Christ returns to fight against the combined frenzy of the nations gathered against tiny Israel.
  42. Their desperate plight will be reversed in a way that will energize and thrill His "afflicted ones" beyond comparison.
  43. The deliverance Christ accomplishes will be an adornment that will bring them undying glory.
  44. Like Joseph, they will go from a hopeless dungeon to the pinnacle of pre-eminence.
  45. Their spiritual dynamic will be matched with material prosperity in the Day of Christ.
  46. All of His saints will be adorned with the blessings of the New Age.
Israel Militant (vv.6-9)
Anticipation and Contribution (v.6)

VERSE 6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth (tAmm.Ar [n.m.p.cstr., romemah, uplifting; "high praises"; hapax] lae [n.m.s., el, God, mighty one] ~n"Arg>Bi [prep. w/n.m.s.w/3.m.p.sf., garon, neck, throat]),

And a two-edged sword in their hand (br,x,w> [conj.w/n.f.s., cherebh, sword] tAYpiyPi [n.f.p., piphiyah, edge; 2X: Isa.41:15] `~d'y"B. [prep.w/n.f.s.w/3.m.p.sf., yadh, hand]),

Just Desserts (v.7)

VERSE 7 To execute vengeance on the nations (tAf[]l; [prep.w/Qal.infin.cstr., asah, do; "execute"] hm'q'n> [n.f.s., neqamah, vengeance] ~yIAGB; [, goi, nation],

And punishment on the peoples (txokeAT [n.f.p., tokhechah, rebuke; punishment; 4X: 2Kgs.19:3; Isa.37:3; Hos.5:9] `~yMiau-lB; [adv., not, else; "upon", + adv., le-om, population; "peoples");

Rulers Incapacitated (v.8)

VERSE 8 To bind their kings with chains (rsoa.l, [prep.w/Qal.infin.cstr., asar, bind] ~h,ykel.m; [n.m.p.w/3.m.p.sf., melek, king] ~yQizIB. [prep.w/n.m.p., zeq, fetter, chain]),

And their nobles with fetters of iron (~h,ydeB.k.nIw> [conj.w/, kabhadh, be heavy; be distinguished; "nobles"] yleb.k;B. [prep.w/n.m.p.cstr., kebhel, bond; "fetters"] `lz<r>b; [n.m.s., barezel, iron; oppression {fig.}]);

Prophecy Fulfilled (v.9)

VERSE 9 To execute on them the judgment written (tAf[]l; [prep.w/Qal.infin.cstr., asah, "execute"] ~h,B' [prep.w/3.m.p.sf.; "on them"] jP'v.mi [n.m.s., mishepat, judgment] bWtK' [, kathabh, write]);

This is an honor for all His godly ones (aWh [pro.3.m.s., "This"] rd'h' [n.m.s., hadhar, honor] wyd'ysix]-lk'l. [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr. + adj.m.p., chasidh, devoted]).

Praise the LORD (`Hy"-Wll.h; [Piel.imper., halal, + pr.n.])!


  1. This section has a decidedly militant tone.
  2. It glorifies the events that bring about the happy state of affairs envisaged in vv.1-4.
  3. The focus of these verses is the believing remnant that is under siege in the last half of the Tribulation.
  4. The crux of this interpretation is the natural reading of vv.5b-9.
  5. Notice that the word "Let" in v.6a is in italics and therefore not a part of the original Hebrew.
  6. Verses 5b and 6 read: "Let them sing/shout for joy on their beds, the high praises of God in their mouths, and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations...".
  7. "The godly ones" specifically refers to Jews who defend their homeland (Jerusalem) against a determined foe that has strength in numbers.
  8. All of God’s chosen people in every place and in every situation will celebrate the victory that their warrior king will give them.
  9. But here the focus is upon those believers who will actually take up arms and fight the enemy who lays siege to Jerusalem in the waning days of the Tribulation (see v.6b).
  10. Verse 6b clearly draws our attention to certain "godly ones" (v.5a) as over against a wider company of "godly ones" (cf. v.9b).
  11. These Jewish saints will resist, like the saints who stood up against the Greek tyrant, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, who terrorized Israel in 175-164BC (Dan.11:21-35).
  12. A righteous insurrection on the part of certain Jews called the Maccabees, named after their leader Judas Maccabeas ("the hammer"; cf. Dan.11:32), resisted overwhelming odds with great effect.
  13. These believers are called upon to celebrate the victory in which they have a share in vv.5-6a.
  14. These "godly ones" will enjoy a particular niche of glory, having fought on the winning side against overwhelming odds.
  15. They are enjoined to "exult" or "be jubilant in glory", meaning that they are to take special delight in the glory of battlefield victory made possible by the timely appearing of Christ in the heavens.
  16. Even at night they will utter whoops of joy on their beds as they relive their participation in the ultimate victory – the Armageddon Campaign.
  17. So vv.5-6a relate to the post-victory ecstatics of the "godly ones" who courageously delay the aggressor until Christ appears with fury to insure that their efforts are not in vain.
  18. They will utter "the high praises of God" in the night (Job.35:10; Ps.42:8).
  19. This celebration could be when they retire and/or when they are reclining, taking their meals according to the ancient custom.
  20. "In their mouth" they will express "the high praises (1X) of God", and "in their hand" will be "a two-edged sword", which is a reference to the weapons they will have to fight the invaders.
  21. These believers are mentioned elsewhere by the prophets (Ps.110:3; Zech.12:6,8).
  22. Their heroic and doctrinally-inspired contribution is validated by the intervention of their Messiah, who will lay upon the enemy a gruesome plague that will devastate the nations who dare to destroy His chosen people (Zech.14:12-15).
  23. While the Messiah is the principal contributor on the side of righteousness, His people will share in the battlefield victory and the judgment against the leaders who sent their armies against Israel (cf. Dan.7:21,22).
  24. The final result of their efforts, made efficacious through the advent of Christ, is stated in vv.7-9a.
  25. The national entities who participated, along with their populations and men of power, will all suffer their just "punishment" as "pay-back" ("vengeance") for the crime of attempted genocide against the chosen race.
  26. The "movers and shakers", called "their kings" and "their nobles", will be "bound with chains and fetters of iron", which is a metaphorical reference to their confinement in eternal torment as a result of the baptism of fire.
  27. The nations will be dismantled in the judgment upon the nations soon after the warfare has ended (Dan.7:26).
  28. All surviving unbelievers will be removed from the earth at the outset of the Millenium.
  29. The language of v.8 is in accordance with the ignominy that came upon losing nations in ancient times.
  30. Their leaders were shackled and either executed, exiled, enslaved, or imprisoned.
  31. The judgment upon the unbelieving and anti-Semitic nations of the Tribulation is further specified as that which is in accordance with the many prophetic statements found in Scripture (v.9a).
  32. The seven-year campaign against the wicked of the earth is detailed in many verses in the Old and New Testaments.
  33. "The judgment written" cannot be overturned; it will all come to pass in all its detail.
  34. This will be a time of "honor" for all that stood on the side of doctrine when they were the hated and abused minority (v.9b).
  35. "All His godly ones" includes a vast collection of saints who, down through the ages, suffered reprisal and insult for supporting the cause of BD.
  36. All who hold fast to the tenets of BD throughout the ages will be honored with positions of distinction in the Kingdom Age (cf. Rev.2:26).
  37. The psalm ends appropriately with a simple "Praise the LORD!".
AUGUST, 1998

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