  1. One Man’s Vow to Praise God (vv.1-3)
  2. Praise Throughout History (vv.4-7)
  3. In Praise of the Coming Kingdom (vv.8-13)
  4. God’s Providential Mercies (vv.14-16)
  5. God’s Righteous Ways (vv.17-20)
  6. Resolve to Join the Chorus of Praise (v.21)
TITLE A Psalm of Praise, of David (hL'hiT. [n.f.s., tehillah, praise] dwId'l. [prep.w/pr.n.]).


  1. In form, Ps.145 is a modified acrostic poem.
  2. Each verse begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet, except for the letter nun, missing between vv.13 and 14.
  3. Nun does occur in a reading from a text from Qumran.
  4. In terms of classification Ps.145 is a hymn, like the acrostic of Ps.111.
  5. The heading "Praise" so categorizes it.
  6. David alternates between direct address (second person) in vv.1,2,4-7,10-13,15,16 and indirect address (third person) in vv.3,8,14,17-21.
  7. This great outpouring of adoration is the last psalm of David in the Book of Psalms, and the last of eight acrostics found there, of which no less than five bear David’s name.
One Man’s Vow to Praise God (vv.1-3)

VERSE 1 I will extol You, my God, O King (^m.miAra] [Piel.impf.1.c.s.w/2.m.s.sf., rum, to rise, be high, be exalted; "to extol"] yh;Ala/ [n.m.p.w/1.c.s.sf., Elohim] %l,M,h; [, melek, king]);

And I will bless Your name forever and ever (hk'r]b'a]w: [conj.w/Piel.impf.1.c.s., barak, bless] ^ [n.m.s.w/2.m.s.sf., shem, name] ~l'A[l. [prep.w/n.m.s, olam, ever] `d[,w" [conj.w/n.m.s, adh, until]).


VERSE 2 Every day I will bless You (~Ay-lk'B [prep.w/n.m.s., kal, all, + n.m.s., yom, day] &'k,r]b'a] [Piel.impf.1.c.s.w/2.m.s.sf., barak, bless]),

And I will praise Your name forever and ever (hl'l.h;a]w: [conj.w/Piel.impf.1.c.s., halal, to shine; praise] ^ [n.m.s.w/2.m.s.sf., shem, name] ~l'A[l. [prep.w/n.m.s., olam, ever] `d[,w" [conj.w/n.m.s., perpetuity, forever]).


VERSE 3 Great is the LORD, and highly to be praised (lAdG" [adj.m.s, gadhol, great] hw"hy> [pr.n.] lL'hum.W [conj.w/, halal, praise] daom. [adv., me-odh, exceedingly]);

And His greatness is unsearchable (AtL'dug>liw> [conj.w/prep.w/n.f.s.w/3.m.s.sf., gedhullah, greatness] !yae [adv., ayin, nothing] `rq,xe [n.m.s., cheqer, a search, investigation, inquiry; "His greatness is an inquiry for naught"]).


  1. The praise of God, which came easily to David’s lips in other psalms, made use of expressions such as "Rock", "Fortress", and "Deliverer", words which sprang from personal experience.
  2. Here, he broadens his approach to glory in God’s greatness and universal care.
  3. Through the psalm his personal praise will be mingled with that of all generations and all creatures.
  4. The featured Hebrew stem is the Piel, which is the intensive of the Qal.
  5. He uses three verbs in vv.1,2 in presenting his vow to render God His rightful praise.
  6. "I will extol" (Piel.impf., ~wr, rum, to lift up), "I will bless" (Piel.impf., %rB, barak, bless; 2X), and "I will praise" (Piel.impf., llh, halal, to praise) are the three verbs chosen to express his desire to render God His due.
  7. His vow is ambitious in that it covers the balance of his life, including a daily expression of praise (v.2a), even extending on into the eternal future (vv.1b,2b).
  8. Nothing less is sufficient.
  9. He addresses God by the royal title "O King", a theme which he develops in the psalm.
  10. The title "King" emphasizes God’s sovereignty and power over the works of His hands.
  11. Scripture affirms that God reigns over the universe from His place in heaven (Pss.47:7,8; 93:1; 96:10; 99:1; Rev.19:16).
  12. David, an absolute monarch, looks to God as his sovereign and master.
  13. God has His way in the life of every creature, even though huge masses of humanity are in open rebellion against His Righteousness.
  14. God, who is eternal, reigns forever, even when things on earth appear to be out of control (cf. Pss.29:10; 10:16).
  15. He rewards righteousness and judges wickedness; nothing escapes His net.
  16. As King, God is perfect Justice, showing no respect of persons.
  17. He has regard for those who find themselves in the lowest of circumstances when they call upon Him.
  18. As one who is perfect in knowledge, He sees everything that is going on.
  19. So David decides that he, for one, will render to God the verbal acclaim that He is due.
  20. He will do this forever and on a daily basis.
  21. Praise/thanks is a spiritual sacrifice that brings glory to God (Heb.13:15).
  22. In indirect address David asserts that Yahweh is "great and utterly praiseworthy".
  23. His greatness is based on His incomparable attributes and on His accomplishments from creation onward.
  24. God is so great in the psalmist’s mind that there is no possibility that his praise will ever be interrupted.
  25. He will praise God throughout his Ph2 regardless of the nature of his days on earth, be they days of prosperity or adversity.
  26. He does not concede the possibility of any interruption in his praise of God, as seen in v.2.
  27. He will continue to praise God in Ph3 (vv.1b,2b).
  28. There is no worthier and more exhaustless object of praise (v.3).
  29. Yahweh is great, and greatly to be praised.
  30. Yahweh’s greatness is beyond the ability of man to unveil.
  31. It just goes on and on and on.
  32. "His greatness" is manifest in all His works and all His ways.
  33. His plan of grace is the supreme showcase of His greatness.
  34. The legacy of His greatness will continue beyond time into the ages of eternity future.
Praise Throughout History (vv.4-7)

VERSE 4 One generation shall praise Your works to another (rAD [n.m.s., dor, generation] xB;v;y> [Piel.impf.3.m.s., shabhach, to soothe; to laud; "praise"] ^yf,[]m; [n.m.p.w/2.m.s.sf., ma-aseh, deed, work] rAdl. [prep.w/n.m.s., dor; "to another"]),

And shall declare Your mighty acts (`WdyGIy: [Hiphil.impf.3.m.p., naghadh, to be conspicuous, tell, make known] ^yt,roWbg>W [conj.w/n.f.p.w/2.m.s.sf., gebhurah, strength, mighty acts]).



VERSE 5 On the glorious splendor of Your majesty (rd;h] [n.m.s.cstr., hadhar, splendor] dAbK. [n.m.s.cstr., kebhodh, glory; "glorious"] ^d,Ah [n.m.s.w/2.m.s.sf., hudh, majesty; literally, "On the splendor of the glory of Your majesty"]),

And on Your wonderful works, I will meditate (yreb.dIw> [conj.w/n.m.p.cstr., dabhar, speech; acts {by extension}] ^yt,Aal.p.nI [, pala, be marvelous, wonderful] `hx'yfia' [Qal.impf.1.c.s., siach, meditate]).


VERSE 6 And men shall speak of the power of Your awesome acts (WrmeayO [Qal.impf.3.m.p., amar, speak] zWz[/w< [conj.w/n.m.s., azur, fierceness; 5X: Pss.24:8; 78:4; 145:6; Isa.42:25; 43:17] ^yt,aor>An [, yare, fear; to be feared; "awesome acts"]);

And I will tell of Your greatness (`hN"r,P.s;a] [Piel.impf.1.c.s.w/3f.s.sf., saphar, to recount, tell] ^t.L'Wdg>W [conj.w/n.f.s.w/2.m.s.sf., gedullah, greatness]).


VERSE 7 They shall eagerly utter the memory of Your abundant goodness (W[yBiy: [Hiphil.impf.3.m.p., nabha, to flow, pour, gush forth; to cause to bubble forth; "eagerly utter"] rk,zE [n.m.s.cstr., zekher, memorial, remembrance] ^b.Wj-br; [adj.m.s., rabh, great, abundant, + n.m.s.w/2.m.s.sf., tobh, good, goodness]),

And will shout joyfully of Your righteousness (`WnNEr;y> [Piel.impf.3.m.p., ranan, to give a resounding cry] ^t.q'd>ciw> [conj.w/n.f.s.w/2.m.s.sf., tsedhaqah, righteousness]).


  1. Even though it is impossible to detail the greatness of God, His greatness has, however, been revealed (and is being revealed).
  2. God’s praise is based on what we know about God and His works.
  3. Each generation transmits God’s praise (i.e., record of His accomplishments) to the positive volition of the next generation (cf. Pss.74:12-17; 95:3-7).
  4. When the Biblical tradition is faithfully transmitted to the next generation, v.4 is realized.
  5. The verb "shall praise" means to speak highly of (v.4a).
  6. The verb "shall declare" means to provide the necessary detail (God is in the details).
  7. An example is the Red Sea Crossing.
  8. The best way to be faithful to this glorious transmission of the praise of Yahweh is to study the WOG verse by verse, book by book.
  9. Of course, the record of His praise includes the detailed history of all things.
  10. The psalmist recognizes himself to be a link in this living chain of praise of the great King (v.5).
  11. So being a very positive believer in his generation, he spent a lot of time thinking about the incomparable essence of the great King (v.5a) and upon His "wonderful works".
  12. The language of v.5a, namely, "the glorious splendor of Your majesty", befits a royal person.
  13. The psalmist recognizes that there will be others who are positive and enthusiastic over the greatness of Yahweh (v.6).
  14. The others include positive believers from every generation who "shall speak of the power of the awesome acts".
  15. "The power" is God’s ability to do what it takes to advance His plan.
  16. We call this His Omnipotence.
  17. The psalmist is determined to add his witness to that of a much wider audience (v.5b).
  18. He will recount in detail ("will tell") those incidents that contribute to the record of Yahweh’s unsearchable greatness (v.6b).
  19. The details are what make the story believable and stimulating to the hearer.
  20. It is not only important to tell what the King has done, but to tell how He did it.
  21. In v.7 the way is paved for the second reason of praise, which is formally stated in vv.8,9.
  22. It is not just the awe-inspiring majesty of Yahweh that is the stimulus for His people to recount His exploits, but it is the moral impetus that compels God to act.
  23. The psalmist recognizes that men "shall eagerly utter the memory of" God’s "abundant goodness" (v.7a).
  24. When God executes "wonderful" or "awe-inspiring works" in the history of His people, He does so out of His inherent goodness and perfect righteousness.
  25. When subsequent generations of His people relate these things to the next generation, they do so with enthusiasm (v.7).
  26. There is something the matter with you if, for instance, the study of the history of the Exodus Generation is not stimulating.
  27. Furthermore, all positive believers should have a zeal to relate the things they learn about in Bible class.
  28. The words "eagerly utter" and "shall shout joyfully" indicate enthusiasm.
  29. The "awesome acts" were not only displays of God’s power, but they manifested His "abundant goodness" towards His people and His "righteousness".
  30. In the case of the deliverance at the Red Sea, God’s "abundant goodness" was manifest toward Israel, and His "righteousness" was manifest in His judgment upon the Egyptians.
  31. Positive volition is eager to tell of these things and rejoices in the outcome.
  32. In summary, David’s own praise, however extended, is inadequate for its subject, so he recognizes the reality of generational praise of God for His deeds of deliverance.
  33. He will do his part, but many others will join him in enthusiastic and intelligent praise of God.
  34. The praise of God includes the recitation of a redemptive event in the life of His people with a view to accurately and thoroughly presenting the Biblical data.
In Praise of the Coming Kingdom (vv.8-13)

VERSE 8 The LORD is gracious and merciful (hw"hy> [pr.n.] !WNx; [adj.m.s., chanan, gracious] ~Wxr;w> [conj.w/adj.m.s., rachum, compassionate; always of God]);

Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness (%r,a, [adj.m.s., arakh, long, slow, patient] ~yIP;a; [n.m.dual, nostril, anger] `ds,x'-ld'g>W [conj.w/adj.m.s.cstr., gadhol, great, + n.m.s., chesed]).


VERSE 9 The LORD is good to all (hw"hy>-bAj [adj.m.s., tobh, good, + pr.n.] lKol; [prep.w/n.m.s., all]),

And His mercies are over all His works (wym'x]r;w> [conj.w/n.m.p.w/2.m.s.sf., rachamim, womb; in the plural intensive of compassion/mercy; "mercies"] `wyf'[]m;-lK'-l[; [prep., al, over, + n.m.s.cstr., kal, all, + n.m.p.w/3.m.s.sf., ma-aseh, deed, work]).


VERSE 10 All Your works shall give thanks to You, O LORD (^yf,[]m;-lK' [n.m.s., kal, all, + n.m.p.w/2.m.s.sf., ma-aseh, work] ^WdAy [Hiphil.impf.3.m.p.w/2.m.s.sf., yadha, give thanks] hw"hy> [pr.n.]),

And Your godly ones shall bless You (^yd,ysix]w: [conj.w/adj.m.p.w/2.m.s.sf., chasidh, devoted, loyal, godly] `hk'Wkr]b'y> [Piel.impf.3.m.p.w/2.m.s.sf., barakh, bless]).


VERSE 11 They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom (WrmeayO [Qal.impf.3.m.p., amar, speak] dAbK. [n.m.s.cstr., kabhodh, glory] ^t.Wkl.m; [n.f.s.w/2.m.s.sf., malekhuth, royal power, kingdom]),

And talk of Your power (`WrBed;y> [Piel.impf.3.m.p., dabhar, speak] ^t.r'Wbg>W [conj.w/n.f.s. w/2.m.s.sf., gebhurah, strength; mighty deeds; as in v.4b]);



VERSE 12 To make known to the sons of men Your mighty acts ([;ydIAhl. [prep.w/Hiphil.infin.cstr., yadha, make known] [prep.w/n.m.p.cstr., ben, son] ~d'a'h' [, adham, man] wyt'roWbG> [n.f.p.w/2.m.s.sf., geburah, mighty deed]),

And the glory of the majesty of Your kingdom (dAbk.W [conj.w/n.m.s.cstr., kabhodh, glory] rd;h] [n.m.s.cstr., hadhar, splendor, majesty] `AtWkl.m; [n.f.s.w/2.m.s.sf., malekhuth, kingdom]).


VERSE 13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom (^t.Wkl.m; [n.f.s.w/2.m.s.sf., malekhuth, kingdom] ~ymil'[o-lK' [n.m.s.cstr., kal, + n.m.p., olam, long duration, everlasting] tWkl.m; [n.m.s.cstr., malekuth, kingdom]),

And Your dominion endures throughout all generations (^T.l.v,m.m,W [conj.w/n.f.s. w/2.m.s.sf., memeshalah, dominion, rule] rAD-lk'B. [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr., kal, all, + n.m.s., dor, generation] `rAdw" [conj.w/n.m.s., dor]).


  1. Verse 7 opens the way for the statement of God’s self-revelation of Himself at Sinai (v.8; cp. Ex.34:6).
  2. Verse 8 repeats Ex.34:6 almost word for word.
  3. This was one of the most quoted sayings in the O.T. (Ex.34:6; cp. Num.14:18; Neh.9:17; Pss.86:15; 103:8; 111:4; 112:4; 145:8; Joel.2:13; Jonah.4:2).
  4. The original saying arose from the request of Moses, "Show me Your glory", to which it is the reply.
  5. When Jonah quoted this verse back to God with disapproval, he received a reply which confirmed not only the truth of our v.8, but extended its reach to include the cattle of Ninevah (Jonah.4:2,11)!
  6. God revealed Himself to be a God who "is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness".
  7. He revealed Himself as a God of grace and compassion.
  8. Corollary to this is the fact that God is "slow to anger", which means he allows people more than sufficient time to make the adjustments to His plan.
  9. Also, He staunchly supports the principle of grace, as seen in the words "great in lovingkindness".
  10. Yahweh, the great and mighty King, is good to all.
  11. Like every monarch worthy of the name, He cares for the subjects of His realm.
  12. The fact that God is "good to all" is seen in the fact that God has made the provision of salvation available to every individual.
  13. God provides common grace for the masses of mankind.
  14. God’s "mercies" (grace in action) are seen in His dealings with all "His works", not just mankind.
  15. Yahweh’s common grace is not only manifest toward the chosen people, but towards all His creatures.
  16. The creation again and again is a showcase of God’s mercy and grace.
  17. It is only fitting that all the world should respond in thanksgiving to its generous benefactor (v.10a).
  18. The creation, by the mere fact of being, renders appreciation for who and what the Creator is (Pss.103:22; 19:1).
  19. The creation reflects the Creator, and so in this sense gives Him His due.
  20. While this is not a conscious activity, God is glorified by what He has set in place.
  21. The highest category of praise/thanks rendered to God is from believers, called in v.10b "godly ones".
  22. Only man can know true gratitude, while the rest of God’s works proclaim Him by what they are, and do so perfectly (Ps.19:1-6).
  23. One of the ways in which His godly ones bless His name (v.10b) is when they "speak of the glory of" the "kingdom" and "talk of" His "power" (v.11).
  24. Only informed believers can speak intelligently about the reign of God upon earth, that is, when the will of God will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  25. Their audience is their fellow man who is willing to listen to what they have to say (v.12).
  26. Whenever believers speak of the coming of the Lord and the establishment of the kingdom of God upon the earth, they are fulfilling vv.10b-12.
  27. Again, the real impact of all this is in the details.
  28. A study of the Rapture generation and the Tribulation to follow informs men regarding the things God has planned for this world.
  29. The kingdom that arises out of the Second Advent of Christ is above all else a kingdom that is "everlasting", enduring "throughout all generations" from the historical point of its inception.
  30. When we speak of the earthly kingdom of Messiah, we are speaking of a kingdom that cannot and will not pass away (v.13).
  31. This is in complete contrast to the kingdoms of man, which come and go (cf. Dan.7).
  32. Such a kingdom befits the King that is worthy of all praise.
  33. O.T. believers were privy to this information from a very early date (Jude.14; Heb.11:9,10).
  34. In v.13 the psalmist speaks of the central, most important feature of the kingdom: the fact that it will not pass away.
God’s Providential Mercies (vv.14-16)

VERSE 14 The LORD sustains all who fall (hw"hy> [pr.n.] %meAs [, samach, to lean, support, sustain] ~ylip.NOh;-lk'l. [prep.w/n.m.s., kal, all, +, naphal, fall]),

And raises up all who are bowed down (@qeAzw> [conj.w/, zaqaph, to raise up; 2X: Pss.145:14; 146:8] `~ypiWpK.h;-lk'l. [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr., kal, +, kaphah, to bend, bow down]).


VERSE 15 The eyes of all look to You (lko-ynEy[ [n.m.dual.cstr., ayin, eye, + n.m.s., kal] WrBef;y> [Piel.impf.3.m.p., sabhar, examine; wait upon; "look"] ^yl,ae [prep.w/2.m.s.sf.; "to You"]),

And You give them their food in due time (hT'a;w> [conj.w/] ~h,l'-!teAn [, nathan, give, + prep.w/3.m.p.sf.; "them"] ~l'k.a'-ta, [dir.obj. + n.m.s.w/3.m.p.sf., okhel, food] `AT[iB. [prep.w/n.f.s.w/3.m.s.sf., eth, time]).


VERSE 16 You open Your hand (x;teAP [, pathach, open] ^d,y"-ta, [dir.obj. + n.f.s.w/2.m.s.sf., yadh, hand]),

And satisfy the desire of every living thing ([;yBif.m;W [conj.w/, sabha, to satisfy] `!Acr' [n.m.s., ratson, pleasure, desire] yx;-lk'l. [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr., kal, + adj.m.s., chay, living thing]).


  1. The verses which follow expand upon the theme of vv.8,9 with examples from life’s emergencies and regularities.
  2. Yahweh’s royal patronage is extended toward every living thing.
  3. Four aspects of life testify to His concern and constancy.
  4. In v.14 He is said to provide help for the inadequate.
  5. In line 1 the reading is, literally, "all who are falling", suggesting timely help at an early stage of a crisis.
  6. This aspect of God’s providential help is coupled in line 2 with His ability to revive lost hope and failed abilities.
  7. Obviously the noun "all" does not mean that God helps everyone who is in distress.
  8. He does come to the aid of those who look to Him in their distress.
  9. The vast majority does not call upon Him from a pure (positive) heart.
  10. The King comes to the aid of those subjects who are the targets of persecution or who turn to Him in their distress.
  11. There has got to be a qualifier or v.14 is not true.
  12. He also supplies resources for the hungry throughout the world.
  13. Verse 15a reflects the connotation of hopeful waiting and dependency.
  14. This complex and elaborate provision is punctuated with starvation, which usually indicates God’s wrath.
  15. All living things "look to" God and He supplies them "their food in due season".
  16. He in fact "satisfies the desire of every living thing" (v.16b) through His power to maintain all the factors that contribute to the feeding of every organism.
God’s Righteous Ways (vv.17-20)

VERSE 17 The LORD is righteous in all His ways (hw"hy> [pr.n.] qyDIc; [adj.m.s., tsediq, righteous, just] wyk'r'D>-lk'B. [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr., kal, all, + n.m.p.w/3.m.s.sf., derek, way]),

And kind in all His deeds (dysix'w> [conj.w/adj.m.s., chasidh, kind, loyal] `wyf'[]m;-lk'B. [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr., kal, all, + n.m.p.w/3.m.s.sf., ma-aseh, deed]).


VERSE 18 The LORD is near to all who call upon Him (hw"hy> [pr.n.] bArq' [adj.m.s., qarobh, near] wya'r>qo-lk'l. [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr. +, qara, call]),

To all who call upon Him in truth (lkol. [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr., kal, all] rv,a] [, asher, who] Whaur'q.yI [Qal.impf.3.m.p.w/3.m.s.sf., qara, call] `tm,a/b, [, emeth, truth]).


VERSE 19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him (hf,[]y: [Qal.impf.3.m.s., asah, do, accomplish; "will fulfill"] wya'rey>-!Acr> [n.m.s.cstr., ratson, pleasure, desire, +, yare, fear]);

He will also hear their cry and will save them ([m;v.yI [Qal.impf.3.m.s., shama, hear] ~t'['w>v;-ta,w> [conj.w/dir.obj. marker + n.f.s.w/3.m.p.sf., shawe-ah, cry] `~[eyviAyw> [conj. w/Hiphil.impf.3.m.s.w/3.m.p.sf., yasha, save, deliver]).


VERSE 20 The LORD keeps all who love Him (hw"hy> [pr.n.] rmeAv [, shamar, keep] wyb'h]ao-lK'-ta, [dir.obj. + n.m.s.cstr., kal, all, +, ahabh, love]);

But all the wicked, He will destroy (taew> [conj.w/dir.obj.] ~y[iv'r>h'-lK' [n.m.s.cstr. +, rasha, wicked, criminal, guilty] `dymiv.y: [Hiphil.impf.3.m.s., shamadh, destroy]).

Resolve to Join the Chorus of Praise (v.21)

VERSE 21 My mouth will speak the praise of the LORD (yPi-rB,d;y> [Piel.impf.3.m.s., dabar, speak, + n.m.s.w/1.c.s.sf., peh, mouth]) tL;hiT. [n.f.s.cstr., tehillah, praise] hw"hy> [pr.n.]);

And all flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever (%reb'ywI [conj. w/jPiel.impf.3.m.s., barak, bless] rf'B'-lK' [n.m.s.cstr. + n.m.s., basar, flesh] Avd>q' [n.m.s., qodesh, holiness, set-apartness] ~ve [n.m.s.cstr., shem, name] `d[,w" ~l'A[l. [prep.w/n.m.s., olam, ever] `d[,w" [conj.w/n.m.s., adh, perpetuity]).


  1. The theme of the King’s providential care continues in these verses.
  2. This section is introduced by a proposition regarding the integrity of Yahweh (v.17).
  3. It is fundamental to our understanding of God and His ways.
  4. "All His ways" are in accordance with the immutable attribute of +R.
  5. Anything the King of heaven sponsors, it partakes of His +R.
  6. God cannot do any less than He is.
  7. If God did it, it is +R.
  8. In v.17b David declares all God’s deeds to be reflective of His total devotion (chesed) to what He sponsors.
  9. "All his ways" (course of action) are righteous", and "in all His deeds" He proves Himself loyal ("kind").
  10. Another activity Yahweh is known for is His willingness to be "near to all who call upon Him" (v.18).
  11. He is a God who answers prayer.
  12. If He does not answer a prayer is it because the person is in violation of the protocol of prayer.
  13. This is hinted at in line 2 of v.18, where the qualifier "in truth" indicates a spiritual prerequisite.
  14. Isaiah 55:6,7 supplies a warning with respect to answered prayer.
  15. Two things are paramount: (a) men should call upon Him before it is too late, and (b) men should repent of their evil.
  16. "The LORD is near" indicates His willingness to act on behalf of anyone who calls upon Him from an informed and honest heart.
  17. For those who fear Him, which is evidenced by their learning and applying the commandments, He fulfills "the desire of the heart" (v.19a).
  18. Those who fear Him have a distinctive edge when adversity throws them on the mercies of God (v.19b).
  19. So in terms of prosperity or adversity, those who fear Him have the distinct advantage.
  20. The theme of the King’s protection of His supporters continues in v.20a.
  21. Those who love Him are those who honor Him in word and deed.
  22. He looks out for those who fear Him.
  23. The fear of the Lord is to acquire wisdom.
  24. Verse 20b is the only direct mention of "the wicked" in the psalm.
  25. But it would hardly be a psalm of David without this shadow!
  26. Nor would God’s character be fully seen apart from His uncompromising judgment.
  27. "All the wicked, He will destroy" when He removes them individually from among the living and when He, the King of kings, rules over the earth in Righteousness and Justice.
  28. The final point of doctrine (v.20b) addresses those who disregard and flout the King’s moral and spiritual laws.
  29. Verse 20 is a good example of antithetical parallelism in Hebrew poetry.
  30. Those who love the King are those who do His royal directives, and those who hate him tend to do the opposite.
  31. The two have opposite ends.
  32. He watches over ("keeps") those who love Him, but reserves punitive destruction upon those who hate Him.
  33. The psalmist concludes his poem by repeating his vow to praise the great King (v.21; cp. vv.1,2), for which he has just covered additional grounds in vv.14-20.
  34. His voice of praise will be but one among an innumerable multitude when the family of God will praise Him in the eternal state "forever and ever".
  35. It is good and prudent to praise Him daily for His considerable grace benefits.
  36. Think of all the reasons you have to "bless His holy name".
  37. The list is extensive.
  38. Daily food (living grace), deliverance from adversity, the fulfillment of the desires of the heart, and the final elimination of the wicked are but a few of His blessings.
JULY, 1998

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