Genesis Chapter Thirty

Baby Wars! (vv. 1-24)

Rachel the Instigator (vv. 1-8)

VERSE 1 Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, she became jealous of her sister; and she said to Jacob (bqo[]y:-la, rm,aTow: Ht'xoa]B; lxer' aNEq;T.w: bqo[]y:l. hd'l.y" al{ yKi lxer' ar,Tew: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. ra-ah see + proper noun Rachel + part ki that + neg lo + Qal perf.3f.s. yaladh bear + prep lamedh w/proper noun Jacob + waw w/Piel impf.3f.s. qana be jealous + prep beth w/non f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. achoth sister + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + prep el + proper noun Jacob], "Give me children, or else I die [ykinOa' ht'me !yIa;-~aiw> ~ynIb' yLi-hb'h' [Qal imper.m.s. yahab give; ascribe + noun m.p.abs. ben son; "children" + waw w/part im + adv ayin + Qal part.f.s.abs. muth die + pro.1s. anoki I])."

VERSE 2 Then Jacob's anger burned against Rachel, and he said (rm,aYOw: lxer'B. bqo[]y: @a;-rx;YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. charah burn + noun m.s.asbs. aph anger + proper noun Jacob + prep beth w/proper noun Rachel], "Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb [!j,b'-yrIP. %Memi [n:m'-rv,a] ykinOa' ~yhil{a/ tx;t;h]: [interrog ha w/prep tachath instead of + noun m.p.abs. Elohim + pro.1s. anoki I + asher + Qal perf.3m.s. mana withhold + noun m.s.ab.s peri fruit + noun f.s.abs. beten womb])?"

VERSE 3 She said, "Here is my maid Bilhah, go in to her that she may bear on my knees, that through her I too may have children (hN"M,mi ykinOa'-~g: hn<B'aiw> yK;r>Bi-l[; dletew> h'yl,ae aBo hh' ytim'a] hNEhi rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + interj hinneh + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. amah maid + proper noun Bilhah + Qal imper.m.s. bo go + prep el w/3f.s.suff. + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yaladh bear + prep al upon + noun f. dual constr.w/1s.suff. berek knee + waw w/Niphal impf.1s.s banah build + conj gam also + pro.1s. anoki I + prep min w/3f.s.suff.])."

VERSE 4 So she gave him her maid Bilhah as a wife, and Jacob went in to her (bqo[]y: h'yl,ae aboY"w: hV'ail. Ht'x' hh'l.Bi-ta, Al-!T,Tiw: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. nathan give + prep lamedh w/3m.s. + d.o. marker + proper noun Bilhah + noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. shiphachah maid servant + prep lamedh w/noun f.s.abs. ishshah wife + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. bo go + prep el w/3f.s.suff. + proper noun Jacob]).

VERSE 5 Bilhah conceived and bore Jacob a son (!Be bqo[]y:l. dl,Tew: hh'l.Bi rh;T;w: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. harah conceive + proper noun Bilhah + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yaladh bear + prep lamedh w/proper noun Jacob + noun m.s.abs. ben son]).

VERSE 6 Then Rachel said, "God has vindicated me, and has indeed heard my voice and has given me a son (!Be yli-!T,YIw: yliqoB. [m;v' ~g:w> ~yhil{a/ yNIn:D' lxer' rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + proper noun Rachel + Qal perf.3m.s.w/1s.suff. din judge + noun m.p.abs. Elohim + waw w/conj gam also; "indeed" + Qal perf.3m.s. shama hear + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. qol voice + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. nathan give + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + noun m.s.abs. ben son])."

Therefore she named him Dan (!D' Amv. ha'r>q' !Ke-l[; [part al + adv ken = therefore + Qal perf.3f.s. qara call + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shem name + proper noun Dan]).

VERSE 7 Rachel's maid Bilhah conceived again and bore Jacob a second son (bqo[]y:l. ynIve !Be lxer' tx; hh'l.Bi dl,Tew: dA[ rh;T;w: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. harah conceive + adv odh again + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yaladh bear + proper noun Bilhah + noun f.s.constr. shiphechah maid servant + proper noun Rachel + noun m.s.abs. ben son + adj.m.s.abs. shenayim two + prep lamedh w/proper noun Jacob]).

VERSE 8 So Rachel said, "With mighty wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister, and I have indeed prevailed (yTil.koy"-~G: ytixoa]-~[i yTil.T;p.nI ~yhil{a/ yleWTp.n: lxer' rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + proper noun Rachel + noun m.p.constr. naphilim wrestlings + noun m.p.abs. Elohim + Niphal perf.1s. patal twist; "I have wrestled" + part im indeed + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. achoth sister + conj gam also + Qal perf.1s. yakal prevail])."

And she named him Naphtali (yliT'p.n: Amv. ar'q.Tiw: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. qara call + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shem name + proper noun Naphtali]).


  1. The only conversation recorded in Genesis between Jacob and Rachel is an heated exchange between husband and wife!
  2. The sin in the background that prompted this STA activity is the sin of jealousy/envy.
  3. Leah was blessed by God with four sons to Rachel’s none.
  4. Rachel did not rejoice in her sister’s good fortune but instead became captive to the sin of jealousy.
  5. Jealousy is a devastating sin when given free reign (cf. Prov. 27:4 "Wrath is fierce and anger is a flood, but who can stand before jealousy?").
  6. Some examples from the NT: Acts 13:45 "But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began contradicting the things spoken by Paul, and were blaspheming."; 1Cor. 3:3 "for you are still carnal. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not carnal, and are you not walking like men?"; 2Cor. 12:20 "For I am afraid that perhaps when I come I may find you to be not what I wish and may be found by you a to be not what you wish; that perhaps there will be strife, jealousy, angry tempers, disputes, slanders, gossip, arrogance, disturbances;"; Gal. 5:19-20 "Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."; Jam. 3:14-16 "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and lie against the truth. This wisdom is not that which comes from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing."; 1Cor. 13:4 "Love is patient, love is kind, is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant"; 1Pet. 2:1 "Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.").
  7. Envy was the motivator behind the Jewish assault upon Christ (Matt. 27:18 "For He knew that because of envy they had handed Him over.").
  8. This is the first explicit mention of this sin in Scripture.
  9. This scene like the last (cf. 29:31 "when Yahweh saw Leah’s plight, He was merciful) begins with someone seeing something ("When Rachel saw").
  10. Rachel reacted to her barrenness rather than rejoice in her sister’s good fortune (NT admonition to "rejoice with those who rejoice").
  11. These two sisters should have lived in peace and should have encouraged one another to acclimate to their respective testing.
  12. Rachel under extreme frustration with her childless state irrationally confronts her husband as if he were somehow to blame for her state (v. 1).
  13. Her desperate desire for children and her placing the blame on her husband smacks of an attack on God.
  14. Continual prayer and patience should have been Rachel’s response to her situation.
  15. Her "Give me children, or else I die!" would prove prophetic as she would die in childbirth bearing Jacob’s youngest son Benjamin (35:18).
  16. Jacob’s angry reply to Rachel’s ridiculous assertion was a spiritually sound reply and one that his wife should have been occupied with (v.2).
  17. She should have gone to God with her complaint instead of a desperate attempt to find a scapegoat.
  18. The story of Sarah and Rebekah suffering the same sort of testing should have been Rachel’s comfort, but no, she acts out her frustration with carnality.
  19. Jacob’s "Am It in God’s place" has a parallel when the king of Israel was faced with an impossible demand (1Kgs. 5:7).
  20. Jacob’s rebuke of his wife’s stupidity bore no fruit as she proceeded to engage in her own solution (v.3).
  21. We have her an clear example of a believer who was unwilling to wait on God to bring something to pass.
  22. In ancient Near Eastern times the practice of surrogate marriages is well documented.
  23. The pattern here follows the expediency of Sarah with respect to her maid Hagar.
  24. Rachel uses the same semi-technical verb as Sarah in v. 3 translated "obtain."
  25. The verb is banah (‘to build’) followed by the preposition min with the 3rd feminine suffix referring to her maid, Bilhah.
  26. The expression could be rendered: "that I may build up from her."
  27. The expression "that she my bear on my knees" is a colorful way of saying that the son born to Bilhah will be adopted.
  28. Also, it refers to Rachel acting as midwife.
  29. The only other use of this expression is in 50:23.
  30. Rachel’s term for "maid" is amah which term is used for the relationship of a slave-girl to her master while the term shipechah, used of the relationship between a maid and her mistress (cf. 16:1,2,3,5,6,8; 30:4,7,9,10,12,18).
  31. So Rachel gives Jacob Bilhah as a slave-wife, just as Sarah did with Hagar.
  32. Jacob for reasons not specified is compliant with his wife’s proposal (vv. 4-5).
  33. There is no condemnation of Jacob’s compliance ("Jacob went in to her."), unlike the words "And Abram listened/obeyed the voice of Sarai."
  34. It could have been pity or historical precedent or something else but whatever the case Jacob like Abraham goes along with the designs of his wife.
  35. As with Hagar Bilhah becomes pregnant like clockwork (v.5).
  36. Rachel, unlike Sarah, is thrilled with the new baby boy (v. 6).
  37. For her the birth of this surrogate child is divine vindication and an answer to her prayers!
  38. "God has vindicated me" is Rachel’s first assertion at the child’s birth and is a play on the name Rachel gave the baby—Dan.
  39. The verb din means ‘to judge’, and is here translated with the nuance ‘to vindicate.’
  40. The reader of this episode is dubious to say the least about Rachel’s first assertion ("God has vindicated me").
  41. The reader doesn’t doubt that Rachel had been praying, but the birth of this fifth patriarchal leader is not the product of answered prayer as his birth is the product of God’s plan to bring on the scene the 12 founders of the 12 tribes of Israel.
  42. The name "Dan" also plays on the verb "has given me a son" (nathan).
  43. Note how she regards this baby as her very own whereas Sarah rejected Ishmael (16:1-7).
  44. Rachel is clearly preoccupied with her own happiness and is insensitive to anyone else.
  45. Her superficial happiness was bound to be overturned as it was not built on genuine trust in God.
  46. In rapid succession a 2nd child is born to Jacob and his wife Bilhah (v. 7).
  47. Upon the birth of the sixth patriarch Rachel once again espouses silliness of speech (v. 8).
  48. She uses the terminology of wrestling as in some athletic competition.
  49. She may have taken this analogy from one of Jacob’s pastimes.
  50. The noun (hapax) and the verb (patal) are rare.
  51. Elsewhere the verb is used to describe "the cunning" (Job 5:13); "the shrewd" (Ps. 18:27) and "the crooked" (Prov 8:8), but only here as "wrestled" and "wrestlings."
  52. Here we find that she views her struggle with Leah as a competition ("I have wrestled with my sister").
  53. The meaning of Naphtali appears to be "struggles."
  54. Her words "and I have indeed prevailed" is wishful thinking.
  55. Based on a contest the score is still 4 to 2 Leah’s favor and her sons were not surrogates.
  56. This is how screwed up and nonsensical a believer becomes when some STA sin takes over and when contentment with one’s circumstance is not left in God’s hands.
  57. Tit for Tat (vv. 9-13)

    VERSE 9 When Leah saw that she had stopped bearing, she took her maid Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a wife (hV'ail. bqo[]y:l. Ht'ao !TeTiw: Ht'x' hP'l.zI-ta, xQ;Tiw: td,L,mi hd'm.[' yKi ha'le ar,Tew: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. ra-ah see + proper noun Leah + part ki that + Qal perf.3f.s. amad stand; "stopped" + prep min w/Qal infin.constr. yalad bear + d.o. marker + proper noun Zilpah + noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. shiphechah maid servant + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. nathan give + d.o. marker w/3f.s.suff. + prep lamedh w/proper noun Jacob + prep lamedh w/noun f.s.abs. ishshah wife]).

    VERSE 10 Leah's maid Zilpah bore Jacob a son (!Be bqo[]y:l. ha'le tx; hP'l.zI dl,Tew: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yaladh bear + proper noun Zilpah + noun f.s.constr. shiphechah maid servant + proper noun Leah + prep lamedh w/proper noun Jacob + noun m.s.abs. ben son]).

    VERSE 11 Then Leah said, "How fortunate (Îdg"Ð ÎaB'Ð ¿dg"B.À ha'le rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + proper noun Leah + prep beth w/noun m.s.abs. gadh fortune + Qal perf.3m.s. bo come, enter; go])!"

    So she named him Gad (dG" Amv.-ta, ar'q.Tiw: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. qara call + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. shem name + proper noun Gad]).

    VERSE 12 Leah's maid Zilpah bore Jacob a second son (bqo[]y:l. ynIve !Be ha'le tx; hP'l.zI dl,Tew: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yaladh bear + proper noun Zilpah + noun f.s.constr. shiphechah maid servant + proper noun Leah + noun m.s.abs. ben son + adj.m.s.abs. shenayim two + prep lamedh w/proper noun Jacob]).

    VERSE 13 Then Leah said, "Happy am I! For women [daughters] will call me happy (tAnB' yKi yrIv.a'B. ha'le rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + proper noun Leah + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. osher happinees + part ki for + Piel perf.3p.w/1s.suff. ashar walk straight + noun f.p.abs. bath daughter])."

    So she named him Asher (rvea' Amv.-ta, ar'q.Tiw: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. qara call + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shem name +proper noun Asher]).


  58. Rachel’s shallow triumphs were short-lived.
  59. And once again we have someone seeing something ("When Leah saw that she had stopped bearing").
  60. Leah rises to the challenge and anything her sister can do she can do even better.
  61. Leah can bear children and she can play the maid card!
  62. No background information is supplied as to how she convinced Jacob to take a fourth wife (v. 9).
  63. Only that Leah presented Jacob with her maid Zipah as a slave-wife.
  64. Throughout the first half of the chapter Jacob is simply compliant with the manipulations of his two wives.
  65. Jacob did not tell her that she has four sons and should be happy with that, so there was no pressing need for her to have surrogate children.
  66. Upon the birth of the 7th patriarch of Israel Leah gives a very short declaration with less obvious emphasis on God (v. 11).
  67. She simply declares "Luck has come!" the quere reading or "Good luck!" (ketib reading) translated here "How fortunate!"
  68. Some translations read: "A troop comes!" (KJV, NKJ) (cp. NIV "What good fortune!").
  69. "Gad" means fortune or luck.
  70. As with the Bilhah-Jacob union that produced two sons so as things would have it Jacob and Zilpah have a second son (v. 12).
  71. Her exuberant words "Happy am I! suggests that she too was building her happiness on her ability to achieve her ends.
  72. The second part of her statement upon the birth of Asher is that she will achieve notoriety from the women folk ("For women/daughters will call me happy.").
  73. Asher who’s name is built around the term ‘happiness’ is the 8th son and patriarch of Israel.
  74. The Mandrake Caper (vv. 14-21)

    VERSE 14 Now in the days of wheat harvest Reuben went and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them to his mother Leah (AMai ha'le-la, ~t'ao abeY"w: hd,F'B; ~yaid'Wd ac'm.YIw: ~yJixi-ryciq. ymeyBi !beWar> %l,YEw [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. halak go + proper noun Reuben + prep beth w/noun m.p.constr. yom day + noun m.s.constr. qatsir harvest + noun f.p.abs. chitah wheat + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. matsa find + noun m.p.abs. duday mandrake + beth w/noun m.s.abs. shadeh field + waw w/Hiphil impf.3m.s. bo go, bring + d.o. marker w/3m.p.suff. + prep el + proper noun Leah + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. em mother]).

    Then Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes (%nEB. yaed'WDmi yli an"-ynIT. ha'le-la, lxer' rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + proper noun Rachel + prep el + proper noun Leah + Qal imper.f.s. nathan give + part na please + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + prep min w/noun m.p.constr. duday mandrake + noun m.s.constr.w/2f.s.suff. ben son])."

    VERSE 15 But she said to her, "Is it a small matter for you to take my husband (yviyai-ta, %Tex.q; j[;m.h; Hl' rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + prep lamed w/3f.s.suff. + me-at little; "small matter" + Qal infin.constr.w/2m.s.suff. laqach take + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ish man; "husband"])?

    And would you take my son's mandrakes also (ynIB. yaed'WD-ta, ~G: tx;q;l'w> [waw w/prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. laqach take + conj gam also + d.o. marker + noun m.p.constr. duday mandrake + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben son])?"

    So Rachel said, "Therefore he may lie with you tonight in return for your son's mandrakes (%nEb. yaed'WD tx;T; hl'y>L;h; %M'[i bK;v.yI !kel' lxer' rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + proper noun Rachel + prep lamedh w/adv ken "therefore" + Qal impf.3m.s. shakab lie + prep im w/2m.s.suff. + m.s.abs. lay-lah tonight + part. tachath "in return" + noun m.p.constr. duday mandrake + noun m.s.constr.w/2f.s.suff. ben son])."

    VERSE 16 When Jacob came in from the field in the evening, then Leah went out to meet him and said (rm,aTow: Atar' ha'le aceTew: br,[,B' hd,F'h;-!mi bqo[]y: aboY"w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. bo go, come + proper noun Jacob + prep min + m.s.abs. shadeh fiel + prep beth w/noun m.s.abs. ereb evening + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yatsa go out + proper noun Leah + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr.w/3m.s.suff. qara call; "meet"], "You must come in to me, for I have surely hired you with my son's mandrakes [ynIB. yaed'WdB. ^yTir>k;f. rkof' yKi aAbT' yl;ae rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + prep el w/3m.s.suff. + part ki for + Qal infin.constr. sakar hire + Qal perf.1s.suff.w/2m.s.suff. sakar = "I have surely hired you" + prep beth w/noun m.p.constr. duday mandrake + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben son])."

    So he lay with her that night (aWh hl'y>L;B; HM'[i bK;v.YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. shakab lie + prep im w/3f.s.suff. + w/noun m.s.abs. lay-lah night + pro.3m.s. hu that]).

    VERSE 17 God gave heed to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son (yviymix] !Be bqo[]y:l. dl,Tew: rh;T;w: ha'le-la, ~yhil{a/ [m;v.YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. shama hear, listen + noun m.p.abs. Elohim God + prep el w/proper noun Leah + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. harah conceive + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yaladh bear + prep lamedh w/proper noun Jacob + noun m.s.abs. ben + adj.m.s.abs. chamishi fifth]).

    VERSE 18 Then Leah said, "God has given me my wages because I gave my maid to my husband (yviyail. ytix' yTit;n"-rv,a] yrIk'f. ~yhil{a/ !t;n" ha'le rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + proper noun Leah + Qal perf.3m.s. nathan give + noun m.p.abs. Elohim + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. shakar wage + asher + Qal perf.1s. nathan give + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. shiphchah maid servant + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ish husband]."

    So she named him Issachar (rk'XF'yI Amv. ar'q.Tiw: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. qara call + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shem name + proper noun Issachar]).

    VERSE 19 Leah conceived again and bore a sixth son to Jacob (bqo[]y:L. yVivi-!Be dl,Tew: ha'le dA[ rh;T;w: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. harah conceive + adv odh again + proper noun Leah + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yaladh bear + noun m.s.abs. ben son + adj.m.s.abs. shishi sixth + prep lamedh w/proper noun Jacob]).

    VERSE 20 Then Leah said, "God has endowed me with a good gift; now my husband will dwell with me, because I have borne him six sons (~ynIb' hV'vi Al yTid>l;y"-yKi yviyai ynIleB.z>yI ~[;P;h; bAj db,zE ytiao ~yhil{a/ ynId;b'z> ha'le rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + proper noun Leah + Qal perf.3m.s.w/1s.suff. zabad endow with + noun m.p.abs. Elohim + d.o. marker w/1s.suff. + noun m.s.abs. zebed gift + adj.m.s.abs. tobh good + f.s.abs. pa-am step + Qal impf.3m.s.w/1s.suff. zabal honor, exalt + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ish husband + part ki for + Qal perf.1s.s yaladh bear + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + adj.m.s.abs. shesh six + noun m.p.abs. ben son])."

    So she named him Zebulun (!Wlbuz> Amv.-ta, ar'q.Tiw: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. qara call + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shem name + proper noun Zebulon]).

    VERSE 21 Afterward she bore a daughter and named her Dinah (hn"yDI Hm'v.-ta, ar'q.Tiw: tB; hd'l.y" rx;a;w> [waw w/adv achar afterward + Qal perf.3f.s. yaladh bear + noun f.s.constr. bath daughter + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. qara call + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. shem + proper noun Dinah judge/plead/contend]).


  75. At the time of this episode Reuben was about 4 or 5 years of age taking into account that all the birthing of the sons (11) of Jacob took place within the second seven year period of Jacob’s employment.
  76. Leah had her first four sons within the first 3 or 4 years of the 7 year period and then she stopped bearing children for whatever reason.
  77. Reuben in late summer (wheat harvest) brings his mother some mandrakes.
  78. This plant bears bluish flowers in winter and yellowish plum-sized fruit in summer.
  79. The plant was known for its aphrodisiac properties by ancient man.
  80. The plant was considered a fertility drug.
  81. The only other mention of it outside this chapter in the Bible is SOS 7:13 ("The mandrakes have given forth fragrance; and over the doors are all choice fruits, both old and new, which I have saved up for you, my beloved.").
  82. Rachel politely asks her sister for "some of your son’s mandrakes" (v. 14).
  83. Rachel is desperate to have a son of her own so she resorts to superstition.
  84. Leah in response to the request vents her long-standing grievance with her sister (v. 15).
  85. Leah’s accusation that Rachel has taken her husband is based on the fact that Jacob is no longer sleeping with her.
  86. The reason is no doubt due to Rachel’s insistence that he not have anything to do with Leah sexually.
  87. Questions introduced by the Hebrew hame-at ("a small matter") usually express exasperation (cf. Num. 16:9; Josh. 22:17; Isa. 7:13; Ezek. 34:18).
  88. Again, Jacob is seen as trying to keep the peace by doing whatever his wives want him to do!
  89. This would explain the statement back in 29:3 regarding Leah that "she stopped bearing."
  90. Rachel acquiesces to her sister’s justifiable grievance and makes her an offer in exchange for some of the mandrakes.
  91. Rachel trades one night’s conjugal rights for some mandrakes.
  92. All this shows how desperate Rachel is to bear sons of her own as the surrogate thrill has long worn off!
  93. What she wants more than anything else is a child of her own.
  94. Her whole existence and happiness was built around having children of her own.
  95. That same day in the evening Jacob returns from a hard day’s work only to be greeted by his wife Leah who actually came out to meet him.
  96. She is demanding of him with the, "You must come" followed by the infinitive absolute "I have hired surely hired you."
  97. The verb "hire" is seen also at 29:15; 30:28, 32; 33:7,8,41 of Jacob’s employment with Laban.
  98. Now even his body is up for rent by his conspiring wives!
  99. Her words "I have really hired you" anticipate the name of Leah’s fifth son Issachar in v.18.
  100. Once again the ever compliant Jacob spends the night with her (v. 16b).
  101. Nine months later the 9th patriarch of Israel is born into the world and the fifth son of Jacob by Leah (v.17).
  102. Leah sees in the birth of Issachar a reward or a wage, not for giving mandrakes to her sister, but "because I gave my maid to my husband" (v. 18).
  103. The name Issachar means something like "man for hire."
  104. Leah during her non productive period when she offered Jacob her maid views her action as a great sacrifice that God had now rewarded her for.
  105. Yet when the two sons of Zilpah (Gad and Asher) were born she considered those very joyous occasions.
  106. The reality was that giving her maid to Jacob was not a pleasant experience considering her estrangement from her husband.
  107. Following the birth of Issachar, Leah for the 6th time, becomes pregnant (v. 19).
  108. Leah’s standard dual explanation for at the birth of Zebulon has her focusing on the proper source of her blessing at least in the first part of her declaration.
  109. What she says is this: "God has endowed me with a good endowment."
  110. The consonants z, b, and r are found in Hebrew names like Zedediah, Zabdi, and Zebedee.
  111. The name Zebulon is a kind of pun on the root ‘to endow.’
  112. With the birth of her 6th and final son she regards this as her real marriage dowry.
  113. Six sons will bring Jacob around and this will cause him to treat her as a worthy if not superior mate.
  114. Again, wishful thinking tripped up these two sisters.
  115. More and more sons did not bring Jacob to loving her with the same devotion he had for Rachel.
  116. The polygamous marriages in Scripture while permitted were fraught with trouble and strife.
  117. Leah’s supposed triumph is carried through in the naming of her 7th child and daughter Dinah.
  118. Her name means "vindication."
  119. The one and only daughter is the final child of Jacob and Leah making a grand total of six sons and one daughter.
  120. Adding the four sons by the maid-wives the grand total at this point in the story is ten sons and one daughter.
  121. Birth of Joseph (vv. 22-24)

    VERSE 22 Then God remembered Rachel, and God gave heed to her and opened her womb (Hm'x.r;-ta, xT;p.YIw: ~yhil{a/ h'yl,ae [m;v.YIw: lxer'-ta, ~yhil{a/ rKoz>YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. zakar remember + noun m.p.abs.. Elohim + d.o. marker + proper noun Rachel + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. shama hear + prep el w/3f.s.suff. "to her" + noun m.p.abs. Elohim + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. pathach open + d.o. marker + noun both s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. racham womb]).

    VERSE 23 So she conceived and bore a son and said, "God has taken away my reproach (ytiP'r>x,-ta, ~yhil{a/ @s;a' rm,aTow: !Be dl,Tew: rh;T;w: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. harah conceive + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yaladh bear + noun m.s.constr. ben son + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + Qal perf.3m.s. asaph remove + noun m.p.abs. Elohim + d.o. marker + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. cherepah reproach])."

    VERSE 24 She named him Joseph, saying, "May the LORD give me another son (rxea; !Be yli hw"hy> @seyO rmoale @seAy Amv.-ta, ar'q.Tiw: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. qara call + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shem name + proper noun Joseph + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. amar say + Hiphil impf.3m.s. yasaph do again, add + proper noun Yahweh + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + noun m.s.abs. ben son + acher another])."


  122. Finally, Rachel is blessed with a child and not through surrogate motherhood or mandrakes but through the mercy of God.
  123. She apparently put her trust in God and quit all her antics as suggested in the words "God gave heed to her…"
  124. She relied strictly on prayer in the end.
  125. When it says in Scripture that "God remembered" someone it is always followed by a display of God’s power.
  126. In this case it was also a display of divine mercy considering how badly she had acted during the first six years of the marriage.
  127. God opened her womb as he did Leah’s at the outset of the 2nd seven year period (29:31).
  128. As typical, we have a double explanation of the name chosen for the 11th son (v. 23-24).
  129. Childlessness was considered shameful (cf. Isa. 4:1).
  130. God preserved Rachel’s reputation by removing childlessness from her ("God has taken away my reproach.").
  131. She properly gives God the credit for her blessing.
  132. The second part of her declaration "May the LORD give me another son" is a prayer request for one more son.
  133. This prayer would be answered at the cost of her life (35:16-19).
  134. The name of her son is Joseph and is an abbreviated form of "May God add."
  135. Note that the name Yahweh is used at the beginning and at the end of sections/stories (29:32, 33, 35).
  136. The less intimate name Elohim is preferred elsewhere through the midsection.
  137. Yahweh is used when prayers are answered and when the parties are objects of covenant grace.
  138. Rachel was graced-out in the birth of this famous son; one of the greatest examples of faithfulness to the plan of God found in all Scripture.
  139. So, this messy episode ends on an upbeat note.
  140. God Prospers Jacob at Laban’s Expense (vv. 25-43)

    VERSE 25 Now it came about when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Jacob said to Laban (!b'l'-la, bqo[]y: rm,aYOw: @seAy-ta, lxer' hd'l.y" rv,a]K; yhiy>w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. hayah + prep kaph w/ asher + Qal perf.3f.s. yalad bear + proper noun Rachel + d.o. marker + proper noun Joseph + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + proper noun Jacob + prep el + proper noun Laban], "Send me away, that I may go to my own place and to my own country [ycir>a;l.W ymiAqm.-la, hk'l.aew> ynIxeL.v; [Pie limper.m.s.w/1s.suff. shalach send away + waw w/Qal impf.1s. halak go + prep el + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. maqom place; "country"]).

    VERSE 26 "Give me my wives and my children for whom I have served you, and let me depart (hk'leaew> !heB' ^ yTid>b;[' rv,a] yd;l'y>-ta,w> yv;n"-ta, hn"T. [Qal imper.m.s. nathan give + d.o. marker + noun f.p.constr.w/1s.suff. ishshah "wives" + waw w/d.o. marker + noun m.p.constr.w/1s.suff. yeledh child + asher + Qal perf.1s. abad serve + d.o. marker w/2m.s.suff. "you" + prep beth w/3f.p. "for whom" + waw w/Qal impf.1s. halak go; "let me depart"]; for you yourself know my service which I have rendered you [^yTid>b;[] rv,a] ytid'bo[]-ta, T'[.d;y" hT'a; yKi [part ki for + pro.2m.s. attah you + Qal perf.2m.s. yada know + d.o. marker + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. abodah service, labor + asher + Qal perf.1s.w/2m.s.suff. abadh serve])."

    VERSE 27 But Laban said to him, "If now it [I have found favor in your eyes] pleases you, stay with me; I have divined that the LORD has blessed me on your account (^l,l'g>Bi hw"hy> ynIker]b'y>w: yTiv.x;nI ^yn<y[eB. !xe ytiac'm' an"-~ai !b'l' wyl'ae rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + prep el w/3m.s.suff. "to him" + proper noun Laban + part im if + interj na please + Qal perf.1s. matsa find + non m.s.abs. chen favor, grace + noun f. dual constr.w/2m.s.suff. ayin eye + Piel perf.1s. nachash divine, take as an omen; diligently observe; noun means ‘serpent’ + Piel impf.3m.s.w/1s.suff. barak bless + proper noun Yahweh + prep beth w/pre gala account])."

    VERSE 28 He continued, "Name me your wages, and I will give it (hn"Tea,w> yl;[' ^r>k'f. hb'q.n" rm;aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + Qal imper.m.s. naqab pierce, bore; "Name" + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. sheker wages + prep al w/1s.suff. "me" + waw w/Qal impf.1s. nathan give])."

    VERSE 29 But he said to him, "You yourself know how I have served you and how your cattle have fared with me (yTiai ^n>q.mi hy"h'-rv,a] taew> ^yTid>b;[] rv,a] tae T'[.d;y" hT'a; wyl'ae rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + prep el w/3m.s.suff. + pro.2m.s. attah you + Qal perf.2m.s. yada know + d.o. marker + asher + Qal perf.1s.w/2m.s.suff. abadh serve + waw w/d.o. marker + asher + Qal perf.3m.s. hayah be + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. mineh cattle + prep eth w/1s.suff. "with me"]).

    VERSE 30 "For you had little before I came and it has increased to a multitude (brol' #rop.YIw: yn:p'l. ^l. hy"h'-rv,a] j[;m. yK [part ki for + adj.m.s.abs. me-at little + asher + Qal perf.3m.s. hayah + prep lamedh w/2m.s.suff. "you" + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.constr.w/1s.suff. paneh face + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. paratz burst; "it has increased" + lamedh w/noun m.s.abs.robh multitude], and the LORD has blessed you wherever I turned [ylig>r;l. ^ hw"hy> %r,b'y>w: [waw w/Piel impf.3m.s. barak bless + proper noun Yahweh + d.o. marker w/2m.s.suff. + prep lamed w/noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. regel foot; "wherever I turned"]).

    But now, when shall I provide for my own household also (ytiybel. ykinOa'-~g: hf,[/a, yt;m' hT'[;w> [waw w/adv attah now + interrog when? + Qal impf.1s. ashah "provide" + conj gam also + pro.1s. anoki I + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. bayith household])?"


  141. The birth of Jacob’s 11th son (12th child) marks the dividing line between the 2nd and 3rd stages of Jacob’s employment.
  142. The first stage was non eventful with the love-struck Jacob working for the sole purpose of gaining Rachel as his wife.
  143. The second stage was very eventful with the birth of 12 children by four wives over a 84 month period (7yrs).
  144. The interpreter is challenged to fit the births into a seven year period considering the constraints imposed by the narrative.
  145. There is no way the pregnancies could have been one after the other as that would require 108 months (9 x 12).
  146. If Leah’s first four sons came one right after the other then 36 months (or 3 years) of the 84 are accounted for.
  147. At this point Leah quit bearing because she wasn’t having sexual relations with Jacob due to Rachel’s interference.
  148. Rachel’s angst over this development spurred her to take a proactive measure and she offered Jacob her maid Bilhah as wife which produced the fifth son Dan.
  149. This was no doubt done while Leah was pregnant with Judah (4th son).
  150. If Bilhah conceived immediately after Leah became pregnant with Judah, then five of the sons can be accounted for in a little in the first three years of the seven year cycle(36+ months).
  151. Leah and Rachel’s maid Bilhah were with child during the 4th nine month cycle with Judah born first and Dan born shortly thereafter.
  152. Bilhah conceives one more time starting the 5th nine month cycle concluding with 45 months of the 84 month cycle.
  153. If Leah joined the competition giving her maid Zilpah to Jacob as wife at the outset of the 2nd pregnancy of Bilhah, then the 5th nine month cycle begins and ends with about 45 months into the 84 month period being accounted for.
  154. The two maids were with child at the same time during this cycle.
  155. At this juncture 45 months have elapsed with the birth of 7 sons.
  156. Zilpah, like her counterpart Bilhah, has a 2nd and final pregnancy, which accounts for the 6th nine month cycle, making a grand total of 54 months of the 84 month period.
  157. Now we have accounted for the birth of 8 sons over a 54 month period with 30 months left and four children to go.
  158. Immediately after this, Leah resumes sexual relations with her husband and bears him sons’ # 5 and 6 (sons 9 and 10), bringing the total number of children to 10, while the number of months elapsed is about 72 (periods 8 and 9).
  159. Leah becomes pregnant one more time and nine months later gives birth to a daughter bringing the 7 year era to the c. 81st month (9x9).
  160. This does not leave any time for the Rachel pregnancy.
  161. So, it must be that Rachel became pregnant shortly after Leah became pregnant with Dinah.
  162. In period #9 Leah and Rachel are pregnant simultaneously.
  163. Four months are left over out of the 83 month or 7 year era to be inserted at intervals to account to the overlapping pregnancies or Leah/Bilhah, Bilhah/Zilpah, and Leah/Rachel.
  164. The advantage of this scheme is that it keeps the pregnancies within the 84 month period, and it follows the sons’ order of birth as narrated in chapters 29 and 30.
  165. Leah was pregnant 63 months out of the 84 months!
  166. There is about 18 months when she "stopped bearing" between the births of Judah and Issachar.
  167. Bilhah and Zilpah were with child 18 months respectively.
  168. Rachel was pregnant with Joseph the last 9 months of the seven year period.
  169. Upon the birth of Joseph and the end of the 2nd seven years of "free" labor Jacob approaches Laban for permission to return to his homeland with his wives and children (vv. 25-26).
  170. Having fulfilled his agreement to work seven more years so he could have Rachel wife he has no further obligation to Laban.
  171. "Send me away" is absent any polite interjection.
  172. Where he desires to go his "my own place and to my own country/homeland."
  173. This shows that Jacob’s heart was still connected to the land of the covenant.
  174. The land was his by promise (cf. 28:4, 13).
  175. Jacob wants his freedom and to keep his wives and children.
  176. Jacob reminds Laban that he has served him with all due diligence as incentive for his timely release (v. 26b "for you know my service which I have done for you.").
  177. Laban’s exceptional prospering during the 14 years Jacob tended his flocks speaks for itself.
  178. Laban’s lead-in to his solicitation of Jacob’s goodwill is a part of the front he put forth to gain an advantage.
  179. His words "If I have found favor in your eyes" are polite but ring hollow.
  180. Laban is a user whose politeness is butters up his would-be victim.
  181. Laban admits that his recent prospering is to be explained in light of the doctrine of blessing by association (v. 27).
  182. Laban’s colorful speech has him saying "I have divined that the LORD has blessed me on your account."
  183. Laban probably did not engage in divination although it would not have been beneath him if he thought he could prosper by it.
  184. His expression here is simply a figure of speech for "I have learned by experience…"
  185. The verb ‘to divine’ (nachash) is well attested in the OT for the practice of sorcery/divination.
  186. The cognate noun nachash means "divination " or "serpent" as the context specifies.
  187. Again, Laban seeks to butter-up Jacob.
  188. His observation with respect to his material prospering is none-the-less true.
  189. For individuals blessed by association through heirs of the covenant, there is Lot, Abimelech, Potiphar and Pharaoh.
  190. Laban owed Jacob nothing and if Jacob was to leave with nothing more than wives and children, he must work another seven years.
  191. Laban feels he cannot let go a man who has brought him such prosperity.
  192. Without any further elaboration he commands Jacob to set his wages (v. 28).
  193. Laban also figures that he can get the better of Jacob.
  194. Being the negative type believer that he is Laban does not factor in divine intervention on Jacob’s behalf even though he admits that his prosperity is due to Jacob.
  195. Jacob’s Proposal For Wages Accepted (vv. 31-33)

    VERSE 31 So he said, "What shall I give you (%l'-!T,a, hm' rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + interrog mah what? + Qal impf.1s. nathan give + prep lamedh w/2m.s.suff.])?"

    And Jacob said, "You shall not give me anything (hm'Wam. yli-!T,ti-al{ bqo[]y: rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + proper noun Jacob +neg lo + Qal impf.2m.s. nathan give + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + noun m.s.abs. me-uma anything]).

    If you will do this one thing for me, I will again pasture and keep your flock (rmov.a, ^n>aco h[,r>a, hb'Wva' hZ<h; rb'D'h; yLi-hf,[]T;-~ai [part im if + Qal impf.2m.s. ashah do + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. "for me" + m.s.abs. dabar word; thing + zeh this + Qal impf.1s. shub (re)turn; "will again" + Qal impf.1s. ra-ah pasture + noun f.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ts-on flock + Qal impf.1s. shamar guard, keep]):

    VERSE 32 let me pass through your entire flock today (~AYh; ^n>aco-lk'B. rbo[/a, [Qal impf.1s. abar pass through + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr. kol all; "entire" + noun f.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ts-on flock + m.s.abs. yom day], removing from there every speckled and spotted sheep and every black one among the lambs and the spotted and speckled among the goats [~yZI[iB' dqon"w> aWlj'w> ~ybif'K.B; ~Wx-hf,-lk'w> aWlj'w> dqon" hf,-lK' ~V'mi rseh [Hiphil infin.constr. sur turn aside; "removing" + prep min w/adv sham there + noun m.s.constr. kol all + noun m.s.abs. sheh sheep + adj.m.s.abs. naqod speckled + waw w/Qal pass.part.m.s.abs. talah spot, patch + waw w/noun m.s.constr. kol all + noun sheh sheep + adj.m.s.abs. chum dark brown or black prep beth w/noun m.p.abs. kebesh lamb + waw w/Qal pass.part.m.s.abs. tala spot + waw w/adj.m.s.abs. naqod speckled + prep beth w/noun f.p.abs. ez goat]; and such shall be my wages [yrIk'f. hy"h'w> [waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. hayah + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. sheker wages]).

    VERSE 33 "So my honesty will answer for me later, when you come [check] concerning my wages (yrIk'f.-l[; aAbt'-yKi rx'm' ~AyB. ytiq'd>ci yBi-ht'n>['w> [waw w/Qal perf.3f.s. anah answer + prep beth w/1s.suff. "for me" + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. tsedaqah righteousness; "honesty" + prep beth w/noun m.s.abs. yom day + adv machar tomorrow = "later" + part ki when + Qal impf.2m.s. bo come + prep al + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. shakar wages]).

    Every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and black among the lambs, if found with me, will be considered stolen (yTiai aWh bWnG" ~ybif'K.B; ~Wxw> ~yZI[iB' aWlj'w> dqon" WNn<yae-rv,a] lKo ^yn<p'l. [prep lamedh w/noun both p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. paneh "Every one" + noun m.s.abs. kol all + asher + adv ayin not + adj.m.s.abs. naqodh "speckled" + waw w/Qal pass.part.m.s.ab.s tala "spotted" + beth w/noun f.p.abs. ez goat + waw w/adj.m.s.abs. chum brown/black + beth w/noun m.p.abs. kesheb lamb + Qal pass.part.m.s.abs. ganab steal + pro.3m.s. hu it + prep eth w/1s.suff. "with me"])."

    VERSE 34 Laban said, "Good, let it be according to your word (^r,b'd>ki yhiy> Wl !he !b'l' rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + proper noun Laban + interj hen behold; "Good" + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + Qal impf.3m.s. hayah be + prep kaph w/noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. dabar word])."


  196. Laban simply ignores Jacob’s request to leave with his family without any material assests to show for his fourteen years of service.
  197. Laban instead asks Jacob to set his salary for another period of caring for Laban’s flocks.
  198. Jacob turns down a salary tied to currency as noted in his reply, "You shall not give me anything."
  199. Instead Jacob asks his uncle to "do this one thing for me."
  200. If his request is granted Jacob agrees to "pasture and keep [Laban’s] flocks" (v. 31).
  201. As a wage Jacob asks Laban to give him the variegated sheep and goats from Laban’s flocks.
  202. Sheep are typically solid white in color while goats are typically black in color.
  203. He request of Laban all "speckled" and "spotted" and "black" sheep along with every "spotted" and "speckled" among the goats.
  204. Typically no more than 20 percent of a flock fell into the above category.
  205. Jacob asks that all the variegated sheep and goats be his and all the solid color sheep and goats be Laban’s
  206. To insure that Jacob is keeping his end of the bargain Laban is told that he can periodically "come/check" to see if Jacob is in compliance with the arrangement (v. 33).
  207. Jacob tells Laban that if any white sheep or black goats are found at any time within Jacobs flocks then that means that the animals are to be considered stolen.
  208. Jacob promises that all newborn lambs that are not variegated in colorations are Laban’s and all the rest his.
  209. He invites Laban to check up on him and see if he is acting in accord with his words.
  210. Jacob promises to act in a righteous/honest fashion during the time of his new employment.
  211. Laban is further invited to remove all the multicolored sheep to start with leaving Jacob with only white sheep and black goats.
  212. What are the chances that the white and black animals with produce multicolored specimens?
  213. Based on the laws of genetics the results in Jacob’s favor will be slim.
  214. Laban readily accepts this most favorable arrangement (v. 34).
  215. Newborn lambs or kids that were multicolored were given as wages to shepherds in those days.
  216. Laban Stacks the Deck! (vv. 35-36)

    VERSE 35 So he removed on that day the striped and spotted male goats and all the speckled and spotted female goats (tADquN>h; ~yZI[ih'-lK' taew> ~yailuJ.h;w> ~yDIqu[]h' ~yviy"T.h;-ta, aWhh; ~AYB; rs;Y"w: [waw w/Hiphil impf.3m.s. sur turn aside; "removed" + beth w/noun m.s.abs. yom day + hu that + d.o. marker + m.p.abs. tayish he-goat + aqodh striped + waw w/ pass.part.m.p.abs. tala spot + waw w/d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr. kol all + f.p.abs. ez she-goat + naqod spotted , every one with white in it, and all the black ones among the sheep, and gave them into the care of his sons [wyn"B'-dy:B. !TeYIw: ~ybif'K.B; ~Wx-lk'w> AB !b'l'-rv,a] lKo [noun m.s.abs. kol all + asher + adj.m.s.abs. laban white + prep beth w/3m.s.suff. "in it" + waw w/noun m.s.constr. kol + adj.m.s.ab.s chum brown/black + beth w/noun m.p.ab.s kebesh lamb/sheep + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. nathan give + prep beth w/noun f.s.cnstr. yad hand + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. ben son]).

    VERSE 36 And he put a distance of three days' journey between himself and Jacob, and Jacob fed the rest of Laban's flocks (trot'ANh; !b'l' !aco-ta, h[,ro bqo[]y:w> bqo[]y: !ybeW AnyBe ~ymiy" tv,l{v. %r,D, ~f,Y"w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. shum place + noun both s.abs. derek "journey" + adj.m.s.constr. shalosh three + noun m.p.abs. yom day + prep bayin between + waw w/prep bayin between + proper noun Jacob + waw w/proper noun Jacob + Qal part.m.s.abs. ra-ah pasture + d.o. marker + noun both s.abs. ts-on flock + proper noun Laban + part.f.p. yathar remain; "the rest of"]).


  217. Jacob’s words back in v. 32, "these will be my payment/wages" could be taken to mean that the current crop of off-colored animals should be his immediately.
  218. And, that all newborn sheep and goats that met the criterion set forth by Jacob for his wages would be his over the seven years of employment.
  219. Jacob had volunteered to separate the flocks himself but Laban preempts Jacob doing this, separating the off-colored animals from Laban’s flocks.
  220. These animals were separated from the others and given to Laban’s sons to care for (v. 35).
  221. Instead of having some multicolored animals, Jacob is left to care for Laban’s solid colored sheep and goats.
  222. Laban, ever the manipulator, takes the initial group of off-colored animals and moves them far away from his solid colored animals.
  223. Thus leaving Jacob to care for Laban’s solid colored sheep and goats.
  224. So Jacob starts off at an additional disadvantage.
  225. He has no off-colored animals to breed with the solid colored animals.
  226. Laban then takes the off-colored sheep and goats and moves them a three days journey from his flocks left in Jacob’s care ("Jacob fed the rest of Laban’s flocks").
  227. That way there is no chance that the white sheep and black goats can breed with the off-colored specimens.
  228. Laban stacks the deck against Jacob.
  229. But Laban’s greed will be his undoing as he does not appreciate what he is dealing with.
  230. Jacob Engages in Selective Breeding (vv. 37-42)

    VERSE 37 Then Jacob took fresh rods of poplar and almond and plane trees, and peeled white stripes in them, exposing the white which was in the rods (tAlq.M;h;-l[; rv,a] !b'L'h; @fox.m; tAnb'l. tAlc'P. !heB' lCep;y>w: !Amr>[,w> zWlw> xl; hn< lQ;m; bqo[]y: Al-xQ;YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. laqach take + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + proper noun Jacob + noun m.s.constr. maqqel rod, staff + noun m.s.abs. lebana "popular" + adj.m.s.abs. lach fresh, moist + waw w/noun m.s.abs. luz almond + waw w/noun m.s.abs. armon plane-tree + waw w/Piel impf.3m.s. patsal peel, strip + prep beth w/3f.p.suff. "them" + noun f.p.abs. pislah peeled or striped + adj.f.p.abs. laban white + noun m.s.abs. macheshoph laying bare, exposing + laban white + asher + prep al + m.p.abs. maqqel rod]).

    VERSE 38 He set the rods which he had peeled in front of the flocks in the gutters, even in the watering troughs (~yIM'h; tAtq]viB. ~yjih'r\B' lCePi rv,a] tAlq.M;h;-ta, gCeY:w: [waw w/Hiphil impf.3m.s. yatsag set + d.o. marker + m.p.abs. maqqel rod + asher + Piel perf.3m.s. patsal peel + prep beth w/noun m.p.abs. rahat trough; Ex. 2:16 + prep beth w/noun f.p.constr. shoqeth watering trough + m.p.abs. mayim water], where the flocks came to drink; and they mated when they came to drink [ !a'boB. hn"m.x;YEw: !aCoh; xk;nOl. !aCoh; !"aboT' rv,a] [ asher "where" + both s.abs. ts-on sheep + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. shathah drink + prep lamedh w/prep nokach in front of; "came to" + both s.abs. ts-on flock + waw w/Qal impf.3f.p. yacham be hot; "they mated" + prep beth w/Qal infin.constr.w/3f.p.suff. bo go + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. shathah drink]).

    VERSE 39 So the flocks mated by the rods, and the flocks brought forth striped, speckled, and spotted (~yailuj.W ~yDIqun> ~yDIqu[] !aCoh; !"d>l;Tew: tAlq.M;h;-la, !aCoh; Wmx/Y<w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. yacham be hot; "mated" + both s.abs. ts-on flock + prep el + m.p.abs. maqqel rod + waw w/Qal impf.3f.p. yalad bear + both s.abs. ts-on flock + adj.m.p.abs. aqod striped + adj.m.p.abs. naqod speckled + waw w/Qal pass.part.m.p.abs. tala patch spot]).

    VERSE 40 Jacob separated the lambs, and made the flocks face toward the striped and all the black in the flock of Laban (!b'l' !acoB. ~Wx-lk'w> dqo['-la, !aCoh; ynEP. !TeYIw: bqo[]y: dyrIp.hi ~ybif'K.h;w> [waw w/ m.p.abs. kesheb lamb + Hiphil perf.3m.s. parad divide + proper noun Jacob + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. nathan give + noun both p.constr. paneh face + both s.abs. ts-on flock + prep el + adj.m.s. aqod striped + waw w/noun m.s.constr. kol all + adjm.s.abs. chum brown/black + prep beth w/noun both s.abs. ts-on flock + proper noun Laban]; and he put his own herds apart, and did not put them with Laban's flock [!b'l' !aco-l[; ~t'v' al{w> ADb;l. ~yrId'[] Al-tv,Y"w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. shith put + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + noun m.p.abs. eder flock, herd + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. bad alone; "apart" + waw w/neg lo + Qal perf.3m.s.w/3m.p.suff. shith put + prep al + noun both s.abs. ts-on flock + proper noun Laban]).

    VERSE 41 Moreover, whenever the stronger of the flock were mating (tArV'qum.h; !aCoh; ~xey:-lk'B. hy"h'w> [waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. hayah + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr. kol all + Piel infin.constr. yacham be hot; "were mating" + both s.abs. tson flock + part.f.p.abs. qashar bind; "stronger"], Jacob would place the rods in the sight of the flock in the gutters, so that they might mate by the rods [tAlq.M;B; hN"mex.y:l. ~yjih'r\B' !aCoh; ynEy[el. tAlq.M;h;-ta, bqo[]y: ~f'w> [waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. shum place + proper noun Jacob + d.o. marker + m.p.abs. maqqel rod + prep lamedh w/noun m. dual constr. ayin eye + both s.abs. tson flock + prep beth w/noun m.p.ab.s rahat trough + prep lamedh w/Piel infin.constr.w/3f.p. yacham be hot; "mate" + beth w/noun m.p.ab.s maqqel rod]);

    VERSE 42 but when the flock was feeble, he did not put them in; so the feebler were Laban's and the stronger Jacob's (bqo[]y:l. ~yrIvuQ.h;w> !b'l'l. ~ypiju[]h' hy"h'w> ~yfiy" al{ !aCoh; @yji[]h;b.W [waw w/prep beth w/Hiphil infin.constr. ataph turn aside; "was feeble" + both s.abs. tson flock + neg lo + Qal impf.3m.s. shum put + waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. hayah + pass.part.m.p.abs. ataph turn aside; "the feebler" + prep lamedh w/proper noun Laban + waw w/ pass.part.m.p.abs. qashar bind; "the stronger" + prep lamedh w/proper noun Jacob]).


  231. Jacob is left with only white sheep and black goats.
  232. These animals of course are Laban’s which Jacob tends according to the agreement.
  233. Jacob had no off-colored animals to start with as Laban had separated them and removed them from the flocks left in Jacob’s care (see above discussion).
  234. The white and the black genes respectively were dominant genes.
  235. Jacob resorts to a belief current in his time that the coloration of the lambs and kids was influenced by what the parents viewed as they were mating.
  236. The belief was that if the mating animals viewed something that was variegated in color then the offspring produce in accord with the recessive gene.
  237. If the white sheep and black goats looked at multicolored posts when they mate, then the newborn will be multicolored.
  238. To accomplish this effect Jacob removed fresh branches from indigenous trees (e.g. popular, almond and plane/chestnut; v. 37).
  239. He then peeled of some of the bark exposing the white or light colored bark (v. 37).
  240. He then placed these "rods" in the watering troughs (v. 38).
  241. When the sheep and goats came to drink it was here that they typically mated (v. 38).
  242. While they mated they were exposed to these stripped branches.
  243. Jacob resorted to "sympathetic magic" similar to the case with Rachel and the mandrakes.
  244. The result for Jacob was a resounding success (v. 39).
  245. The explanation for this success is that God is sovereign over the laws of genetics.
  246. Jacob’s success had little or nothing to do with his ambitious efforts.
  247. Note the same adjectives describing the first crop of newborns as are mentioned back in v. 32 and 39 (cp. 31:8, 10, 12).
  248. According to the last verse in narrating this experiment, Jacob continued to use the stripped-rod technique (cf. v.42).
  249. The meaning of v. 40 is difficult to ascertain.
  250. The view that seems to best satisfies the text is that Jacob has multicolored young of the sheep facing toward "the striped and all the black (goats) in the flock of Laban" while they mated (v. 40a).
  251. The result: the black goats produced off-colored kids.
  252. As the number of off-colored animals grew Jacob separated his flocks from Laban’s flocks (v. 40b).
  253. Naturally, Jacob’s flocks gradually outnumbered the flock of Laban during the six years of selective breeding.
  254. Whatever the exact meaning of v. 40 is the result was the Laban was outsmarted.
  255. Jacob was blessed with breeding large numbers of off-colored animals from the monochrome animals that Laban left him with.
  256. What isn’t readily apparent in this section is the fact that Laban kept changing the rules (see 31:8).
  257. But each time he did so, God intervened denying Laban any advantage.
  258. Jacob was forced to separate his animals from Laban’s due to Laban’s duplicity (v. 40b).
  259. At each cycle of birthing Laban was on hand to see the results.
  260. That is why he kept changing the rules of the game.
  261. This involved a lot of extra work for Jacob during the final six years of his employment.
  262. Jacob introduced another version of his selective breeding experiment (v. 41).
  263. Over time he took the "strongest of the flock" and placed the rods before them, leaving the weaker animals to bred in the absence of the rods (vv. 41-42).
  264. The result: Jacob’s animals were much more vigorous than those of Laban’s.
  265. In the end, Jacob had the superiority both in numbers and quality.
  266. Even though Jacob resorted to "sympathetic magic", in the same vein as that of Rachel’s mandrakes, God blessed him.
  267. Jacob’s Prosperity (v. 43)

    VERSE 43 So the man became exceedingly prosperous, and had large flocks and female and male servants and camels and donkeys (~yrImox]w: ~yLim;g>W ~ydIb'[]w: tAxp'v.W tABr; !aco Al-yhiy>w: daom. daom. vyaih' #rop.YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. parats burst; "became…prosperous" + m.s.abs. ish man + adv me-odh exceedingly + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. hayah + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + noun both s.abs. tson flock + adj.f.p.abs. rabh large + waw w/noun f.p.abs. shiphichah maid servant + waw w/nun m.p.abs. ebed servant; "male servants" + waw w/noun m.p.abs. gamal camel + waw w/noun m.p.abs. chamor donkey]).


  268. "So the man became exceedingly prosperous" brings the era of Jacob’s employment to Laban to a conclusion.
  269. During the first fourteen years Jacob was under a labor contract for his wives.
  270. In the last segment God brought Jacob from a the status of a beleaguered laborer to that of a very successful entrepreneur.
  271. Thus God fulfilled this part of the promise made to Jacob in 28:15 ("I am with you and will keep you wherever you go…").
  272. Like his grandfather and father before him, Jacob came into his own based largely to divine intervention.
  273. Abraham prospered in Egypt even though he sinned; and Isaac prospered in Gerar even though he sinned.
  274. Jacob arrived in Haran with next to nothing to call his own, but left with "large flocks, female and male servants and camels and donkeys."
  275. This is listing is familiar to readers to the patriarchal narrative.
  276. The material prosperity came to pass in just six years, and that in spite of Laban’s interference.
  277. Jacob in exile was prospered just as Abraham was in Egypt.

END: Genesis Chapter Thirty

February, 20012

Jack M. Ballinger