Summons to Israel to Acknowledge Chesed (vss.1-4)
Israel's Confidence in the Tribulation (vss.5-9)
Israel's Confidence at the 2nd Advent (vss.10-14)
Israel Prevails Under Divine Discipline (vss.15-18)
Israel's Vow to Render Thanks in the Kingdom (vss.19-21)
Israel Welcomes Her Victor (vss.22-29)
The final of the Hallel Psalms (Pss.113-117), was sung in connection with
Passover, and was the hymn sung by Christ and His disciples before He retired
to Gethsemane (Mt.26:30; Mk.14:26).
This psalm is prophetic/messianic dealing with Israel's deliverance at
the 2nd Advent.
The psalm projects a large throng coming to the Temple to offer thanks
for deliverance out of the Great Tribulation.
Towards its conclusion a single individual is the center of attention as
He makes His way to the Temple.
Whereas Ps.116 celebrates a purely private deliverance, this psalm encompasses
a victory celebration that is worthy of a king and his grateful subjects.
The psalm ends with the entire procession arriving at the bronze altar
Our Lord applied this psalm to himself as every student of the Gospels
is aware (Mt.21:42 cp. vs.22 and Mt.23:39 cp. vs.26).
Whenever this psalm was written, whether in connection with the completion
and dedication of the second temple (Neh.8:13-19), or some other occasion,
it seems to have been sung in a triumphal procession culminating in sacrifice
in the house of the Lord.
The Summons (vs.1)
VERSE 1 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good ( WdAh
[Hiphil.imper.2.m.p. , throw, cast, shoot; to give thanks, confess] hw"hyl;
[conj.w/pr.n.] bAj-yKi [prep. + adj.m.s., good]);
For His lovingkindness is everlasting ( yKi
[prep.] ADs.x; [n.m.s.w/3.m.s.sf.,
ds,x, chesed] ~l'A[l.
Public Acclaim (vs. 2)
VERSE 2 Oh let Israel say ( laer'f.yI
[pr.n.] an"-rm;ayO
[Qal.imperf.3.m.s. rma
, say + part. of entreaty, "Oh"]),
"His lovingkindness is everlasting ( ADs.x;
[n.m.s.w/3.m.s.sf.] yKi
[conj.] ~l'A[l.
[prep.w/ n.m.s.])."
VERSE 3 Oh let the house of Aaron say ( an"-Wrm.ayO
[Qal.imperf.3.m.p., amar + part.] !roh]a;-tybe
[n.m.s.cstr. + pr.n.]),
"His lovingkindness is everlasting ( yKi
[conj.] ADs.x; [n.m.s.w/3.m.s.sf.]
~l'A[l. [prep.w/ n.m.s.])."
VERSE 4 Oh let those who fear the LORD say ( an"-Wrm.ayO
[Qal.impf.3.m.p., amar + part.] yaer>yI
[ ary
, yare, fear]),
"His lovingkindness is everlasting ( yKi
[conj.] ADs.x; [n.m.s.w/3.m.s.sf.]
~l'A[l. [prep.w/ n.m.s.])."
The psalm opens with a general call to all who know and love the truth
to Give thanks to Yahweh.
For He is good specifies the reason.
His goodness is seen in His keeping covenant promises to Israel.
The context is the Kingdom Age, when all Israel and the believing nations
are present and accounted for in the Age of Christ (Millennium).
For He is good, For His loyalty/devotion is everlasting is the basis
for the call to render thanks.
The divine characteristic called chesed is a part of the overall
quality we call the goodness of God.
Chesed (255X) is a noun which is of the same root as the Hebrew
word for stork.
Storks are noted for their exceptional devotion to their young.
Chesed is at the foundation of God's covenant relationship to Israel
as seen in Ex.34:6,7.
In the Millennial Age it will be transparently clear that God has upheld
all His promises to Israel when she is safe and prosperous, one nation
from many generations under her Messiah, Jesus Christ.
The Abrahamic, Davidic, Mosaic, and New Covenants will all be fulfilled
with no promise or detail of prophecy left unfulfilled.
At that time the whole house of Israel, beginning with the first Jew, Abraham,
is to declare the eternal chesed of the Lord (vs.2).
The Aaronic priesthood established in the days of Moses, and which will
be functional in the millennial Temple, is to affirm the wonderful fact
that His loyalty/devotion is everlasting (vs.3).
Furthermore, all God-fearers of the Age are to affirm it (vs.4).
In Jer.33:11 there is a prophecy declaring that Israel will indeed celebrate
their restored fortunes and declare the goodness and chesed of their
The same three groups specified in these verses are mentioned in Ps.115:9-11.
Israel's Confidence in the Tribulation (vss.5-9)
The Call for Help and the Answer (vs.5)
VERSE 5 From my distress I called upon the LORD (
rc;Meh;-!mi [prep.,
from, + n.m.s.rc;me
, metsar, distress; 3X: Ps.116:3; 118:5; Lam.1:3] ytiar'q'
[, qara, call] HY"
The LORD answered me and set me in a large place (
Hy" [pr.n.]
hn[ anah, answer] bx'r>M,b;
[prep.w/n.m.s. bx'r,m, merechabh, broad or spacious place;
6X: 2Sam.22:20; Ps.18:20; 31:9; 118:5; Hos.4:16; Hab.1:6]).
No Need to Fear (vs.6)
VERSE 6 The LORD is for me; I will not fear ( hw"hy>
[pr.n.] yli [prep.w/1.c.s.sf.] al{
[neg.] ar'yai [Qal.impf.1.c.s.,
yare, fear]);
What can man do to me ( hf,[]Y:-hm;
[interrog.part. + Qal.impf.3.m.s., ashah, do] ~d'a' [n.m.s.]
yli [prep.w/1.c.s.sf.])?
Israel's Supporters and Haters (vs.7)
VERSE 7 The LORD is for me among those who help me ( hw"hy>
[pr.n.] yli[prep.w/1.c.s.sf.] yr'z>[oB. [prep.w/
rz[ azar, help, assist]);
Therefore I shall look with satisfaction on those who
hate me ( ynIa]w:
[conj.w/1.pers.sf.] ha,r>a,
[Qal.impf.1.c.s. har
see, look] `ya'n>fob. [
anf shane, hate]).
Her Superior Refuge (vss.8
VERSE 8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD ( rc;me
[adj.m.s.] tAsx]l; [prep.w/
Qal.infin.cstr. hsx
chasah, seek refuge] hw"hyB;
Than to trust in man ( x;joB.mi
[Qal.infin.cstr. xjB
batach, trust] `~d'a'B'[prep.w/n.m.s.]).
VERSE 9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD ( bAj
[adj.m.s.] tAsx]l; [prep.w/
Qal.infin.cstr. hsx
chasah, take refuge] hw"hyB;
Than to trust in princes ( x;joB.mi
[prep.w/Qal.infin.cstr. xjB
batach, trust] `~ybiydIn>B i[prep.w/adj.m.p.
bydIn" , nadhibh,
noble; "princes"]).
The speaker in this section is Israel.
The historical context from which believing Israel called (prophetic
perfect) upon Yah is the Tribulation.
This is the report of a future event, not a past event.
The words From my distress is a reference to the Tribulation
(n.m.s. w/, metsar, straits, distress).
The cognate noun tsarah occurs in Jer.30:7 (Alas! for that day
is great, There is none like it; And the time of Jacob's distress, But
he will be saved from it.), and in Dan.12:1 ("Now at that time Michael,
the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people,
will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred
since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people,
everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.";
cp. Mt.24:21,22).
Yah answered me is another prophetic perfect that is in response
to the petition of line 1.
The words and set me in a large place (cp. Ps.18:19) is fulfilled
when redeemed Israel is with Christ in the Millennium.
The noun large place (merechabh) means roomy or spacious.
It refers specifically to greater eretz Israel, that is, the real
estate promised under the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen.15:18; Ex.23:31; Deut.1:7,8).
Israel will from that time forward live in a land that will accommodate
their burgeoning numbers, and will never lack for space due to pressure
from the nations.
Positive Jews, in and out of that state of Israel, will exhibit great faith
in the face of Satan's final anti-Semitic onslaught.
Their occupation with Christ will enable them to overcome the debilitating
sin of fear (vs.6).
They will claim the newly learned promises, and avoid fear.
They make a volitional decision not to fear under the supreme test of faith
in the prophesies.
They recognize that there is nothing that man can do to nullify
what God has promised.
Even martyrdom cannot stand in the way of blessing in the Kingdom, as all
Tribulational martyrs will be raised from the dead (Rev.20:4).
In the face of constant threats and death they are defiant, knowing that
there is nothing man can do to negate Israel's standing before God.
During this period of worldwide anti-Semitism, Jews will find support among
like-minded Gentiles.
One of the ways God will aid His people is through their Gentile counterparts
who will display acts of charity toward harried Israel (vs.7a).
This fact was prophesied by Jesus in Mt.25:31-40.
God will use believing Gentiles to help believing Jews.
Their reward will be to start the new nations of the Millennial Age (Mt.25:34).
Verse 7 provides a good example of antithetical parallelism in Hebrew poetry.
Verse 7b refers to Israel's enemies throughout the nations.
True Israel shall look with satisfaction on those who
hate her, when she sees all foes defeated and removed from the earth
(cp. Ps.54:7; 59:10).
Verses 8 and 9 are a kind of maxim for every person (cp. 2Chron.32:7,8;
Ps.40:4; 108:12; Isa.31:1,3; 57:13; Jer.17:5).
The temptation is especially strong for those who have access to the powerful
Trust in God always has a superior benefit.
Trust in God is not subject to the fickleness of human nature.
Furthermore, God can do what even the most well intentioned and well endowed
person may not be able to do, due to unforeseen circumstances.
God can, and does use people to deliver us (vs.7a), but He is not limited
in His ability to render aid and protection.
As we saw in Psalm 107, God will use His exclusive fiat power to deliver
Jews in peril during the Tribulation (four examples).
Israel's Confidence at Armageddon (vss.10-14)
Israel Surrounded (vss.10-11)
VERSE 10 All nations surrounded me ( ~yIAG-lK'
[n.m.s.cstr. + n.m.p.yAG,,
goi, nation] ynIWbb's.
[ bbs
, sabhabh, surround]);
In the name of the LORD I will surely cut them off ( ~veB.
[prep.w/n.m.s.cstr.] hw"hy>
[pr.n.] yKi [conj.w/adv.]
`~l;ymia] [Hiphil.impf.1.c.s.w/3.m.p.sf.
lwm mul, to circumcise,
cut off]).
VERSE 11 They surrounded me, yes, they surrounded me ( ynIWBs;
[ w/1.c.s.sf. bbs
sabhabh, surround] ynIWbb's.-~g:
[conj., "yes", + w/1.c.s.sf., sabhabh]);
In the name of the LORD I will surely cut them off ( ~veB.
[prep.w/n.m.s.cstr.] hw"hy>
[pr.n.] yKi [conj.w/adv.]
`~l;ymia] [Hiphil.impf.1.c.s.w/3.m.p.sf.
mul, cut off]).
The Threat Extinguished (vs.12)
VERSE 12 They surrounded me like bees ( ynIWBs;
[, bbs
sabhabh, surround] ~yrIAbd>ki
[prep.w/n.f.p. hr'AbD>
, debhrah, bee]);
They were extinguished as a fire of thorns ( Wk[]Do
[ %[D
da-ach put out, extinguish] vaeK.
[prep.w/n.f.s. vae
, esh, fire] ~yciAq
[n.m.p. #Aq ,
qots, thorn]);
In the name of the LORD I will surely cut them off ( ~veB.
[prep.w/n.m.s.cstr. ~ve
, shem, name] hw"hy>
[pr.n.] yKi [conj.w/adv.]
`~l;ymia] [Hiphil.impf.1.c.s.w/3.m.p.sf.
lwm , mul,
cut off]).
Israel's Deliverance on the Brink of Destruction (vs.13)
VERSE 13 You pushed me violently so that I was falling ( ynIt;yxid>
hxoD; [Qal.infin.abs. + hxD
, rachah, push, thrust; push violently] lPon>li
[prep.w/Qal.infin.cstr. lpn
, naphal, fall]),
But the LORD helped me ( hw"hyw:
[conj.w/pr.n.] `ynIr'z"[]
[ rz[
, azar, help]).
What Yahweh is to Israel (vs.14)
VERSE 14 The LORD is my strength and song ( Hy"
[pr.n.]yZI[' [n.m.s.w/1.c.s.sf.
z[o , oz,
strength] tr'm.zIw>
[conj.w/n.f.s. hr'm.zI
, zimerah, song]),
And He has become my salvation ( yli-yhiy>w:
[conj.w/Qal.impf.3.m.s. + prep.w/1.c.s.sf.] `h['Wvyli
[prep.w/n.f.s. h['Wvy>
, yeshuah, salvation]).
These verses are readily identified with the final international assault
upon the Jewish remnant at the very end of the Tribulation.
The final test of Israel's faith occurs when she is surrounded by
her enemies in the final battle of Armageddon (cp. Rev.19:17-21).
Four times Israel mentions her dilemma of being surrounded by All
nations (vss.10a, 11a (2X), 12a).
Satan will make a final effort to exterminate God's ancient people in a
blood bath in Israel and Jerusalem (cf. Zech.12:2,3; 14:2; cp. Rev.16:12-14;
Three times Israel prophetically declares that she will prevail against
overwhelming odds (vss.10b, 11b, 12c).
The hordes that come against her, she will surely cut off in the name
of Yahweh.
Her ancient warrior-king, in the Person of Jesus Christ, will come to her
aid in the nick of time (Zech.14:3).
The vibrant faith of the Jewish remnant will fight valiantly against the
invaders and faith-rest Christ's appearance in the heavens (Zech.12:5,6,8).
The numerical superiority of the enemy is likened to a swarm of bees
(vs.12b; cp. Deut.1:44).
But these bees are no match for what the Lord has in store.
The threat will be extinguished as when fire burns worthless
thorns (briar and brambles; vs.12b; cf. Zech.12:9).
Literal heat/fire will sweep through the enemy ranks in an unprecedented
plague (Zech.14:12).
The Jewish forces will be blessed with battlefield success according to
The precarious situation Israel finds herself in is stressed in the prophetic
observation of vs.13a.
The Jewish forces will feel the pressure of battle going against them (as
in the Yom Kippur War in 1973).
She will pass this test, she will not panic as did the Jews at the Red
In vs.13a Israel prophetically and directly addresses the enemy.
The singular You is a collective singular referring to All nations
that are represented at Armageddon.
Antichrist will be there with the military forces of NATO.
Two hundred million Chi Com will invade from the East (Rev.9:16; cp. 16:12-16).
Verse 13b supplies the simple, but dramatic, But Yahweh helped me.
The carnage is unbelievable as recorded in Rev.14:20.
Verse 14 is an exact quotation from the victory song at the Red Sea (Ex.15:2a;
and vss.15 and 28 has echoes of it as well).
Prayerful trust in Yahweh's powerful name pays off handsomely.
The believing remnant acknowledges the Lord as their strength and song
and salvation (vs.14).
Trust in the Lord and His word is the secret weapon that brings victory
to the chosen people as of old.
Recourse to human allies was a poor second to trust in God.
Israel's reversion recovery from the depths of unbelief dramatically and
forever changes her perspective.
She will find a new strength and a new song(s) to celebrate
the salvation that only the Lord can supply.
In summary, the fourfold surrounded is menacing, and the similes
of swarming bees, and crackling thorns bring out the closeness
and fury of the warfare.
Israel Prevails Under DD (vss.15-18)
Celebration in Jewish Homes (vs.15)
VERSE 15 The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the tents
of the righteous ( lAq
[n.m.s., sound] hN"rI
[n.f.s., rinnah, resounding cry {of celebration or of entreaty}] h['WvywI
[conj.w/n.f.s., yeshu yleh\a'B. [prep.w/n.m.p.cstr.
lh,ao , ohel,
tent] ~yqiyDIc;
[adj.m.p. qyDIc;
tsadiq, righteous]);
The right hand of the LORD does valiantly ( !ymiy>
[n.f.s.cstr !ymiy".,
yemin, right hand] hw"hy>
[pr.n.] hf'[o [,
ashah] `lyIx' [n.m.s.
lyIx; , chayil,
strength {as adv.}]).
The Victory Relived (vs.16)
VERSE 16 The right hand of the LORD is exalted ( !ymiy>
[n.f.s.cstr., right hand] hw"hy>
[pr.n.] hm'meAr
[ ~wr
, to rise; to exalt]);
The right hand of the LORD does valiantly ( !ymiy>
[n.f.s.cstr.] hw"hy>
[pr.n.] hf'[ o[
hf[ , "does"]
`lyIx' [n.m.s.,
chayil, strength, might]).
She Lives to Tell About It (vs.17)
VERSE 17 I shall not die, but live ( al{
[neg.] tWma' [Qal.impf.1.c.s.
twm ] hy<x.a,-yK
i[conj., as adversative, + Qal.impf.1.c.s. hyx
, chayah, live]),
And tell of the works of the LORD ( rPes;a]w:
[conj.w/Piel.impf.1.c.s. rps
, saphar, count; recount] yfe[]m;
[n.m.p.cstr. hf,[]m;
, mawork] `Hy"
The SUD Suspended (vs.18)
VERSE 18 The LORD has disciplined me severely ( HY"
[pr.n.]rSoy: [
rsy , yasar,
to chasten, discipline, correct] yNIr;S.yI
[Piel.infin.abs.w/1.c.s.sf., yasar; "severely"]),
But He has not given me over to death ( `ynIn"t'n>
[ !tn
, nathan, give] tw<M'l;w>
[conj.w/ tw<m'
, maweth, death] al
The scene shifts dramatically to the end of the hymn.
As after the victory at the Red Sea, so the survivors (the righteous)
will celebrate wildly in their homes (tents).
Families and individuals will celebrate this victory in the tents (homes)
of the righteous.
The devastation of their communities and land will not dampen their celebrations.
God's power will be celebrated as seen in the repeated references to the
LORD'S right hand (vs.15b,16).
As God, Jesus Christ wields absolute omnipotence.
The anthropomorphism right hand signifies the power that is exclusively
the Lord's.
All He has to do is speak and the enemy is annihilated on the field of
battle (Rev.19:15,21).
Christ will appear in the heavens as King of kings, and Lord of lords,
to deliver His people in jeopardy and to bring them safely into His eternal
Not all Jews will be delivered as all will not be positive, but those who
are positive will be delivered (cp. Zech.13:8,9).
Verse 17 reflects the attitude of the positive remnant who perseveres under
extreme testing (cf. Dan.12:10; Zech.13:9).
I shall not die, but live, And tell of the works of the LORD,
is not wishful thinking, but the faith response to the doctrine that is
in their souls.
They will have a wonderful testimony to relate to their children during
the age of prosperity to follow (cp. Ps.73:28; 107:22).
In vs.18 adjusted Israel reflects upon those events and realizes that the
awful things that happened to them were, in fact, DD.
Those who survived the invasion and the siege of Jerusalem are Jews who
turned to Christ after the nation entered into a covenant (treaty)
with the Antichrist.
For entering into what Isaiah calls a "covenant with death" (Isa.28:15,18),
God brings severe DD upon the nation.
Israel, having put her trust in the Antichrist to save her from her enemies,
will not escape the thing she hoped to sidestep.
Russia and allies will invade shortly after Israel enters into this seven
year pact (Ezek.38 and 39).
So dramatic will be the destruction of the Russian bear with her Islamic
allies that many will turn to the Lord.
Then follows the invasion of the surviving nations to participate in the
final battle ushering in the 2nd Advent.
Conversion (repentance) on the part of a remnant (one third) within Israel
will preserve them from the SUD (vs.18b).
Those who do not get their act together will be subject to captivity and
death (cp. Zech.14:2; unbelievers and negative believers).
Death is the ultimate discipline that God can impose upon the reversionistic
saint (1Cor.5:5; 11:30-32; 1Jn.5:16), as it ends all chance of securing
the crown.
Israel Vows to Offer Thanks at the Temple (vss.19-21)
Access Through the Holy Gates (vs.19)
VERSE 19 Open to me the gates of righteousness ( yli-Wxt.Pi
[Qal.imper.2.m.s. xtP
, pathach, open, + prep.w/1.c.s.sf.] qd,c,-yre[]v;
[n.m.p.cstr. r[;v;
, sha-ar, + n.m.s. qd,c,,
I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks to the LORD (
~b'-aboa' [Qal.impf.1.c.s.
awB , bo,
enter, + prep.w/3.m.p.sf., "them"]hd,Aa
[Hiphil.impf.1.c.s. hdy
, yadhah, throw; give thanks] `Hy"
His Gate (vs.20)
VERSE 20 This is the gate of the LORD ( r[;V;h;-hz<
[demon.adj. hz<,
zeh, + r[;v;
, sha-ar] hw"hyl;
The righteous will enter through it ( ~yqiyDIc;
[adj.m.p.] Waboy"
[Qal.impf.3.m.p. awB
, bo, enter] `Ab
Reason to Give Thanks (vs.21)
VERSE 21 I shall give thanks to You, for You have answered me (
^d>Aa [Hiphil.impf.1.c.s.w/2.m.s.sf.
hdy , yadhah,
throw; thank] yKi
[conj.] ynIt'ynI[] [
, anah, answer]);
And You have become my salvation ( yli-yhiT.
[conj.w/Qal.impf.2.m.s.w/1.c.s.sf. hyh
, hayah, to be, + prep.w/1.c.s.sf.] `h['Wvyli
[prep.w/n.f.s. h['Wvy>
, yeshuah, salvation]).
This section concerns itself with a triumphal procession into the city
of Jerusalem.
The setting is post-Armageddon, but more specifically, it will be after
the city is rebuilt and cleansed.
After all, the city will be a shambles after the siege and the earthquakes
(Rev.11:13; Zech.14:2-5).
At some point early in the dispensation the rebuilt city will be opened
to the public.
Israel continues to be the speaker in this section.
Open to me the gates of righteousness (only time this expression
occurs) is a request for admittance on the part of adjusted Israel to the
duly authorized gatekeepers (vs.19a).
During the Millennium only righteous persons will be allowed access to
the city of righteousness (cf. Isa.1:21,26; 26:2).
Once inside the people will give thanks to Yahweh (vs.19b).
Verse 20a is perhaps a reference to the particular gate that Christ will
regularly enter through.
Again, the thought is repeated that only the righteous will be allowed
access to the city (vs.20b).
In the place where the enemy had severely threatened the existence of the
Jewish people, they and their descendants will give thanks for answered
prayer (vs.21a).
Verse 21b repeats the thought of vs.14b.
Salvation is to be taken in its broadest sense covering all aspects
of deliverance, Ph1 as well as physical deliverance from all enemies.
Israel welcomes her Victor (vss.22-29)
His identity as related to the 1st Advent (vs.22)
VERSE 22 The stone which the builders rejected ( !b,a,
[n.f.s. ebhen, stone (large or small); metaphorical of Messiah] ~ynIABh;
[ m.p. hnB
, banah, build] Wsa]m'
[ sam
ma-as reject]
Has become the chief cornerstone [ ht'y>h'
[ hayah] varol.
[prep w/n.m.s. rosh, head, chief] `hN"Pi
[n.f.s. pinnah, corner].
The marvel of it all (vs.23)
VERSE 23 This is the LORD's doing [ taeme
[prep + dir obj] hw"hy>
[pr.n.] ht'y>h' [
hayah; "doing" or better "what the LORD has done"];
It is marvelous in our eyes [ taZO
[demon.adj.f.s. "It" or "This"] ayhi
[indef pro.f.s.] tal'p.
[Niphil pf.3.f.s. alP
, pala, to be extraordinary, marvelous] `WnynEy[eB.
[prep.w/n.f.dualw/ 1.c.p.sf. !yI[;
ayin, eye].
Summons to demonstrate capacity (vs.24)
VERSE 24 This is the day which the LORD has made [ ~AYh;-hz<
[adj.m.s. + n.m.s. ~Ay
yom, day] hw"hy>
[pr.n.] hf'[' [
ashah; "made"];
Let us rejoice and be glad in it [ hl'ygIn"
[Qal.impf.1.c.p. cohorative lyG
gil, rejoice] hx'm.f.nIw>
[conj.w/Qal.impf.1.c.p.cohort. xmf
, shamach, be glad] `Ab
Petition for national prosperity (vs.25)
VERSE 25 O LORD, do save, we beseech You [ aN"a'
[interjection Oh now] hw"hy>[pr.n.]
h['yviAh [Hiphil.imper.paragogic
heh [vy yasha, save]
aN" [prep. please
(used in entreaty or exhortation); "we beseech You"];
O LORD, we beseech You, do send prosperity [ aN"a'
[interj. "O"] hw"hy>
[pr.n.]`aN" [prep.
of entreaty; "we beseech You"] hx'ylic.h;
[Hiphil.imper. xlc
tsalach, make prosperous (hiphil); to rush, hurry (Qal)].
Messiah heralded by His grateful subjects (vs.26)
VERSE 26 Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD [%WrB'
[Qal.pass pt m.s. %rB
bless] aB'h; [
m.s. awB bo, enter,
come] ~veB. [prep.w/n.m.s.cstr.]
hw"hy> [pr.n.];
We have blessed you from the house of the LORD [ ~k,Wnk.r;Be
[ %rB
barach, bless] tyBemi
[prep.w/n.m.s.cstr. bayith, house] `hw"hy>
He is the God who gives Israel light and salvation (vs.27)
VERSE 27 The LORD is God, and He has given us light [ hw"hy>
[pr.n.] lae [n.m.s.
god] ra,Y"w: [conj.w/Hiphil.impf.3.m.s.
rwa become light;
give light] Wnl' [prep.w/1.c.p.sf.];
Bind the festival sacrifice with the cords to the horns of the altar
[ gx; [Qal.imper.2.m.p.
rsa asar, bind +
n.m.s. gx; chagh,
festival sacrifice; feast/festival; 62X; cf. Isa.29:1; cp. Ps.8 1:3 (only
other occurrence in Psalms); here of Tabernacles/Booths] tAnr>q;-d[;
[prep + n.f.p.cstr. !r,q,
qeren, horn] `x;Bez>Mih;
[ x;Bez>mi
mizebe-ach, altar].
A Personal God who is worthy of praise (vs.28)
VERSE 28 You are my God, and I give thanks to You [ hT'a;
[] yliae [n.m.s.cstr.w/1.c.s.sf.
lae el, god] &'d,Aaw>
[conj.w/Hiphil.impf.1.c.s.w/2.m.s.sf. hdy
throw; give thanks];
You are My God, I will extol You [ yh;l{a/
[n.m.p. Elohim] `&'m,m.Ara] [Piel.impf.1.c.s.w/2.m.s.sf.
~wr to rise; to
lift up; "extol"].
The glorious refrain (vs.29)
VERSE 29 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good [ WdAh
[Hiphil.imper.2.m.p. hdy
yadhah, throw; give thanks] hw"hyl;
[prep.w/pr.n.] bAj-yKi
[conj. + adj.m.s.];
For His lovingkindness is everlasting [ `ADs.x;
yKi [conj. + n.m.s.cstr.w/3.m.s.sf.
chesed] ~l'A[l. [prep.w/n.m.s.].
This section identifies the One who "has become" Israel’s "salvation" (cf.
He is "the stone which the builders rejected"-the Lord Jesus Christ (v.22a).
The NT leaves no doubt that this "stone" is Jesus Christ (Matt.21:42; Acts
4:11; Rom.9:32-33; Eph.2:20; 1Pet.2:6-8), as the cornerstone figure was
popular with NT writers.
Jesus applied this verse to Himself as the scriptural documentation for
the Parable of the Vineyard (Matt.21:33-42).
This parable He taught while He was in the temple on the day following
His triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matt.21:18; cp. vv. 4-11).
On the way to teach in the temple He cursed a fig tree illustrating Israel’s
rejection by God in 70AD (Matt.21:18-22).
The rejection of the nation was also taught in the Parable of the Wedding
Feast (Matt.22:1-14).
This verse (Ps.118:22) clearly documents Israel’s rejection of their Messiah
at the First Advent.
Other OT prophesies that show He would be rejected by His own people (Isa.53:1-3;
Dan.9:26; Zech.12:10; 13:6; cp. Jn.1:11).
"The builders" refers to the national leadership of Israel; in Christ’s
day it referred to the chief priests, Pharisees, and scribes who were responsible
to evaluate the claims of messiahship.
Jesus met all the biblical credentials, yet in the face of the evidence
those responsible for building the nation spiritually rejected their true
messiah (Isa.53:1-3)
This body of evidence included the messianic prophecies and the miracles
He publicly performed.
V.21a provides documentation that the ring of enemies (v.10ff.) includes
the "builders" themselves.
The corporate rejection of Jesus Christ continues until the Tribulation.
Then there will be a major change on the part of world Jewry (cf. Rom.11:25-26).
A large percentage of Jews around the world will turn to "the stone" which
their ancestors repudiated.
To use Jesus’ illustration, they will "fall on this stone" (Mt.21:43,44).
Some will convert in the first half and others in the second half of the
Israel’s violent rejection of her Messiah in no way overrides God’s plan
for Him (v.22b).
Even though He was murdered by His own people in collusion with the Roman
authority (cf. Acts 4:27; 7:52).
The Lord Jesus Christ, the cornerstone rejected by Israel was vindicated
by resurrection and exaltation to the right hand of God the Father to "become
the chief cornerstone" (v.22b).
Here we have a metaphor dealing with the temple.
The stone is the 1st stone of the foundation.
The other stones of the foundation as well as the rest of the superstructure
was keyed to the laying of this stone.
The foundation stones were mammoth stones quarried and laid with great
Christ is likened to a stone that met all the specifications (material,
dimensions, etc.), yet was inexplicably rejected by the builders.
The Jews at the 1st Advent had their own distorted idea of what
the Messiah should be.
He did not go along with their interpretations of Scripture and they hated
Him and sought His destruction.
The Messiah is the antitype (reality), the main foundation stone of the
spiritual temple.
The temple represents the plan of God, and the individual stones represent
believers in Christ.
Although rejected by men, He was chosen by God and is precious to believers
(cp. 1Pet.2:6-7).
This metaphor applies equally to both Israel and the Church.
This metaphor is also seen in Isa.28:16 where attitude towards "the headstone"
is tantamount to making the salvation adjustment.
V.23 represents the ‘read-out’ of believing Jews in the last days when
they come to know the truth.
"This is the LORD’s doing" is full recognition that even though men did
what they did to accomplish evil, God saw to it that all was done to advance
His eternal plan of salvation (cf. Acts 2:23-24; cp. 3:18; 4:28).
"It is marvelous/extraordinary in our eyes" reflects the utter amazement
that will come over God’s people when they see who and what
their Messiah is at His advent.
Their historical cursing will be lifted in spite of their horrific guilt.
Verse 24 contains both an affirmation and an exhortation.
"This is the day which the LORD has made" is a reference to the Kingdom
Age, when Israel and the whole earth will be at peace.
This self-exhortation is designed to encourage redeemed and restored Israel
to uninhibited joy in the Kingdom Age (cp. Zech.2:10).
They are not to dwell on their past unfaithfulness, but to celebrate -
in every aspect of their lives - their good fortune.
V.25 is a retrospective prayer on the part of those who are faced with
annihilation in the period just before the Millennium.
This prayer will be on the lips of those who are under maximum distress,
but who by faith are expecting the appearance of their Messiah, Jesus Christ.
The repetition of the particle of entreaty "we beseech You" demonstrates
the urgency of their request for deliverance.
The second imperative "do send prosperity" demonstrates their faith in
the promises related to their blessings as one nation under Christ in the
millennial age (cp. v.5).
V.26a is the response on the part of the restored nation during the Millennium.
The occasion will be one of the three annual pilgrim festivals (Passover,
Pentecost, and Tabernacles).
The feast of Tabernacles has both a backward look (Israel’s wilderness
wanderings) and a forward look (Israel in the Millennium).
This festival will probably be the occasion for a yearly triumphal procession
in which Christ will enter the Temple (v.26b) amidst much fanfare.
At the 1st Advent Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Monday of
Passion week.
The enthusiastic crowds who had gathered to celebrate Passover shouted
"Hosanna to the Son of David" (taken from "do save, we beseech You" of
v.25a), and "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" (taken from
v.26a; cf. Mt.21:9).
Jesus rode into the city on the foal of a donkey in fulfillment of Zech.9:9
(cp. Mt.21:4-5).
He entered the city in a manner that befit the divine presentation of the
Messiah under kenosis.
The Jewish crowds wanted a savior which would bring Davidic prosperity
and independence.
Their conception of Messiah excluded the all-important aspect of spiritual
There was no place in their thinking for a suffering Messiah.
They wanted the crown at the exclusion of the cross.
Hence, they were fickle and oblivious to the prophetic program that was
unfolding before their eyes (cf. Lk.19:38-44).
Practically everyone, unbeliever and believer alike was maladjusted to
the necessity of a suffering messiah.
Even Jesus’ 12 disciples and His mother were at odds with Him with respect
to the Cross (Mt.16:21-23; cp. 17:22; .20:18,19.
This explains why they deserted Him when He was arrested.
The scene projected in v.26 involves a single individual (Messiah) "who
comes (or "enters") in the name of the LORD", the Jews who line the processional,
and those who are in the temple (v.26b).
Those who are in the temple speak to those who are outside.
The 2m.p.suffix "you" associated with the verb "We have blessed" suggests
Jesus Christ will come to the millennial temple amidst much fanfare, but
unlike the Jews at the 1st Advent He will be honored based on
a complete understanding of Who and What He is.
Vv. 27-29 continues their enthusiastic acclaim of the triumphant King.
He will be acclaimed as "God" and as the source of their spiritual "light"
Then believing Israel will know that Jesus Christ is God and that it is
He who has given them "light" to replace their many centuries of darkness.
V.27b is a call on the part of Israel to make ready the appropriate "festival
sacrifice" commemorating His work at the 1st Advent.
Modified Levitical ritual will be a part of the millennial worship (cf.
The altar is a reference to the bronze altar which symbolizes the Cross
(It was positioned outside the Holy Place in the outer court).
The "horns of the altar" symbolize the fact that God’s saving power is
associated with Christ’s work on the Cross.
God’s power to save the individual is contingent upon faith in the Person
and Work of Christ (i.e., gospel; Rom.1:16)"
In v.28 the people acclaim Him as "my God" (El) indicating that
they have a personal relationship with the One who is God (v.27a).
In turn they will extend to Him the full credit that is His alone in His
presence in the Kingdom (v.28).
This is in complete contrast to the way they treated Him at the 1st
The song concludes with a general call to "Give thanks to Yahweh" (v.29).
Considering all that has transpired and all that lies before them, the
words "He is good" and "His loyalty is everlasting" lends full meaning
to the psalm’s opening summons.
JUNE, 1997
© Copyright 1998, Maranatha Church, Inc.