Genesis Chapter Forty-Four

Brothers Arrested (vv. 1-13)

VERSE 1 Then he commanded his house steward, saying, "Fill the men's sacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put each man's money in the mouth of his sack (ATx.T;m.a; ypiB. vyai-@s,K, ~yfiw> taef. !Wlk.Wy rv,a]K; lk,ao ~yvin"a]h' txoT.m.a;-ta, aLem; rmoale AtyBe-l[; rv,a]-ta, wc;y>w: [waw w/Piel impf.3m.s. tsawah command + d.o. marker + asher + prep al + noun m.s.constr. w/3m.s.suff. bayith house + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. amar say + Pie limper.m.s. male fill + d.o. marker + noun f.p.constr. amtachath sack + m.p.abs. ish man + noun m.s.abs. okel food + prep kaph w/ asher + Qal impf.3m.p. yakal be able + Qal infin.constr. nasha lift, carry + waw w/Qal imper.m.s. shim put + noun m.s.abs. keseph silver + noun m.s.abs. ish man + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr. peh mouth + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. amtachath sack]).

VERSE 2 "Put my cup, the silver cup, in the mouth of the sack of the youngest, and his money for the grain ( @s,K, taew> !joQ'h; tx;T;m.a; ypiB. ~yfiT' @s,K,h; [;ybiG> y[iybiG>-ta,w> [waw w/d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. gabia cup + m.s.abs. keseph silver + Qal impf.2m.s. shim put + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr. peh mouth + noun f.s.constr. amachath sack + qaton small; "youngest" + waw w/d.o. marker + noun m.s.abs. kespeh silver + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. sheber grain])."

And he did as Joseph had told him (rBeDI rv,a] @seAy rb;d>Ki f[;Y:w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. ashah do + prep kaph w/noun m.s.constr. dabar word; "as" + p.n. Joseph + Piel perf.3m.s. dabar speak; "had told"]).

VERSE 3 As soon as it was light, the men were sent away, they with their donkeys (~h,yremox]w: hM'he ~yvin"a]h'w> rAa rq,Boh; [ m.s.abs. boqer morning + Qal perf.3m.s. or become light + waw w/ m.p.abs. ish man + Pual perf.3p. shalach send away + pro.3m.p. hem they + waw w/noun m.p.constr.w/3m.p.suff. chamor donkey]).

VERSE 4 They had just gone out of the city, and were not far off, when Joseph said to his house steward (AtyBe-l[; rv,a]l; rm;a' @seAyw> Wqyxir>hi al{ ry[ih'-ta, Wac.y" ~he [pro.3m.p. hem they + Qal perf.3p. yatsa go out + d.o. marker + f.s.abs. ir city + neg lo + Hiphil perf.3p. rachaq be distant + waw w/p.n. Joseph + Qal perf.3m.s. amar say + prep lamed w/ asher + prep al + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. bayith house], "Up, follow the men; and when you overtake them, say to them [~h,lea] T'r>m;a'w> ~T'g>F;hiw> ~yvin"a]h' yrex]a; @dor> ~Wq [Qal imper.m.s. qum rise + Qal imper.m.s. radaph pursue + adv achare after + m.p.abs. ish man + waw w/Hiphil perf.2m.s.w/3m.p.suff. ish + waw w/Qal perf.2m.s. amar say], 'Why have you repaid evil for good [hb'Aj tx;T; h['r' ~T,m.L;vi hM'l' [interrog mah what? Why? + Piel perf.2m.p. shalem be complete; "repaid" + adj.f.s.abs. ra-ah evil + prep tachath for, in the place of + noun f.s.abs. tobh good])?

VERSE 5 'Is not this the one from which my lord drinks and which he indeed uses for divination (vxen:y> vxen: aWhw> AB ynIdoa] hT,v.yI rv,a] hz< aAlh] [interrog ha w/neg lo + adj.m.s.abs. zeh this + asher + Qal impf.3m.s. shathah drink + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon lord, master + prep beth w/3m.s.suff. + waw w/pro.3m.s. hu he + Piel infin.abs. nachash practive divination/fortune tell/taking as a omen + Piel impf.3m.s. nachash learn by experience; practice divination])?

You have done wrong in doing this (~t,yfi[] rv,a] ~t,[oreh] AB [prep beth w/3m.s.suff. + Hiphil perf.2m.p. ra-a be evil, be wrong + asher + Qal perf.2m.p. ashad do]).'"

VERSE 6 So he overtook them and spoke these words to them (hL,aeh' ~yrIb'D>h;-ta, ~h,lea] rBed;y>w: ~gEFiY:w: [waw w/Hiphil impf.3m.s.w/3m.p.suff. nashag overtake + waw w/Piel impf.3m.s. dabar speak + prep el w/3m.p.suff. + d.o. marker + m.p.abs. dabar word + elleh these]).

VERSE 7 They said to him, "Why does my lord speak such words as these (hL,aeh' ~yrIb'D>K; ynIdoa] rBed;y> hM'l' wyl'ae Wrm.aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. amar say + prep el w/3m.s.suff. + interrog mah why? + Piel impf.3m.s. dabar speak + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon lord + kaph w/noun m.p.abs. dabar word + elleh these])?

Far be it from your servants to do such a thing (hZ<h; rb'D'K; tAf[]me ^yd,b'[]l; hl'ylix' [interj halil far be it; from a root which means to defile or profane + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant + prep min w/Qal infin.constr. ashah do + kaph w/noun m.s.ab.s dabar word, thing + zeh thi, such]).

VERSE 8 "Behold, the money which we found in the mouth of our sacks we have brought back to you from the land of Canaan (![;n"K. #r,a,me ^yl,ae Wnboyvih/ WnytexoT.m.a; ypiB. Wnac'm' rv,a] @s,K, !he [interj hen behold + noun m.s.abs. keseph silver + asher + Qal perf.1p. matsa find + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr. peh mouth + noun f.p.constr.w/1p.suff. amtachath sack + Hiphil perf.1p. shub return + prep el w/2m.s.suff. + prep min w/noun both s.abs. eretz land + p.n. Canaan]).

How then could we steal silver or gold from your lord's house (bh'z" Aa @s,K, ^yn<doa] tyBemi bnOg>nI %yaew> [waw w/interj ek how? + Qal impf.1p. ganab steal + prep min w/noun m.s.constr. bayith house + noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. adon lord + noun m.s.abs. kesph silver + conj o or + noun m.s.abs.. zahab gold])?

VERSE 9 "With whomever of your servants it is found, let him die, and we also will be my lord's slaves (~ydIb'[]l; ynIdoal; hy<h.nI Wnx.n:a]-~g:w> tmew" ^yd,b'[]me ATai aceM'yI rv,a] [ asher + Niphal impf.3m.s. matsa find + d.o. marker w/3m.s.suff. + prep min w/noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant + waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. muth die + waw w/conj gam also + pro.1p. anachnu we + Qal impf.1m.p. hayah be + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon lord + lamedh w/noun m.p.abs. ebed slave])."

VERSE 10 So he said, "Now let it also be according to your words; he with whom it is found shall be my slave, and the rest of you shall be innocent (~YIqin> Wyh.Ti ~T,a;w> db,[' yLi-hy<h.yI ATai aceM'yI rv,a] aWh-!K, ~k,yreb.dIk. hT'[;-~G: rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + conj gam also + adv attah now + prep kaph w/noun m.p.constr.w/2m.p.suff. dabar word + adv ken so + pro.3m.s. hu he + asher + Niphal impf.3m.s. matsa find + d.o. marker w/3m.s.suff. + Qal impf.3m.s. hayah + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + noun m.s.abs. ebed servant + waw w/pro.2m.p. attem you + Qal impf.2m.p. hayah + adj.m.p.abs. naqi innocent])."

VERSE 11 Then they hurried, each man lowered his sack to the ground, and each man opened his sack (ATx.T;m.a; vyai WxT.p.YIw: hc'r>a' ATx.T;m.a;-ta, vyai WdrIAYw: Wrh]m;y>w: [waw w/Piel impf.3p. mahar hurry + waw w/Hiphil impf.3m.p. yarad lower + d.o. marker + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. amatachat sack + noun f.s.abs. eretz ground + waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. pathach open + noun m.s.abs. ish + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. amatachath sack]).

VERSE 12 He searched, beginning with the oldest and ending with the youngest, and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack (!miy"n>Bi tx;T;m.a;B. [;ybiG"h; aceM'YIw: hL'Ki !joQ'b;W lxehe lAdG"B; fPex;y>w: [waw w/Piel impf.3m.s. chaphash search + beth w/adj.m.s.abs. gadol great; "oldest" + Hiphil perf.3m.s. chalal wound, pierce; "beginning" + waw w/ qaton youngest + Piel perf.3m.s. kalah finish; "ending" + waw w/Niphal impf.3m.s. matsa find + m.s.abs. gabia cup + prep beth w/noun f.s.constr. amtachath sack + p.n. Benjamin]).

VERSE 13 Then they tore their clothes, and when each man loaded his donkey, they returned to the city (hr'y[ih' WbvuY"w: Armox]-l[; vyai smo[]Y:w: ~t'l{ W[r>q.YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. qara tear + noun f.p.constr.w/3m.p.suff. simlah garment + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amas load + noun m.s.abs. ish + prep al + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. chamor donkey + waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. shub return + f.s.abs. ir city]).


  1. While the brothers slept off their banqueting, Joseph and the steward set them up for arrest.
  2. Even to this point Joseph was unwilling to forgo his STA penchant for revenge and plotted to induce even more misery into their lives.
  3. Initially, Joseph appears generous, filling their sacks with as much grain as they could hold, not simply as much as they paid for, and returning all the double money (v.1).
  4. But then he commands his steward to place his special drinking cup (supposed to be calyx-shaped) in the mouth of Benjamin’s sack (v.2).
  5. The steward does as he is told—his is not to question.
  6. Why Benjamin should be selected as the supposed thief becomes apparent as the narrative unfolds.
  7. At the break of day the brothers were sent off for home (v.3).
  8. They must have been a happy lot as they moved out of the city of Joseph having accomplished a successful mission: they had grain, Simeon, and Benjamin.
  9. They had no inkling that the most difficult part of their trip lay ahead of them.
  10. As the little caravan made its way past the outskirts of the city, Joseph gives his steward another assignment (v. 4).
  11. The city of Joseph is known as Avaris, located in the Nile Delta.
  12. Early on the morning of the fateful day the steward overtakes the slow moving brothers and greets them with: "Why have you repaid evil for good?" as per Joseph’s specific instructions.
  13. If anyone was guilty of rendering evil for good it was Joseph, as the brothers had done nothing wrong during their time in Egypt.
  14. At the very least he guilty of rendering evil for evil.
  15. The steward’s non specific accusation was designed to produce maximum consternation.
  16. The men had been graciously received as guests in Joseph’s villa, they had shared a sumptuous banquet, and now they had shown utter disdain for their host!
  17. The brothers’ uncertainty about their offense is heightened by the way in which the steward continues, "Isn’t this what my lord drinks from…?" which assumes that they know what he is talking about when of course they do not.
  18. Perhaps the servant held a similar looking cup in his hand, a cup like the one they saw in Joseph’s hand the night before.
  19. Divination with liquids is well attested from antiquity, e.g., water, wine, oil was used to determine favorable or unfavorable proceedings.
  20. All types of divination are forbidden by the Law (Lev. 19:26; Deut. 18:10).
  21. This remark by the steward describes not what Joseph did in practice but was just a threatening comment to stress the gravity of the offense.
  22. In other words, the brothers are guilty of stealing not just any silver drinking cup but one that was hard to replace.
  23. This all serves to keep up the disguise.
  24. The brothers eleven all vehemently protest their innocence in outspoken terms (v.8).
  25. They reference their past behavior: the return of the money from their previous trip.
  26. Their wild offer, that if any one of them is a thief, he should die, and the rest of them be enslaved, demonstrates their confidence in their innocence (v.9).
  27. In the Joseph story their extreme offer echoes the treatment of Joseph by the brothers.
  28. The brothers are offering to suffer as he suffered in making such an offer.
  29. It is important for the reader to understand that Joseph’s purpose in singling out Benjamin is to see whether his brothers will sacrifice him as they did Joseph.
  30. So, the steward insists that only the thief will be taken into custody while the others will be free of guilt and responsibility (v.10).
  31. The brothers’ willingness to submit to a search shows their own conviction of innocence (v.11).
  32. They quickly lower their sacks from the pack animals and invite the steward to search for the cup.
  33. The tension builds as the steward searches each man’s sack beginning with the oldest brother and working his way down the ladder of seniority to the youngest brother.
  34. While this was unnecessary it served to maintain the deception and to heightened their dismay when the cup was found.
  35. When Jacob ran away, Laban chased him down and searched for his teraphim (chap 31), but failed to find them even though they were hidden in Rachel’s tent.
  36. But this time Rachel’s son is not so fortunate: "the cup was found in Benjamin’s sack."
  37. On that occasion, Jacob had pronounced a death sentence on the guilty person, not realizing that his favorite wife was involved.
  38. Now the brothers have done the same.
  39. How will they react?
  40. They say nothing, but their actions speak louder than words.
  41. When Joseph disappeared, it was Jacob who tore his clothes (37:34).
  42. Now all the brothers do, the first clear sign of fraternal solidarity.
  43. Before they had conspired to dispatch Joseph to Egypt, this time they voluntarily return with Benjamin to the city of Joseph.
  44. Judah’s Intercession (vv. 14-34)

    VERSE 14 When Judah and his brothers came to Joseph's house, he was still there, and they fell to the ground before him (hc'r>a' wyn"p'l. WlP.YIw: ~v' WNd,A[ aWhw> @seAy ht'yBe wyx'a,w> hd'Why> aboY"w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. bo come + p.n. Judah + waw w/noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. ach brother + noun m.s.constr. bayith house + p.n. Joseph + waw w/pro.3m.s.s hu he + dv odh still + adv sham there + waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. naphal fall + prep lamedh w/noun both p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. paneh face + noun both s.abs. eretz]).

    VERSE 15 Joseph said to them, "What is this deed that you have done (~t,yfi[] rv,a] hZ<h; hf,[]M;h;-hm' @seAy ~h,l' rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + prep lamedh w/3m.p.suff. + p.n. Joseph + interrog mah what? + m.s.abs. ma-asheh deed + zeh this + asher + Qal perf.2m.p. ashah])?

    Do you not know that such a man as I can indeed practice divination (ynImoK' rv,a] vyai vxen:y> vxen:-yKi ~T,[.d;y> aAlh [interrog ha w/neg lo + Qal perf.2m.p. yada know + part ki + Piel infin.abs. nachash practice divination + Piel impf.3m.s. nachash + noun m.s.abs. ish + asher + prep kaph w/1s.suff.])?"

    VERSE 16 So Judah said, "What can we say to my lord (ynIdoal; rm;aNO-hm; hd'Why> rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar + p.n. Judah + interrog mah what? + Qal impf.1p. amar + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon lord, master])?

    What can we speak (rBed;N>-hm; [interrog mah what? + Piel impf.1p. dabar speak])?

    And how can we justify ourselves (qD'j;c.NI-hm;W [waw w/interrog how? + Hipthpael impf.1p. tsadaq be just])?

    God has found out the iniquity of your servants (!wO[]-ta, ac'm' ~yhil{a/h' [ m.p.abs. Elohim + Qal perf.3m.s. matsa find + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr. awon inquity + noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant]; behold, we are my lord's slaves [ynIdoal; ~ydIb'[] WNN<h [interj hinneh + noun m.p.abs. ebed slave + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon], both we and the one in whose possession the cup has been found [Ady"B. [;ybiG"h; ac'm.nI-rv,a] ~G: Wnx.n:a]-~G: [conj also; "both" + pro.1p. anachnu we + conj gam also + asher + Niphal perf.3m.s. matsa find + m.s.abs. gabia cup + prep beth w/noun f.s.const.w/3m.s.s.suff. yad hand; "in whose possession"])."

    VERSE 17 But he said, "Far be it from me to do this (tazO tAf[]me yLi hl'ylix' rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + interj halil far be it from me, etc. + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + prep min w/Qal infin.constr. ashah + adj.f.s.abs. zoth this]).

    The man in whose possession the cup has been found, he shall be my slave; but as for you, go up in peace to your father (~k,ybia]-la, ~Alv'l. Wl[] ~T,a;w> db,[' yLi-hy<h.yI aWh Ady"B. [;ybiG"h; ac'm.nI rv,a] vyaih' [ m.s.abs. ish + asher + Niphal perf.3m.s. matsa find + m.s.abs. gabi-a cup + pre beth w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. yad hand + pro.3m.s. hu he + Qal impf.3m.s. hayah + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + noun m.s.abs. ebed servant + waw w/pro.2m.p. attem you + Qal imper.m.p. alah go up/back + prep lamedh w/nun m.s.abs. shalom peace + prep el + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.p.suff. abh father])."


  45. Here, in this scene the Joseph story reaches its climax.
  46. It begins with Judah’s intervention and great speech and ends with Joseph’s self-disclosure.
  47. "Judah and his brothers" hints at the decisive part to be played by Judah in the coming interview.
  48. "He was still there" even though the brothers had left very early, so Joseph was still at his residence.
  49. No doubt he had taken the day off.
  50. "Fell to the ground" implies a more abject submission than 42:6; 43:26.
  51. Joseph piles on the psychological pressure, claiming "a man like me is a good diviner (v.15)."
  52. This remark on the part of Joseph is probably to be taken as: "Do you think you could get away with stealing my cup? You know that I am a master diviner and would have found you out, one way or another."
  53. Joseph’s remark is designed to intimidate his brothers.
  54. He wants them to feel the pressure of being at his mercy.
  55. On behalf of the brothers Judah confesses that they have no evidence to support their innocence.
  56. The cup was found in their possession and so all are somehow to blame.
  57. Even though the cup was found in Benjamin’s sack, the brothers band together and take corporate blame.
  58. Judah and the older brothers know they did not steal Joseph’s cup, and probably are not sure Benjamin did.
  59. But the cup was found in Benjamin’s possession.
  60. Judah wants Joseph to charge the entire group with thievery.
  61. And Judah wants the entire group to suffer enslavement for this crime.
  62. Judah attributes their being caught to an act of God (v.16).
  63. This is over against the pagan divination thing.
  64. The fact that the cup was found in Benjamin’s sack does not necessarily mean that Benjamin stole it.
  65. It could have been placed there by one or more of the brothers.
  66. "So, just charge us all with the crime," says Judah.
  67. Joseph for himself sees the solidarity of the brothers.
  68. He sees that they are not willing to sacrifice one to save the rest.
  69. They are willing to stand or fall together.
  70. There is no self preservation antics; just brothers in a situation where they cannot prove their innocence so they take the blind plea.
  71. As far as Judah and rest are concerned maybe Benjamin stole the cup and if he did then the brothers will stand for him.
  72. They will not sacrifice him for their own safety.
  73. It is one for all and all for one.
  74. Its possible, even probable, that Judah and the older brothers are thinking that they are now finally going be punished in kind for what they did to Joseph twenty-two years earlier (cf. 42:21, 22, 28).
  75. So his plea of no contest recognizes the far greater guilt associated with their lost brother.
  76. Joseph uses the same oath formula that the brothers used in v. 7 to deny involvement in this crime (v.17).
  77. This formula goes like this: "It would be a desecration for me to do this."
  78. It is like the Greek me genoito: "may it never be" ("God forbid").
  79. To enslave the innocent with the guilt is a far greater crime, so no; he will not support such a proposal.
  80. So Joseph supports the proposal of his steward.
  81. Only one will be enslaved.
  82. The rest can go home in peace.
  83. Joseph’s ruling falls into the legal category of "substantive irrationality."
  84. What that means is that the one with mere possession of the illicit item will suffer a penalty determined by the judge.
  85. Judah in vv. 18ff. steps up and offers reasons why Joseph’s ruling is unacceptable to them.
  86. Judah’s Speech (vv. 18-34)

    Review of Recent Events (vv. 18-29)

    VERSE 18 Then Judah approached him, and said, "Oh my lord, may your servant please speak a word in my lord's ears (ynIdoa] ynEz>a'B. rb'd' ^D>b.[; an"-rB,d;y> ynIdoa] yBi rm,aYOw: hd'Why> wyl'ae vG:YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. nagash draw near + prep el w/3m.s.suff. + p.n. Judah + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar + part bi excuse me + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + Piel impf.3m.s. dabar speak + interj na please + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant + noun m.s. dabar word + prep beth w/noun f. dual constr. ozen ear + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon lord], and do not be angry with your servant; for you are equal to Pharaoh [h[or>p;K. ^Amk' yKi ^D,b.[;B. ^P.a; rx;yI-la;w> [waw w/neg al + Qal impf.3m.s. charad burn + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. aph nostril + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant + part ki + prep kaph w/2m.s.suff. + prep kaph w/p.n. Pharaoh]).

    VERSE 19 "My lord asked his servants, saying, 'Have you a father or a brother [xa'-Aa ba' ~k,l'-vyEh] rmoale wyd'b'[]-ta, la;v' ynIdoa] [noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon + Qal perf.3m.s. sha-al ask, inquire + d.o. marker + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. ebed + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. amar + interrog ha w/adv yesh + prep lamedh w/2m.p.suff. + noun m.s.abs. abh father + conj o or + noun m.s.abs. abh father])?'

    VERSE 20 "We said to my lord, 'We have an old father and a little child of his old age (!j'q' ~ynIquz> dl,y<w> !qez" ba' Wnl'-vy< ynIdoa]-la, rm,aNOw: [waw w/Qal impf.1p. amar say + prep el + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon + adv yesh + prep lamedh w/1p.suff. + noun m.s.abs. abh father + adj.m.s.abs. zaqen old + waw w/noun m.s.abs. yeledh child + noun m.p.abs. zequnim old age]).

    Now his brother is dead, so he alone is left of his mother, and his father loves him (Abhea] wybia'w> AMail. ADb;l. aWh rteW"YIw: tme wyxia'w> [waw w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. ach + Qal perf.3m.s. muth die + waw w/Niphal impf.3m.s. yathar leave + pro.3m.s. hu his + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. badh alone + prep lamedh w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. em mother + waw w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. abh father + Qal perf.3m.s.w/3m.s.suff. ahab love]).'

    VERSE 21 "Then you said to your servants, 'Bring him down to me that I may set my eyes on him (wyl'[' ynIy[e hm'yfia'w> yl'ae WhdurIAh ^yd,b'[]-la, rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.2m.s. amar + prep el + noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant + Hiphil imper.m.p.w/3m.s.suff. yarad go down; bring down + prep el w/1s.suff. + waw w/Qal impf.1s. shim put + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ayin eye + prep al w/3m.s.suff.]).'

    VERSE 22 "But we said to my lord, 'The lad cannot leave his father, for if he should leave his father, his father would die (tmew" wybia'-ta, bz:['w> wybia'-ta, bzO[]l; r[;N:h; lk;Wy-al{ ynIdoa]-la, rm,aNOw: [waw w/Qal impf.1p. amar + prep el + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon + neg lo + Qal impf.3m.s. yakol be able + m.s.abs. na-ar youth; "lad" + d.o. marker + noun m.s.const.w/3m.s.suff. abh + waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. azab leave + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. abh + waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. muth die]).'

    VERSE 23 "You said to your servants, however, 'Unless your youngest brother comes down with you, you will not see my face again (yn"P' tAar>li !Wpsito al{ ~k, !joQ'h; ~k,yxia] dreyE al{-~ai ^yd,b'[]-la, rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.2m.s. amar + prep el + noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed + part im unless + neg lo + Qal impf.3m.s. yarad go down + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.p.suff. ach + qaton young + prep eth w/2m.p.suff. + neg lo + Hiphil impf.2m.p. yasaph do again + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. ra-ah see + noun m.p.constr.w/1s.suff. panim face]).'

    VERSE 24 "Thus it came about when we went up to your servant my father, we told him the words of my lord (ynIdoa] yreb.DI tae Al-dG<N:w: ybia' ^D>b.[;-la, Wnyli[' yKi yhiy>w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. hayah be + part ki "when" + Qal perf.1p. alah go up + prep el + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. abh father + waw w/Hiphil impf.1s. nagad make known + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + d.o. marker + noun m.p.constr. dabar word + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon lord]).

    VERSE 25 "Our father said, 'Go back, buy us a little food (lk,ao-j[;m. Wnl' Wbvu Wnybia' rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar + noun m.s.constr.w/1p.suff. abh + Qal imper.m.p. shub return + Qal imper.m.p. shabar buy + prep lamedh w/1p.suff. + adj.m.s.constr. me-at little + noun m.s.abs. okel food]).'

    VERSE 26 "But we said, 'We cannot go down (td,r,l' lk;Wn al{ rm,aNOw: [waw w/Qal impf.1p. amar + neg lo + Qal impf.1p. yakol be able + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. yarad do down]).

    If our youngest brother is with us, then we will go down; for we cannot see the man's face unless our youngest brother is with us (WnT'ai WNn<yae !joQ'h; Wnyxia'w> vyaih' ynEP. tAar>li lk;Wn al{-yKi Wnd>r;y"w> WnT'ai !joQ'h; Wnyxia' vyE-~ai [adv im if + adv yesh + noun m.s.constr.w/1p.suff. ach + qaton young + prep eth w/1p.suff. + waw w/Qal perf.1p. yarad go down + part ki for + neg lo + Qal impf.1p. yakol be abel + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. ra-ah see + noun both p.constr. paneh face + m.s.abs. ish + waw w/noun m.s.constr.w/1p.suff. ach + qaton young + adv ayin unless + prep eth w/1p.suff.]).'

    VERSE 27 "Your servant my father said to us, 'You know that my wife bore me two sons ( yLi-hd'l.y" ~yIn:v. yKi ~T,[.d;y> ~T,a; Wnyleae ybia' ^D>b.[; rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. abh + prep el w/1p.suff. + pro.2m.p. attem you + Qal perf.2m.p. yada know + part ki + adj.m. dual abs. shenayim two + Qal perf.3f.s. yalad bear + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ishshah wife]);

    VERSE 28 and the one went out from me, and I said, "Surely he is torn in pieces," and I have not seen him since (hN"he-d[; wytiyair> al{w> @r'jo @roj' %a; rm;aow" yTiaime dx'a,h' aceYEw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. yatsa go out + echad one + prep min w/prep eth w/1s.suff. + waw w/Qal impf.1s. amar + adv akh surely + Qal infin.constr. tarap tear + Qal perf.3m.s. taraph + waw w/neg lo + Qal perf.1s.w/3m.s.suff. ra-ah see + part adh since + part hennah here and there; "since"]).

    VERSE 29 'If you take this one also from me, and harm befalls him, you will bring my gray hair down to Sheol in sorrow (hl'aov. h['r'B. ytib'yfe-ta, ~T,d>r;Ahw> !Asa' Whr'q'w> yn:P' ~[ime hz<-ta,-~G: ~T,x.q;l.W [waw w/Qal perf.2m.p. laqach take + conj gam also + d.o. marker + adj.m.s.abs. zeh this + prep min w/prep im + noun m.p.constr.w/1s.suff. paneh face + waw w/Qal perf.3m.s.w/3m.s.suff. qarah encounter + noun m.s.abs. ason mischief, harm + waw w/Hiphil perf.2m.p. yarad bring down + d.o. marker + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. shebah gray hair + prep beth w/adj.f.s.abs. ra-ah evil; "in sorrow" + noun both s.abs. Sheol]).'


  87. Joseph ostensibly generous offer is countered with the longest and most impassioned speech in Genesis.
  88. "A speech of dignified and persuasive pathos and beauty" (Driver); "the finest specimen of dignified and persuasive eloquence in the OT" (Skinner).
  89. On first reading, it may appear to be a simple rehash of what has already happened in the preceding chapters, but closer examination shows that this is far from the case.
  90. Aspects of the earlier dealings that could annoy Joseph are not mentioned, while Judah includes fresh details of his father’s reaction that he hopes will soften Joseph’s stance; in fact he mentions his father fourteen times.
  91. The speech falls into three parts: review of the past (vv. 18-29); likely consequences if Benjamin does not return (vv. 30-32); Judah offers himself (vv. 33:34).
  92. It fell to Judah above all the other brothers to be the safeguard for Benjamin.
  93. He volunteered for this assignment, and now he is seen to be good to his word.
  94. Upon hearing Joseph’s offer, Judah positions himself closer to Joseph separating himself somewhat from the other brothers (v.18 "Judah drew near, and said…").
  95. The meeting in Joseph’s house has Judah in a special physical relation to Joseph as if the two men were alone.
  96. He consistently addresses Joseph as "my lord" and himself as "your servant.
  97. The introduction to his speech is a supplication for a hearing coupled with a request the his superior not be angry, but listen patiently to his words.
  98. For "stop being angry" cf. 18:30, 32; 31:35.
  99. Anger always clouds the communication and stifles objectivity.
  100. "You are equal with Pharaoh" shows Judah’s deference and even perhaps hints at Joseph’s authority to pardon and be lenient.
  101. Judah’s summary of their first visit to Egypt tactfully omits any reference to the charge of spying, their imprisonment, or the detention of Simeon.
  102. Even the demand to bring Benjamin is softened into "so that I may set my eyes on him" (v.21).
  103. This phrase often expresses benevolent attention (Jer. 24:6; 39:12; 30:4).
  104. And Judah slips in more details about the age of Jacob, and his attachment to Benjamin.
  105. Jacob is "elderly"; Benjamin is "young," the "child of his old age"; "his [Judah’s] brother is dead" (not just "no more" [42:13]); and "his father loves him," indeed "will die" if he does not return.
  106. The acknowledgement of his father’s favoritism on the part of Judah is striking, for it was Jacob’s love of Joseph that prompted his brothers to hate him.
  107. Now this same favoritism is cited as grounds for mercy.
  108. The brothers have grown up spiritually and have accepted that love for their father must override all past grudges.
  109. After providing these details in a fresh format, Judah reminds Joseph of his ultimatum (v.23).
  110. In vv. 24-29 Judah sums up the discussion at home about whether Benjamin stay or be allowed to accompany them to Egypt.
  111. Nowhere in 42:29-43:14 does Jacob say, "You know my wife bore me two sons" (v.27), but Judah puts his father’s attitudes into words, even though Judah in effect delegitimizes himself!
  112. He then goes on to tell what Jacob surmised had happened to Joseph: "Surely he has been torn to bits (v. 28; cf. 37:33) and I haven’t seen him since."
  113. Joseph now hears for the very first time what happened at home when the brothers came back without him.
  114. He hears of his father’s lament and grief that still persists; He hears his father’s cry ‘torn to pieces, torn to pieces!’
  115. This cry echoed in the brothers’ ears.
  116. Likely Consequences If Benjamin Doesn’t Return (vv. 30-32)

    VERSE 30 "Now, therefore, when I come to your servant my father, and the lad is not with us, since his life is bound up in the lad's life (Avp.n:b. hr'Wvq. Avp.n:w> WnT'ai WNn<yae r[;N:h;w> ybia' ^D>b.[;-la, yaiboK. hT'[;w> [waw w/adv attah now + prep kaph w/Qal infin.constr.w/1s.suff. bo go + prep el + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. abh + waw w/ m.s.abs. na-ar lad + adv ayin not + prep eth w/1p.suff. + waw w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. nephesh soul; "life" + Qal part.f.s.abs. qashar bind + prep beth w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. nephesh soul; "life"]),

    VERSE 31 when he sees that the lad is not with us, he will die (tmew" r[;N:h; !yae-yKi AtAar>Ki hy"h'w> [waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. hayah + prep kaph w/Qal infin.constr.w/3m.s.suff. ra-ah see + part ki that + adv ayin not + m.s.asbs. na-ar lad + waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. muth die]).

    Thus your servants will bring the gray hair of your servant our father down to Sheol in sorrow (hl'aov. !Agy"B. Wnybia' ^D>b.[; tb;yfe-ta, ^yd,b'[] WdyrIAhw> [waw w/Hiphil perf.3p. yarad bring down + noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed + d.o. marker + noun f.s.constr. shebah gray hair + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed + noun m.s.constr.w/1p.suff. abh + prep beth w/noun m.s.abs. yagon sorrow + noun both s.abs. Sheol]).

    VERSE 32 "For your servant became surety for the lad to my father, saying (rmoale ybia' ~[ime r[;N:h;-ta, br;[' ^D>b.[; yKi [part ki for + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed + Qal perf.3m.s. arab become surety/pledge + d.o. marker + m.s.abs. na-ar lad + prep min w/prep im + noun m.s.constr. w/1s.suff. abh + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. amar], 'If I do not bring him back to you, then let me bear the blame before my father forever [~ymiY"h;-lK' ybia'l. ytiaj'x'w> ^yl,ae WNa,ybia] al{-~ai [part im if + neg lo + Hiphil impf.1s.w/3m.s.suff. bo + prep el w/2m.s.suff. + waw w/Qal perf.1s. chata sin; "bear the blame" + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. abh + noun m.s.constr. kol all + m.p.abs. yom; should be "the rest of my days"]).'

    Judah Offers Himself (vv. 33-34)

    VERSE 33 "Now, therefore, please let your servant remain instead of the lad a slave to my lord, and let the lad go up with his brothers (wyx'a,-~[i l[;y: r[;N:h;w> ynIdoal; db,[, r[;N:h; tx;T; ^D>b.[; an"-bv,yE hT'[;w> [waw w/adv attah now + Qal impf.3m.s. yashasb sit, remain + interj na please + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant + prep tachath instead + m.s.abs. na-ar lad + noun m.s.abs. ebed slave + prep lamedh w/nun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon lord + waw w/ m.s.abs. na-ar lad + Qal impf.3m.s. alah go up + prep im with + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. ach]).

    VERSE 34 "For how shall I go up to my father if the lad is not with me -- for fear that I see the evil that would overtake my father (ybia'-ta, ac'm.yI rv,a] [r'b' ha,r>a, !P, yTiai WNn<yae r[;N:h;w> ybia'-la, hl,[/a, %yae-yKi [part ki for + interj. ayin how? + Qal impf.1s. alah go up + prep el + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. abh + waw w/ m.s.abs. na-ar lad + adv ayin not + prep eth w/1s.suff. + part pen lest, if; "that" + Qal impf.1s. ra-ah see + beth w/adj.m.s.abs. ra evil + asher + Qal impf.3m.s. matsa find; "overtake" + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. abh])?"


  117. Judah proceeds to predict Jacob’s death if Benjamin fails to return.
  118. He makes Jacob’s words his own (v. 31b), "bring down your servant’s gray hair in sorrow to Sheol" (42:38).
  119. Once again, adding a comment of his own, Judah underlines the bond of affection between Jacob and Benjamin: "his life is bound up with the lad’s life."
  120. Finally, Judah offers himself to stay behind as Joseph’s slave (v. 33).
  121. Judah so feels for his father that he begs to sacrifice himself for a brother more loved than himself!
  122. Judah’s remarkable speech constitutes an undoing, morally and psychologically, of the brothers’ earlier violation of fraternal bonds.
  123. In human relations love is unpredictable, arbitrary, and at times seemingly unjust, and now Judah comes to an acceptance of that fact and all its consequences.
  124. He states, not in so many words, that fact that his father singled out Benjamin for a special affection, as he singled out Rachel’s other son before.
  125. It is this painful reality of favoritism with which Judah has come to be reconciled, in contrast to his youthful jealousy and hate.
  126. Judah is reconciled, not just out of duty, but out of filial love.
  127. His entire speech is motivated by the deepest empathy for his aged father; by a real understanding of what it means for the old man’s life to be bound up with that of "the lad."
  128. Judah can even bring himself to quote sympathetically (v.27) Jacob’s typically extravagant statement that his wife bore him two sons—as though Leah were not his wife, and the other ten were not his sons.
  129. Twenty-two years earlier Judah engineered the selling of Joseph into slavery; now he is prepared to offer himself as a slave so that the other son of Rachel can be set free!
  130. Twenty-two years earlier, he stood with his brothers and silently watched when the bloodstained tunic they had brought to Jacob sent their father into a fit of anguish; now he is willing to do anything in order not to have to see his father suffer that again.
  131. To Joseph, this speech reveals more than the speaker intended: the official version of his own death ("torn to pieces"), the reason for the delay in the brothers’ return, the pain Jacob’s testing as well as what Joseph’s brought to his father.
  132. More importantly, the transformation from subnormal to abnormal solidarity in his brothers manifested nothing short of a transformation.
  133. That the sons of the unloved wife should have come to terms with the father’s attachment to Rachel ("my wife") and her children is amazing.
  134. But that Judah should adduce the father’s favoritism as the ground for self-sacrifice is irresistible proof of brotherly devotion.
  135. This is what breaks down Joseph’s defenses.