Genesis Chapter Twenty-Four

Isaac’s Receives a Bride (vv. 1-67)

Scene 1: Abraham Commissions His Servant (vv. 1-9)

VERSE 1 Now Abraham was old, advanced in age; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in every way [in all things] (lKoB; ~h'r'b.a;-ta, %r;Be hw"hyw: ~ymiY"B; aB' !qez" ~h'r'b.a;w> [waw w/proper noun Abraham + Qal perf.3m.s. zaqen be old + Qal perf.3m.s. bo go + prep beth w/noun m.p.abs. yom day w/vb = "advanced in age" + waw w/proper noun Yahweh + Piel perf.3m.s. barak bless + d.o. marker + proper noun Abraham + w/noun m.s.abs. kol all]).

VERSE 2 Abraham said to his servant, the oldest of his household, who had charge of all that he owned (Al-rv,a]-lk'B. lveMoh; AtyBe !q;z> ADb.[;-la, ~h'r'b.a; rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + proper noun Abraham + prep el to + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s. ebedh servant + adj.m.s.constr. zaqen old + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. bayith household + part.m.s.abs. mashal rule + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr. kol all + asher + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff.], "Please place your hand under my thigh [ykirey> tx;T; ^d>y" an"-~yfi [Qal imper.m.s. shim place + interj na please, now + noun f.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. yadh hand + prep tachath beneath + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. yarek thigh]),

VERSE 3 and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of earth (#r,a'h' yhel{awE ~yIm;V'h; yhel{a/ hw"hyB; ^[]yBiv.a;w> [waw w/Hiphil impf.1s.sw/2m.s.suff. sheba- swear + prep beth w/proper noun Yahweh + noun m.p.constr. Elohim + m.p.abs. shemayim heaven + waw w/noun m.p.constr. Elohim + waw w/ both s.abs. eretz earth], that you shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live [ABr>qiB. bveAy ykinOa' rv,a] ynI[]n:K.h; tAnB.mi hV'ai xQ;ti-al{ rv,a] [rel pro asher + neg lo + Qal impf.2m.s. laqach take + noun f.s.abs. ishshah wife + prep lamedh w/non m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben son + prep min w/noun f.p.constr. bath + noun Canaan + rel pro asher + pro.1s. anoki I + Qal part.m.s.abs. yashab dwell + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. qereb midst]),

VERSE 4 but you will go to my country and to my relatives, and take a wife for my son Isaac (qx'c.yIl. hV'ai T'x.q;l'w> %leTe yTid>l;Am-la,w> ycir>a;-la, yKi [part ki for + prep el to + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. eretz land + waw w/prep el to + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. molereth relatives + Qal impf.2m.s. halak go + waw w/Qal perf.2m.s. laqach take + noun f.s.abs. ishshah wife + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben son + prep lamedh w/proper noun Isaac])."

VERSE 5 The servant said to him, "Suppose the woman is not willing to follow me to this land (#r,a'h'-la, yr;x]a; tk,l,l' hV'aih' hb,ato-al{ yl;Wa db,[,h' wyl'ae rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + prep el w/3m.s.suff. + m.s.abs. ebedh servant + adv ulay suppose + neg lo + Qal impf.3f.s. bo go + f.s.abs. ishshah woman + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. halak go + adv w/1s.suff. achari after + prep el to + both s.abs. eretz land + zoth this]; should I take your son back to the land from where you came [~V'mi t'ac'y"-rv,a] #r,a'h'-la, ^n>Bi-ta, byvia' bveh'h, [ infin.abs. shub return + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ben son + prep lamedh w/noun both s.abs. eretz land + rel pro asher + Qal perf.2m.s.s yatsa go out + prep min w/adv sham there])?"

VERSE 6 Then Abraham said to him, "Beware that you do not take my son back there (hM'v' ynIB.-ta, byviT'-!P, ^l. rm,V'hi ~h'r'b.a; wyl'ae rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + prep el w/3m.s.suff. + proper noun Abraham + Niphal imper.m.s. shamar guard, give heed; "Beware" + prep lamedh w/2m.s.suff. + part pen not + Hiphil impf.2m.s. shub returne; "take back" + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben son + adv sham there])!

VERSE 7 "The LORD, the God of heaven, who took me from my father's house and from the land of my birth, and who spoke to me and who swore to me, saying (rmoale yli-[B;v.nI rv,a]w: yli-rB,DI rv,a]w: yTid>l;Am #r,a,meW ybia' tyBemi ynIx;q'l. rv,a] ~yIm;V'h; yhel{a/ hw"hy> [proper noun Yahweh + noun m.p.constr. Elohim + m.p.abs. shamayim heaven + asher + Qal perf.3m.s.w/1s.suff. laqach take + prep min w/noun m.s.constr. bayith house + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. abh father + waw w/prep min w/noun both s.abs. eretz land + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. moledeth birth + waw w/ asher + Piel perf.3m.s. dabar speak +prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. amar say] ‘to your descendants I will give this land,' He will send His angel before you, and you will take a wife for my son from there [~V'mi hV'ai T'x.q;l'w> ^yn<p'l. Aka'l.m; xl;v.yI aWh taZOh; #r,a'h'-ta, !Tea, ^[]r>z:l. [prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. zera seed + Qal impf.1s. nathan + d.o. marker + both s.abs. eretz land + zoth this + pro.3m.s. he + Qal impf.3m.s. shalach send + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. male-akh angel + prep lamedh w/noun both constr.w/2m.s.suff. paneh face + waw w/Qal perf.2m.s. laqach take + noun f.s.abs. ishshah wife + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben + prep min w/adv from there]).

VERSE 8 "But if the woman is not willing to follow you, then you will be free from this my oath; only do not take my son back there (hM'v' bvet' al{ ynIB.-ta, qr; tazO yti['buV.mi t'yQinIw> ^yr,x]a; tk,l,l' hV'aih' hb,ato al{-~aiw> [waw w/part im if + neg lo + Qal impf.3f.s. abah be willing + f.s.abs. ishshah woman + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. halak go + adv w/2m.s.suff. achare after + waw w/Niphal perf.2m.s. naqah be free + prep min w/noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. shebu-ah oath + adj.f.s.abs. zoth this + adv raq only + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben + neg lo + Hiphil impf.2ms. jussive shub return; "take back" + adv sham there])."

VERSE 9 So the servant placed his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master, and swore to him concerning this matter (hZ<h; rb'D'h;-l[; Al [b;V'YIw: wyn"doa] ~h'r'b.a; %r,y< tx;T; Ady"-ta, db,[,h' ~f,Y"w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. shim place + m.s.abs. ebedh servant + d.o. marker + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. yad hand + prep tachath under + noun f.s.constr. yarek thigh + proper noun Abraham + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. adon master, lord + waw w/Niphal impf.3m.s. shaba swear + prep lamedh w/3m.s. + prep al concerning + m.s.abs. dabar word, matter + zoth this]).


  1. Very soon after the death of his wife Abraham initiates a plan to secure a wife for his son Isaac.
  2. We know from 25:20 that Isaac was forty years of age when he married Rebekah.
  3. This episode comes four years after the death of Sarah.
  4. Abraham, then, would have been 140 years of age (he lived to age 175; Gen. 25:7).
  5. This fits with the narrator’s introduction to this episode: "Abraham was old, advanced in age…"
  6. The introduction also pays tribute to the fact that Abraham at this stage in his life "had been blessed in every way (lit., ‘in all things’)."
  7. So God’s word to him 70 years earlier that He would bless Him was realized decades before his death.
  8. Abraham had much time to observe his heir and to know his strengths and weaknesses.
  9. Isaac was a very passive personality type person and so he had remained single staying to himself.
  10. Abraham sees the need to secure an appropriate wife for his son so he summons his most trusted servant.
  11. Throughout the rather long story of the getting of a bride for Isaac this servant is not named.
  12. It is presumed by some that this servant is Eliezer of Damascus (cf. 15:2; only occurrence of his name); others regard him as a different individual.
  13. Eliezer is the person Abraham proposed for an heir via adoption.
  14. Certainly Abraham would not have proposed someone who did not come with substantial credentials, which includes unflagging loyalty and a deep spiritual life.
  15. Both these attributes are obvious to the reader to this episode.
  16. So, the obvious candidate for this unnamed servant is Eliezer of Damascus.
  17. Why then, is he not named?
  18. If Abraham is a God the Father figure, and Isaac is a Christ figure, then could it not be that the gaining of a bride for Isaac is a type of the Church and the unnamed servant points to the great prophet and forerunner of Christ, namely, John the Baptist.
  19. The prophet Isaiah refers to his ministry as "a voice crying in the wilderness…" (Matt. 3:3//Mk. 1:3//Lk. 3:4 quoting Isa. 40:3).
  20. John tended to play down his persona to get people to focus on his message and the One he heralded (cf. Jn. 1:19-23).
  21. As will be noted in subsequent verses this servant constantly affirmed that he was a servant to his master Abraham and Isaac.
  22. Jesus’ high praise for John the Baptist (Matt. 11:11), fits with the highest confidence and trust that Abraham placed in this man: "who had charge of all that he owned."
  23. Another intriguing fact regarding this typological connection is the fact that John was responsible for the earliest converts and disciples that came to him and later joined up with Jesus (Andrew and Peter; Jn. 1:40).
  24. Jesus referred to Himself as "the bridegroom" (Mk. 2:19-20).
  25. John referred to himself as the friend of the bridegroom (Jn. 3:29-30).
  26. The bride would be the prospective Church.
  27. The servant in question is said to be "the oldest of his household" which fits well with the Eliezer identification.
  28. This servant was to Abraham, what Joseph was to the Pharaoh (cf. 39:4,6; cp. 41:41; 42:6).
  29. The presence of this man in Abraham’s organization demonstrates once again all the ways in which God had blessed him.
  30. Abraham in his old age delegated full authority in the day to day operation of Abraham’s household.
  31. Abraham delegates to him the responsibility of choosing a bride for his on Isaac.
  32. On the day when Abraham called his trusted servant into his tent, for this most delicate assignment, he asks him to place his hand under his thigh with a view to taking an oath.
  33. Abraham first gives the oath’s content before the servant places his hand under his thigh and swears to the oath.
  34. This no doubt was a first for this servant underscoring the seriousness with which the man was to carry out his master’s desire.
  35. Throughout time solemn oaths were performed by holding some sacred object in the hand (swearing on a Bible).
  36. The thigh had an association with something fundamental in regards to the covenant.
  37. The thigh was associated with the seat of reproduction life.
  38. If the covenant promises were to be upheld, then Abraham’s son must marry and father an heir.
  39. So what we have here is an oath taken in connection with Abraham’s private parts.
  40. The servant is asked "to swear" by the God of the covenant, who is the Creator (v.3; cf. 14:22).
  41. The oath begins will an emphatic request on the part of Abraham that his servant "shall not take a wife from the daughters of the Canaanites…" (v.3).
  42. Abraham judged them as unacceptable based on years of familiarity with Canaanite culture and mores.
  43. Abraham ends the words of the oath with this same insistence (v. 8).
  44. Abraham lived among these peoples, got along with them, and was esteemed by them, but he knew that intermarriage with them would lead to disaster.
  45. Later on Jacob would be sent to by Isaac to his ancestral home for a bride ((28:1-2).
  46. Esau, Jacob’s brother, married Canaanite women (Gen. 26:34).
  47. The servant’s destination, commands Abraham, is to "my country and to my relatives" to secure a wife for Isaac (v.4).
  48. This is the same homeland and kin that Abraham walked away from some 65 years earlier.
  49. "Country" and "relatives" (lit., clan) is a fairly broad designation.
  50. The latter falls somewhere between tribe and father’s household.
  51. Abraham specifies that the prospective girl must come from a specific territory and from the right clan.
  52. As things turned out the servant was blessed with an even closer kinship than just clan.
  53. Isaac and Rebekah were cousins; hence the servant found a woman from Abraham’s father’s house.
  54. The servant anticipates a potential problem—‘what if the girl refuses?’ (v.5)?’
  55. In other words, he is intimating that the woman he selects may not want to take the chance of marrying a man sight unseen.
  56. The servant is willing to please, going so far as to suggest that if the girl is reticent to leave her home and marry a man she knows next to nothing about and whom she has never met, then would it be permissible to take Isaac there so the two of them could get acquainted?
  57. The potential difficulty raised by "the servant" is an obvious one.
  58. Abraham responds to this suggestion (v.6), with an strong directive: "Beware that you do not take my son back there!"
  59. Abraham considers this suggestion to be out of the question.
  60. For Abraham the risk of ever seeing Isaac again was such that he emphatically nixes the suggestion.
  61. He knows his son and his vulnerability to being influenced by others.
  62. He will not be party to jeopardizing the promises of the covenant.
  63. In v.7 Abraham recalls his own experiences with his family and his own experience of extraditing himself from their clutches (v.7).
  64. God in grace delivered him from his "father’s house" and from his homeland.
  65. He left them all when his father died in Haran and came to the land promised to him and his descendants.
  66. He harbored no lingering desires to go back and associate himself with their version of spiritually.
  67. He would rather live and die in a land that was not yet his than return to a place where his spiritual interests would be neutralized (Heb. 11:15 "And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return.").
  68. To go back even for the briefest of visits was for him out of the question as it constituted and insult to the One who had called him to a better possession.
  69. God had even confirmed His promises to Abraham with an oath, which he partially quotes here in v. 7.
  70. His ancestral home and family before his call, has nothing to do with what he came to be all about.
  71. He tells his servant to go and get a woman for his son and if there is no girl who wants to marry under these circumstances the servant is to return, if necessary, empty-handed.
  72. For the 2nd time he insists, "only do not take my son back there!"
  73. Two items Abraham insisted upon: (a) don’t resort to a Canaanite bride; and, (b) don’t under any circumstances take Isaac back there.
  74. The servant is given an most challenging assignment: find an acceptable wife who is willing to leave her family and go off and marry a man she knows absolutely nothing about.
  75. The servant agrees to the terms of the oath and submits to the ritual imposed by his master (v. 9).
  76. All the details of this enterprise is left to the discretion of the servant in whom Abraham held the utmost trust!
  77. Scene 2: Well At Aram-Naharim (vv. 10-28)

    Servant’s Prayer for a Sign (vv. 10-14)

    VERSE 10 Then the servant took ten camels from the camels of his master (wyn"doa] yLem;G>mi ~yLim;g> hr'f'[] db,[,h' xQ;YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. laqach take + m.s.abs. ebed servant + adj.f.s.abs. asharah ten + noun m.p.abs. gamal camel + prep min w/noun m.p.constr. gamal + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s. adon lord, master], and set out with a variety of good things of his master's in his hand [Ady"B. wyn"doa] bWj-lk'w> %l,YEw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. halak go + waw w/noun m.s.constr. kol + noun m.s.constr. tobh good + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. adon master + prep beth w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. yadh hand]; and he arose and went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor [rAxn" ry[i-la, ~yIr;h]n:ƒ~r;a]-la, %l,YEw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. qum arise + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. halak go + prep lamedh w/proper noun Mesopotamia + prep el w/non f.s.abs. ir city + proper noun Nahor]).

    VERSE 11 He made the camels kneel down outside the city by the well of water at evening time, the time when women go out to draw water (tboa]Voh; tace t[el. br,[, t[el. ~yIM'h; raeB.-la, ry[il' #Wxmi ~yLim;G>h; %reb.Y:w: [waw w/Hiphil impf.3m.s. barak bless; knee + m.p.abs. gamal camel + prep min w/noun m.s.abs. chutz outside + prep lamedh w/noun f.s.abs. ir city + prep el + noun f.s.abs. be-er well + m.p.abs. mayin water + prep lamedh w/noun both s.abs. eth time + noun m.s.abs. ereb evening + Qal infin.constr. yatsa go out + part.f.p.abs. sha-ab draw (water)]).

    VERSE 12 He said, "O LORD, the God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today, and show lovingkindness to my master Abraham (~h'r'b.a; ynIdoa] ~[i ds,x,-hfe[]w: ~AYh; yn:p'l. an"-hreq.h; ~h'r'b.a; ynIdoa] yhel{a/ hw"hy> rm;aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + proper noun Yahweh + noun m.p.constr. Elohim + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + proper noun Abraham + Hiphil imper.m.s. qarah encounter; "grant" + interj na please + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.constr.w/1s.suff. "me" + m.s.abs. yom day + waw w/Qal imper.m.s. ashah do; "show" + noun m.s.ab.s chesed loyal-love + prep im with + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + proper noun Abraham]).

    VERSE 13 "Behold, I am standing by the spring, and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water (~yIm' taoc.yO ry[ih' yven>a; tAnb.W ~yIM'h; !y[e-l[; bC'nI ykinOa' hNEhi [interj hinneh behold + pro.1s. anoki I + Niphal part.m.s.abs. natsab stand + prep al w/noun f.s.constr. ir city + m.p.abs. mayim water; "spring" + waw w/noun f.p.constr. bath daughter + noun m.p.constr. ish man + f.s.abs. ir city + Qal part.f.p.abs. yatsa go out + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. sha-ab draw]);

    VERSE 14 May it be that when I say to a girl, 'Please let down your jar that I may have a drink,' and she says, 'Drink, and I'll water your camels too'-- let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac (qx'c.yIl. ^D>b.[;l. T'x.k;ho Ht'ao hq,v.a; ^yL,m;G>-~g:w> htev. hr'm.a'w> hT,v.a,w> %Dek; an"-yJih; h'yl,ae rm;ao rv,a] r'[]N:h; hy"h'w (waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. hayah be + f.s.abs. na-arah girl (youthful) + asher + Qal impf.1s. amar say + prep el w/3f.s.suff. + Hiphil imperf.f.s. natah stretch out; "let down" + interj na + noun f.s.constr.w/2f.s.suff. kad jar + waw w/Qal impf.1s.s shathah drink + waw w/Qal perf.3f.s. amar say + Qal imper.m.s. shathah drink + waw w/conj gam + noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. gamal camel + Hiphil impf.1s. shaqah give drink to + d.o. marker w/3f.s.suff. + Hiphil perf.2m.s. yakach appoint + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. ebed servant + lamedh w/proper noun Isaac]).

    By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master (ynIdoa]-~[i ds,x, t'yfi['-yKi [d;ae Hb'W [waw w/prep beth w/3f.s.suff. + Qal impf.1s. yada know + part ki that + Qal perf.2m.s. ashah do; "have shown" + noun m.s.abs. chesed kindness + prep im + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master])."


  78. "The servant" as he is designated by the narrator prepares the caravan for the long journey.
  79. The animals are laden with "all kinds of good things" which will be used to demonstrate Abraham’s wealth and to give gifts to the Rebekah and her family.
  80. The "good things" were to be used as betrothal gifts from the perspective groom’s family for the bride to be and her family.
  81. The ten camels by themselves illustrate Abraham’s wealth.
  82. The general destination is the Fertile Crescent (e.g., Mesopotamia), and the specific target is "the city of Nahor," which is, most probably Haran.
  83. The Hebrew reads "Aram-Naharaim" which means "Aram of the Two Rivers."
  84. The two rivers are the Euphrates on the west and Habur on the east.
  85. Abraham’s surviving brother Nahor relocated to Haran sometime after Abraham’s departure from there as he moved to Canaan.
  86. This city was last mentioned in 11:31 and 32.
  87. Here Nahor fathered sons and daughter(s), the details of which were made known to Abraham shortly after the sacrifice of Isaac episode (cf. Gen. 22:20-22).
  88. The journey from Beersheba to the city of Nahor was a long trip and took at least a month.
  89. The servant arrives at his destination toward evening and there he granted the camels rest buy making them kneel down.
  90. The arrival of the caravan at this time of day was fortuitous as it was the time of day when women arrived at the city well to draw water, particularly young and unmarried women (cf. 29:10; Ex. 2:16).
  91. After resting the animals the servant begins to pray (vv. 12-14).
  92. The servant’s prayer was not an audible one (cf. v. 45).
  93. He addresses deity as "the God of my master Abraham" in whose service he was a most committed servant.
  94. The first half of his general petition is: "please grant me success" or literally, "make it happen in front of me."
  95. The second half is: "and show lovingkindness to my master Abraham."
  96. Lovingkindness or ‘steadfast love" (Heb. chesed) is a regularly featured character component of God’s essence.
  97. It is coupled with "grace" (chen) in 39:21 toward Joseph during his time in prison.
  98. When Yahweh passed in front of Moses He proclaimed Himself to be a God who "abounds in steadfast love" along with the character traits of compassion, grace, slowness to anger and truth (Ex. 34:6).
  99. The servant appeals to steadfast love in his solicitation of God’s blessing in the matter at hand.
  100. Psalm 136 celebrates this divine virtue in all of its 26 verses.
  101. In the OT this noun occurs 255x in 245 verses.
  102. The servant asks for God to demonstrate this aspect of the divine character not to himself, but on behalf of his master Abraham.
  103. After all, Abraham had proven himself reliable and a man who feared God at the highest level.
  104. After informing God as to his physical location (v. 12), he proceeds with his prayer for a very specific result.
  105. The servant devised an imaginative character test for the would-be female that would make a satisfactory bride for Isaac (v. 14).
  106. The test imposed on the young woman that he happens to approach has an easy part and a difficult part.
  107. The easy part of the test is to for the servant to make a simple request for a drink of water from her jar.
  108. She must not hesitate to offer this stranger a drink.
  109. This part of the character test is of course something that she agrees to of her own free will.
  110. The part of the test that would not be based on a the servant’s requesting it, is for the woman to volunteer to water all ten camels kneeling at the water trough!
  111. He prays that God will show him the right girl based on her willingness to do a fairly arduous task when she had another responsibility.
  112. This is all the more amazing when it is known that there were an number of other males that could have easily watered the camels who attended the caravan (cf. v. 59).
  113. The female who would demonstrate hospitality on this level would be the one who would be a worthy candidate for the servant’s master’s son.
  114. Any number of females might offer a weary traveler a drink, but it would be a rare person who would of their own accord offer to water ten thirsty camels.
  115. This test formulated in prayer petition brings to mind the test of Gideon and the fleece in Judg. 6:36-40.
  116. In both of these examples the individuals put God to the test and God responded in a positive fashion.
  117. Here is a man whose is a long way from home who has no other means of identifying the right woman to take home to his master’s son.
  118. How else would he be able to pick out one female from the daughters of the city that would make a suitable bride for Isaac?
  119. The first step in the process is for the right woman to be made obvious with this test imposed on God and the right woman in the crowd.
  120. Under the circumstances imposed on him, the servant does not act presumptuously or crazy.
  121. For the servant if such a young woman shows herself hosptitable at this high level then the servant informs God that he will know immediately that this woman is the one divinely "appointed" (Hiphil perf. yakach decide, judge, approve) for Isaac.
  122. As an important aside, the servant will know afresh, that Abraham, who set this process in motion, is still the object of God’s steadfast love.
  123. Prayer Answered (vv. 15-25)

    The Right Woman Appears (vv. 15-16)

    VERSE 15 Before he had finished speaking, behold, Rebekah who was born to Bethuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Abraham's brother Nahor, came out with her jar on her shoulder (Hm'[; HD'k;w> ~h'r'b.a; yxia] rAxn" tv,ae hK'l.mi-!B, hd'L.yU rv,a] taceyO hq'b.rI hNEhiw> rBed;l. hL'Ki ~r,j, aWh-yhiy>w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. hayah be + pro.3m.s. hu he + adv terem before + Piel perf.3m.s. kakah accomplish; "finished" + prep lamedh w/Piel infin.constr. dabar speak + waw w/interj hinneh + proper noun Rebekah + Qal part.f.s.abs. yatsa go out + rel asher + Qal pass.part.f.s. yaladh bear + prep lamedh w/proper noun Bethuel + noun m.s.constr. ben + proper noun Milcah + noun f.s.constr. ishshah wife + proper noun Nahor + noun m.s.constr. ach brother + proper noun Abraham + waw w/noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. kad jar + prep al upon + noun m.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. shekem shoulder]).

    VERSE 16 The girl was very beautiful, a virgin, and no man had had relations with her; and she went down to the spring and filled her jar and came up (l[;T'w: HD'k; aLem;T.w: hn"y>[;h' dr,Tew: H['d'y> al{ vyaiw> hl'WtB. daom. ha,r>m; tb;jo r'[]N:h;w> [waw w/ f.s.abs. na-arah girl + adj.f.s.constr. tobh good; beautiful + noun m.s.abs. mare-eh appearance + adv me-odh very + noun f.s.abs. betula virgin + waw w/noun m.s.abs. ish man + neg lo + Qal perf.3m.s.w/3f.s.suff. yada know + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yarad go down + f.s.abs. ayin spring + waw w/Piel impf.3f.s male fill + noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. kad jar + waw w/qala impf.3f.s. alah ascend]).


  124. The nearness of the servant’s prayer to the young woman’s appearance with her water jar on her shoulder is illustrative of Isa. 65:24: "…before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear."
  125. The servant was still in silent prayer when the girl made her appearance on the scene.
  126. The prayer and the answer were almost simultaneous.
  127. Next follows a brief family background of the woman that the servant focused his attention on.
  128. The narrator lists her father (Bethuel), her grandmother (Milcah), and her grandfather (Nahor, Abraham’s brother).
  129. This makes her and Isaac cousins.
  130. Following this brief genealogy we have mention of her attractiveness as she was far from ordinary in appearance (lit. "good-looking" translated "very beautiful").
  131. Her status as marriageable is denoted by the term translated "a virgin.’
  132. The Hebrew noun is bethulah which in our vernacular is the equivalent of "maiden."
  133. The term has less to do with a female’s sexual history than with her status as being eligible and having never been married.
  134. This word is consistently translated ‘virgin’ in the OT.
  135. Joel 1:8 uses this term of a young woman who has lost her bridegroom: "Wail like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the bridegroom of her youth."
  136. The best that can be said is that the term can work both ways (e.g. virgin or young woman who is marriageable) context determining the meaning.
  137. Here we have a virgin maiden who it is reported redundantly: "and no man had known her."
  138. Clearly, the text does record her pre-marital virginity.
  139. Redundancy is seen in verses like 2Sam. 14:5: "I am a widow and my husband is dead.", or Isa. 54:1 "Sing barren one, who did not bear.", and Job 24:21 "he preys on the barren, who does not bear."
  140. The servant’s attention is drawn to this particular maiden; perhaps do to her outstanding appearance and her exuberance in carrying out a daily chore.
  141. In any case, he carefully watches her as she goes down the terrain to the spring and fills her jar and proceeds up in the incline carrying her burden.
  142. The Servant’s Preconditions Met (vv. 17-20)

    VERSE 17 Then the servant ran to meet her, and said, "Please let me drink a little water from your jar (%DeK;mi ~yIm;-j[;m. an" ynIyaiymig>h; rm,aYOw: Ht'ar' db,[,h' #r'Y"w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. rutz run + m.s.abs. ebedh servant + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr.w/3f.s.s. qara encounter + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + Hiphil imper.f.s.w/1s.suff. gama swallow + interj na please + adj.m.s.constr. me-at little + noun m.p.abs. mayim water + prep min w/noun f.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. kad jar])."

    VERSE 18 She said, "Drink, my lord"; and she quickly lowered her jar to her hand, and gave him a drink (Whqev.T;w: Hd'y"-l[; HD'K; dr,Tow: rhem;T.w: ynIdoa] htev. rm,aTow [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + Qal imper.m.s. shathah drink + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon lord + waw w/Piel impf.3f.s. mahar hasten + waw w/Hiphil impf.3f.s. yarah lower + noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. kad jar + prep al + noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. yadh hand + waw w/Hiphil impf.3f.s.w/3m.s.suff. shaqah give to drink]).

    VERSE 19 Now when she had finished giving him a drink, she said, "I will draw also for your camels until they have finished drinking ( WLKi-~ai d[; ba'v.a, ^yL,m;g>li ~G: rm,aTow: Atqov.h;l. lk;T.w: [waw w/Piel impf.3f.s. kalah finish + prep lamedh w/Hiphil infin.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shaqah give to drink + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. dabar speak + conj gam also + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.constr.w/2f.s.suff. gamal camel + Qal impf.1s. sha-abh draw + part adh until + part im when + Piel perf.3p. kalah accomplish + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. shathah drink])."

    VERSE 20 So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough, and ran back to the well to draw, and she drew for all his camels (wyL'm;G>-lk'l. ba;v.Tiw: raeB.h;-la, dA[ #r'T'w: tq,Voh;-la, HD'K; r[;T.w: rhem;T.w: [waw w/Piel impf.3f.s. mahar hasten + waw w/Piel impf.3f.s. arah empty + noun f.s.const.w/3f.s.suff. kad jar + prep el into + shoqeth watering trough + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. rutz run + adv odh return, repeat + prep el + f.s.abs. be-er well + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. sha-abh draw + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. sha-ar draw + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr. kol all + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. gamal camel]).


  143. The servant felt a strong premonition to intercept this particular woman and no other so he "ran to meet her."
  144. The action in the verse confirming the sign the man had prayerfully requested is fast paced starting with his running to meet her as she came up from the lower elevation from the well.
  145. The servant asks for a drink of water from her jar and she responded to this stranger without hesitation as noted by the piel imperfect of the verb ‘to hurry’ translated as an adverb ("quickly").
  146. This verb is followed by the hiphil imperfect "lowered" (yarad to go down).
  147. She exhibited no hesitation demonstrating promptness of action.
  148. She passed the easy part of the servant’s self-imposed test.
  149. Next follows the make or break part of the test in her volunteering to water the man’s camels.
  150. So, on her own initiative, she agrees to water the ten thirsty animals until they are satisfied.
  151. He gives her the go-ahead and she empties her first jar into the watering trough and immediately descends to the well and gets another jar of water and does this until it is obvious that the ten camels are satiated.
  152. A single camel could have easily drank a jar of water so we can roughly figure how many trips she made up and down the incline between the spring and the water trough.
  153. It has been observed that in verses 16 and verses 18-20 Rebekah is the subject of eleven verbs of action and one of speech.
  154. What the reader needs to see is that this young woman on this fateful occasion exhibits tremendous physical activity watering ten camels from her single jar.
  155. Rebekah did all this with no aspiration of reward or praise.
  156. She did what she did and in the manner in which she did what she did because of who and what she was.
  157. By her actions she exhibited the best character traits in a female of her age and upbringing.
  158. She was not self consumed but rather she showed an interest in her fellow man and even showed compassion on animals.
  159. Interaction between the Servant and the Woman

    (vv. 21-25)

    VERSE 21 Meanwhile, the man was gazing at her in silence, to know whether the LORD had made his journey successful or not (al{-~ai AKr>D; hw"hy> x;ylic.hih; t[;d;l' vyrIx]m; Hl' haeT'v.mi vyaih'w> [waw w/ m.s.abs. ish man + Hithpael part.m.s.abs. sha-ah gaze + prep lamedh w/3f.s.suff. + Hiphil part.m.s.abs. charash devise, plow, engrave; "in silence" + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. yada know + perf.3m.s. tsalach rush; "made…successful" + proper noun Yahweh + noun both s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. derek way + part im if; "or" + neg lo]).

    VERSE 22 When the camels had finished drinking, the man took a gold ring weighing a half-shekel and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten shekels in gold (~l'q'v.mi bh'z" hr'f'[] h'yd,y"-l[; ~ydIymic. ynEv.W Alq'v.mi [q;B, bh'z" ~z<n< vyaih' xQ;YIw: ~yLim;G>h; WLKi rv,a]K; yhiy>w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. hayah + prep kaph w/ asher + Piel perf.3p. kalah finish + m.p.abs. gamal camel + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. shathah drink + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. laqach take + m.s.abs. ish man + noun m.s.constr. nezem ring + noun m.s.abs. zahab gold + noun m.s.abs. beqa- half shekel + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. mishqol weight + waw w/adj.m. dual constr. shenayim two + noun m.p.abs. tsamid bracelet + prep al + noun f. dual constr.w/3f.s.suff. yadh hand; "wrists" + adj.f.s.abs. asharah ten + noun m.s.abs. zahab gold + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.p. mishqal weight]),

    VERSE 23 and said, "Whose daughter are you? Please tell me, is there room for us to lodge in your father's house (!ylil' Wnl' ~Aqm' %ybia'-tyBe vyEh] yli an" ydIyGIh; T.a; ymi-tB; rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + noun f.s.abs. bath daughter + pro.2f.s. attah you + Hiphil imper.f.s. nagad make known + interj na please + prep lamedh w/1s.suff. + interrog part ha w/adv yesh "is there" + noun m.s.const. bayith house + noun m.s.constr.w/2f.s.suff. abh father + noun m.s.abs. maqom place; "room" + prep lamedh w/1p.suff. "for us" + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. lun spend the night, lodge])?"

    VERSE 24 She said to him, "I am the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, whom she bore to Nahor (rAxn"l. hd'l.y" rv,a] hK'l.mi-!B, ykinOa' laeWtB.-tB; wyl'ae rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + prep el w/3m.s.suff. + noun f.s.abs. bath + proper noun Bethuel + pro.1s. anoki I + noun m.s.constr. ben + proper noun Milcah + re lasher + Qal perf.3f.s. yaladh bore + prep lamedh w/proper noun Nahor])."

    VERSE 25 Again she said to him, "We have plenty of both straw and feed, and room to lodge in (!Wll' ~Aqm'-~G: WnM'[i br; aAPs.mi-~G: !b,T,-~G: wyl'ae rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + prep el w/3m.s.suff. + conj gam also + noun m.s.abs. teben straw, hay + conj gam + noun m.s.ab.s mispo- fodder + adj.m.s.abs. rabh "plenty" + prep im w/1p.suff. "we have" + conj gam + noun m.s.abs. maqom place; "room" + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. lun lodge])."


  160. During the time it took the woman to finish the task of watering the camels the servant ponders the situation all the while keeping his eyes on the rather impressive display of energy on the part of the promising bride.
  161. She of course has not a clue as to what is about to unfold in her life.
  162. Even though she was in the process of satisfying the servant’s self-imposed character test, he could not know for an absolute certainty that this woman would be the prize he was seeking for his master’s son.
  163. God had not indicated to him that his sign would be honored.
  164. He did what he did and placed his faith in God.
  165. Much yet needed to be ascertained before he could fully know that she was the chosen one, hence his mental reservation: "to know whether the LORD had made his journey successful or not."
  166. Verse 21 is an aside which gives us a chance to appreciate how much effort and time was involved in the doing of the task she freely volunteered to perform.
  167. If this episode has a theme it is to be found in the verb ‘make successful’ (hiphil perfect tsalach ‘to succeed’; cf. also vv. 40, 42 and 56).
  168. Again, he is not sure that this girl is the right one but he is greatly encouraged.
  169. So he takes matters to the next logical step.
  170. Upon completing her self-imposed task "the man" gives her a gold ring (.4 ounces) and two gold bracelets which was a lavish gift and one designed to show the status of the man’s sponsor/patron.
  171. She suddenly owned some very nice jewelry which were intended as preliminary bridal gifts.
  172. The gift bestowed upon her puts the girl in the man’s favor and opens the door for him to inquire as to her identity and make a request to a place to lodge (v. 23).
  173. The woman does not give her name rather she simply says that she is the daughter of one Bethuel, the son of Milcah and Nahor (v. 24).
  174. Surprisingly she does not name her mother but instead names her grandmother.
  175. It has been surmised that the marriage between Milcah and Nahor was for reason not clearly understood as being notable among the clan.
  176. Milcah was the orphaned niece of Haran, making Nahor her uncle.
  177. Once again the story demonstrates how things were working in the favor of Abraham and his servant in that suddenly the servant is made aware that the girl he is engaged with is actually much more than just a woman from Abraham’s clan (v.4), but is actually a close cousin of Isaac’s!
  178. In response to the servant’s request for a night’s lodging, Rebekah goes on step further and mentions the fact that the family has plenty of "straw and feed" for the camels.
  179. She says there is a guest room "to lodge in."
  180. She did not have the authority to guarantee these things but she offers them with a view to asking her family.
  181. Rebekah demonstrates goodwill and kindness.
  182. The Man Worships and the Girl Dashes Home (vv. 26-28)

    VERSE 26 Then the man bowed low and worshiped the LORD (hw"hyl; WxT;v.YIw: vyaih' dQoYIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. qadad bow down + m.s.abs. ish man + waw w/Hithpael impf.3m.s. shachah bow down; "worshipped" + prep lamedh w/proper noun Yahweh]).

    VERSE 27 He said, "Blessed be the LORD, the God of my master Abraham (~h'r'b.a; ynIdoa] yhel{a/ hw"hy> %WrB' rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + Qal pass.part.m.s.abs. barak to kneel, bless + proper noun Yahweh + noun m.p.constr. Elohim +noun m.s.const.w/1s.suff. adon master + proper noun Abraham], who has not forsaken His lovingkindness and His truth toward my master [ynIdoa] ~[ime ATmia]w: ADs.x; bz:['-al{ rv,a] [ asher + neg lo + Qal perf.3m.s. azab forsake + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. chesed kindness + waw w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. emeth truth + prep min w/prep im = ‘from with’ + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon lord]; as for me, the LORD has guided me in the way to the house of my master's brothers [ynIdoa] yxea] tyBe hw"hy> ynIx;n" %r,D,B; ykinOa' [pro.1s. anoki I + beth w/noun both s.abs. derek + Qal perf.3m.s.w/1s.suff. nachah guide + proper noun Yahweh + noun m.s.constr. bayith house + noun m.p.constr. ach brother + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master])."

    VERSE 28 Then the girl ran and told her mother's household about these things (hL,aeh' ~yrIb'D>K; HM'ai tybel. dGET;w: r'[]N:h; #r'T'w: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. rutz run + f.s.abs. na-arah girl + waw w/Hiphil impf.3f.s. nagadh make known + noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. em mother + kaph w/non m.p.abs. dabar "about… things" + elleh these]).


  183. The servant/man overwhelmed by this latest revelation is compelled to prostrate himself and worship the One who has made his journey a ringing success.
  184. Having successfully tested the woman’s character he finds out that she is a member of Abraham’s immediate family.
  185. He is surer than ever that she is the appointed right woman for his master’s son.
  186. In her presence he offers praise to the LORD, which he specifies as the God of Abraham.
  187. She knew who Abraham was or at least suspected the connection.
  188. He keeps matters general and does not divulge the purpose of his mission.
  189. The servant blesses the One who continues to demonstrate steadfast love and faithfulness/truth toward his master.
  190. He acknowledges that God has led him "to the house of my master’s brothers."
  191. Abraham’s assurance to his servant that God would send his angel before him is realized in the most dramatic of fashions.
  192. The servant receives more than he asked when he prayed at the outset of the scene by the spring.
  193. Rebekah’s credentials as a bride for Isaac are now rock solid in the eyes of the servant.
  194. His prayer was offered out loud in contrast to his prayer at the outset of the scene by the well; hence Rebekah’s excited reaction (v. 28).
  195. This type of doxology (in praise of God) with its "blessed be" formula is used in the presence of others for the benefit of the hearer (e.g., Ex. 18:10; Ruth 4:14; 1Sam. 25:32, 39; 2Sam. 18:28; 1Kgs. 10:9//2Chron. 9:8; 2Chron. 2:11; Zech. 11;5).
  196. For the first time Rebekah sees the spiritual side of this stranger as she is drawn ever closer to the unfolding drama that will change her life forever.
  197. The young woman ("the girl") rushes to her home and relates the happenings at the spring to "her mother’s household."
  198. She has big news to relate to her family on what would have been just another ordinary day in her life.
  199. Her father is not mentioned causing some to speculate that he was deceased, but see v. 50.
  200. The reference to "her mother’s house" rather than "her father’s house" might indicate that her mother dominated the household.
  201. Scene 3: Persuading Rebekah’s Family

    (vv. 29-61)

    The Servant Meets Laban (vv. 29-31)

    VERSE 29 Now Rebekah had a brother whose name was Laban; and Laban ran outside to the man at the spring (!yI['h'-la, hc'Wxh; vyaih'-la, !b'l' #r'Y"w: !b'l' Amv.W xa' hq'b.rIl.W [waw w/prep lamedh w/proper noun Rebekah + noun m.s.ab.s ach brother + waw w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.suff. shem name + proper noun Laban + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. rutz run + proper noun Laban (white) + prep el + m.s.abs. ish man + m.s.constr. chutz outside + prep el + f.s.abs. ayin well; spelled the same as ‘eye’]).

    VERSE 30 When he saw the ring and the bracelets on his sister's wrists, and when he heard the words of Rebekah his sister, saying (rmoale Atxoa] hq'b.rI yreb.DI-ta, A[m.v'k.W Atxoa] ydey>-l[; ~ydImiC.h;-ta,w> ~z<N<h;-ta, taor>Ki yhiy>w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. hayah + prep kaph w/Qal infin.constr. ra-ah see + d.o. marker + m.s.abs. nezem ring + waw w/d.o. marker + m.p.abs. tsamidh bracelet + prep al w/noun f. dual constr. yadh; "wrists" + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s. achot sister + waw w/prep kaph w/Qal infin.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shama hear + d.o. marker + noun m.p.constr. dabar word + proper noun Rebekah + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. achot sister + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. amar say], "This is what the man said to me," he went to the man; and behold, he was standing by the camels at the spring [!yI['h'-l[; ~yLim;G>h;-l[; dme[o hNEhiw> vyaih'-la, aboY"w: vyaih' yl;ae rB,dI-hKo [adv koh thus; "This" + Piel perf.3m.s. dabar speak + prep el w/1s.suff. + m.s.abs. ish man + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. bo go + prep el + m.s.abs. ish man + waw w/interj hinneh + Qal part.m.s.abs. amadh stand + prep al + m.p.abs. gamal camel + prep al + f.s.ab.s ayin spring]).

    VERSE 31 And he said, "Come in, blessed of the LORD (hw"hy> %WrB. aAB rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + Qal imper.m.s. bo come + Qal pass.part.m.s.abs. barak bless + proper noun Yahweh])!

    Why do you stand outside since I have prepared the house, and a place for the camels (~yLim;G>l; ~Aqm'W tyIB;h; ytiyNIPi ykinOa'w> #WxB; dmo[]t; hM'l' [interrog mah Why? + Qal impf.2m.s. amadh stand + w/noun m.s.abs. chutz outside + waw w/pro anoki I + Piel perf.1s. panah turn; "prepared" + m.s.abs. bayith house + waw w/noun m.s.abs. makom place + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.abs. gamal camel])?"

    VERSE 32 So the man entered the house (ht'y>B;h; vyaih' aboY"w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. bo enter + m.s.abs. ish man + m.s.abs. bayith house]).

    Then Laban unloaded the camels, and he gave straw and feed to the camels, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him (ATai rv,a] ~yvin"a]h' yleg>r;w> wyl'g>r; #xor>li ~yIm;W ~yLim;G>l; aAPs.miW !b,T, !TeYIw: ~yLim;G>h; xT;p;y>w [waw w/Piel impf.3m.s. pathach open; "unloaded" + gamal camel + waw w/Qal impf. 3m.s. nathan give + noun m.s.abs. teben straw, hay + waw w/noun m.s.abs. masepo fodder + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.abs. gamal camel + waw w/noun m.p.abs. mayim water + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. rachats wash + noun f. dual constr.w/3m.s.suff. regel foot + waw w/nun f. dual constr. regel foot + m.p.abs. ish man + asher + prep eth w/3m.s.suff. "with him"]).


  202. At this juncture of the story we have "the man" entering Rebekah’s home.
  203. The expanded detail here gives an introduction to the characters engaged in the negotiations.
  204. Laban, the brother of Rebekah, ("white") impulsively runs to meet the servant upon hearing the happenings at the well.
  205. Laban’s interests were of a purely materialistic bent as hinted at in v. 30 and fully revealed in his association with his nephew Jacob.
  206. His sister by contrast did what she did with the purist of motives.
  207. His lust grid was fired up by what he saw (expensive jewelry), and what he heard.
  208. The servant runs, the woman runs, and Laban runs which gives the narrative a quick paced feel.
  209. Laban rushes to where the man is calmly standing by the caravan of camels confirming further that this man represented wealth.
  210. Laban was a Lot-type personality.
  211. He warmly greets the stranger from his Uncle Abraham’s world.
  212. No doubt he was relieved that the man was still there and had not left.
  213. Laban greets the stranger with an invitation of hospitality, and aware of the man’s spirituality, adds: "blessed of the LORD."
  214. Wealth, for him, meant that the person was blessed of God.
  215. Little did he know the half of it, and his words were truer than he knew.
  216. The stranger would not be taken in by Laban’s overt display or interest and kindness.
  217. He would have been on his guard, knowing that these relatives of his master were far removed from the society of Abraham.
  218. Laban plays the part of the generous host as seen in: "Why do you stand outside since I have prepared the house, and a place for the camels?"
  219. The man was on a mission and would not be seduced by an overly enthusiastic host.
  220. The scene in the house opens with the man entering the house.
  221. Laban overtly shows the same energy as his sister; personally unloading the ten camels and providing water to wash the feet of his guests.
  222. Scene 3: Negotiations in the House (vv. 34-49)

    VERSE 33 But when food was set before him to eat, he said, "I will not eat until I have told my business (yr'b'D> yTir>B;DI-~ai d[; lk;ao al{ rm,aYOw: lkoa/l, wyn"p'l. Î~f;WYw:Ð ¿~f,yYIw:À [waw w/Qal pass.impf.3m.s shim place + prep lamedh w/noun both p.constr.w/3m.suff. paneh "before him" + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. akal eat + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + neg lo + Qal impf.1s. akal eat + adv adh until + part im + Piel perf.1s. dabar tell + noun m.p.constr.w/1s.suff. dabar word; "my business"])."

    And he said, "Speak on (rBeD; rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + Piel imper.m.s. dabar speak])."

    VERSE 34 So he said, "I am Abraham's servant (ykinOa' ~h'r'b.a; db,[, rm;aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + noun m.s.abs. ebedh servant + proper noun Abraham + pro.1s. anoki I]).

    VERSE 35 "The LORD has greatly blessed my master, so that he has become rich (lD'g>YIw: daom. ynIdoa]-ta, %r;Be hw"hyw: [waw w/proper noun Yahweh + Piel perf.3m.s. barak bless + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + adv me-odh "greatly" + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. gadal be great; "become rich]; and He has given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and servants and maids, and camels and donkeys [~yrImox]w: ~yLim;g>W txop'v.W ~dIb'[]w: bh'z"w> @s,k,w> rq'b'W !aco Al-!T,YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. nathan give + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + noun both s.abs. tson flock, sheep + waw w/noun m.s.abs. baqar cattle, herds + waw w/noun m.s.abs. keseph silver + waw w/noun m.s.ab.s zahab gold + waw w/noun m.p.abs. ebed servant + waw w/noun f.p.abs. shipchah maid servant + waw w/noun m.p.abs. gamel camel + waaw w/noun m.p.abs. chamor donkey]).

    VERSE 36 "Now Sarah my master's wife bore a son to my master in her old age, and he has given him all that he has (Al-rv,a]-lK'-ta, AL-!T,YIw: Ht'n"q.zI yrex]a; ynIdoal; !be ynIdoa] tv,ae hr'f' dl,Tew: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yaladh bear + proper noun Sarah + noun f.s.constr. ishshah wife + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + noun m.s.abs. ben son + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + adv achare after "in" + noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s. ziqenah old age + waw w/qal impf.3m.s. nathan give + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. "him" + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr. kol all + rel asher + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff.]).


  223. Normally, in these situations, a meal was enjoyed and then the climax was a discussion of personal matters (cf. 18:1-15 Yahweh and the angels at Abraham’s tent).
  224. In his devotion to his task, the servant insists that he will "not eat until [he] has told his business."
  225. Up to this point in the story the family of Rebekah has no idea why this man has come such a distance to their homeland, but they are most interested in what he might have to propose.
  226. Laban, the spokesperson says, "Speak on."
  227. The servant’s speech, beginning with him identifying himself as "Abraham’s servant", is quite lengthy.
  228. His objective is to convince Rebekah’s family that it would be in the best interests of both parties that she leave her home and become the wife of the son of the servant’s wealthy and blessed master.
  229. By so indicating his relationship to Abraham, he demonstrates that his wealth is not his own.
  230. Yet, here is a man who has the authority to dish out expensive items with presumably much more in the saddle bags of the camels.
  231. Laban is more than a little interested to learn more.
  232. In v. 35 he makes explicit what is implied in his identity—namely, that it is his master who is "rich" due to divine blessing.
  233. Not only is Abraham rich, he is tremendously wealthy (adv with vb "exceedingly wealthy"), and God has "given him flocks and herds, and silver and gold, and servants and maids, and camels and donkeys."
  234. This listing of Abraham’s assets is the most extensive list of its kind (cf. 12:16; 13:2; 20:14).
  235. What the servant brought to Haran was but a token of the wealth that his master possessed.
  236. The gold, the menservants, and the camels are visible evidence of Abraham’s wealth.
  237. His relationship to Abraham along with the details of Abraham’s worth is followed in v. 36 with family news.
  238. In passing he mentions that fact that Sarah bore a son to his master in her old age.
  239. This fact is presented sparsely as the only point of interest for Laban is that the son that resulted from this event is young enough to appeal to a young woman like Rebekah.
  240. Otherwise they would conclude that Abraham’s heir apparent would be the same age as her father, Abraham’s nephew.
  241. As it is the heir of Abraham is much younger than would normally be expected.
  242. What is stated in v. 36 would appeal to the materialistically motivated Laban.
  243. The listeners would have considered the untimely birth of the heir of Abraham as a misfortune, but a blessing in disguise, as Abraham’s son was younger than would have been the case otherwise, and so he would be, as they say, ‘a good catch.’
  244. Rebekah was a generation younger than Isaac, but due to Isaac’s late birth they were closer to the same age than would have been expected.
  245. Most important is the statement, "he has given him all that he has."
  246. The Purpose of the Visit Revealed (vv. 37-41)

    VERSE 37 "My master made me swear, saying, 'You shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I live (Acr>a;B. bveyO ykinOa' rv,a] ynI[]n:K.h; tAnB.mi hV'ai xQ;ti-al{ rmoale ynIdoa] ynI[eBiv.Y:w: [waw w/Hiphil impf.3m.s.w/1s.suff. sheba swear + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. amar say + neg lo + Qal impf.2m.s. laqach take + noun f.s.abs. ishshah wife + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben son + prep min w/noun f.p.constr. bath daughter + noun Canaan + rel asher + pro.1s. anoki I + Qal part.m.s.abs. yashab dwell + prep beth w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. eretz land]);

    VERSE 38 but you shall go to my father's house and to my relatives, and take a wife for my son ( hV'ai T'x.q;l'w> yTix.P;v.mi-la,w> %leTe ybia'-tyBe-la, al{-~ai [part im + neg lo + prep el + noun m.s.constr. bayith house + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. abh father + Qal impf.2m.s. halak go + waw w/prep el + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. mishepachah family, relatives + waw w/Qal perf.2m.s. laqach take + noun f.s.abs. ishsah wife + prep lamed w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben son]).'

    VERSE 39 "I said to my master, 'Suppose the woman does not follow me (yr'x]a; hV'aih' %lete-al{ yl;au ynIdoa]-la, rm;aow" [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + prep el + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + neg lo + Qal impf.3f.s. halak go; "follow" + f.s.abs. ishshah woman + adv.w/1s.suff. achare after]).'

    VERSE 40 "He said to me, 'The LORD, before whom I have walked, will send His angel with you to make your journey successful (^K,r>D; x;ylic.hiw> %T'ai Aka'l.m; xl;v.yI wyn"p'l. yTik.L;h;t.hi-rv,a] hw"hy> yl'ae rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + prep el w/1s.suff. + proper noun Yahweh + rel asher + Hithpael perf.1s. halak walk + pre lamedh w/noun both p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. paneh face "before Whom" + Qal impf.3m.s. shlach send + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. male-ak angel + prep eth w/2m.s.suff. + waw w/Hiphil perf.3m.s. tsalach prosper + noun both s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. derek way], and you will take a wife for my son from my relatives and from my father's house [ybia' tyBemiW yTix.P;v.Mimi hV'ai T'x.q;l'w [waw w/Qal perf.2m.s. laqach take + noun f.s.abs. ishshah wife + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. ben son + prep min w/noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. mishpachah family + waw w/prep min w/noun m.s.constr. bayith + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. abh father]);

    VERSE 41 then you will be free from my oath, when you come to my relatives; and if they do not give her to you, you will be free from my oath (ytil'a'me yqin" t'yyIh'w> %l' WnT.yI al{-~aiw> yTix.P;v.mi-la, aAbt' yKi ytil'a'me hq,N"Ti za' [adv then + Niphal impf.2m.s. naqah be clear/free + prep min w/noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. alah oath + part ki + Qal impf.2m.s. bo go, come + prep el + noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. mishepachah family + waw w/part im + neg lo + Qal impf.3m.p. nathan give + prep lamedh w/2m.s.suff. + waw w/Qal perf.2m.s. hayah + adj.m.s.ab.s naqi clear, free + prep min w/noun f.s.constr.w/1s.suff. alah oath]).'


  247. The servant proceeds to report the circumstance that led to his journey to their homeland.
  248. In reporting Abraham’s original directives the servant gives an abbreviated and slightly different rendering of those commands.
  249. The servant stresses Abraham’s insistent that Isaac’s bride not come from the Canaanite peoples.
  250. He goes on to tell that it was the desire of his master that the prospective daughter-in-law come from his "father’s house."
  251. In v. 38 the reporting of Abraham’s words is enhanced from "to my country and to my relatives" (v.4) to "my father’s house and to my relatives."
  252. The alteration reflects Abraham’s preferred hopes.
  253. Abraham declined from being so specific, yet is granted his fondness wish.
  254. The servant omits the directive that he not take Isaac to Abraham’s homeland.
  255. The approach is to sell the family on the appropriateness of the proposed marriage.
  256. The main person that needs convincing was Laban.
  257. After playing up the kinship relationship, the servant moves to the question of the girl’s willingness to leave her family and homeland and marry a stranger living many miles away (v. 3).
  258. In the retelling of the exchange between himself and his master the servant shifts the burden of the decision from the would-be-bride to the family in permitting the woman to leave (v. 8 cp. v. 41 "if they do not give her to you").
  259. This is a subtle touch on the part of the servant in the retelling of the conversation in scene 1.
  260. Finally, the servant adopts a different doctrinal emphasis in reporting Abraham’s words in recounting his relationship to God (cf. v.7).
  261. Only the final part is recounted to Rebekah’s family (v. 40), thus avoiding any potentially offensive implications with regards to Abraham’s separation from his kin.
  262. The covenant promise of a homeland and descendants are not mentioned as it might open old wounds and would not be appreciated by the family.
  263. The hearers would be more receptive to the divine providence that had made the servant’s trip successful to this point (v. 40), so he mentions the angel of Yahweh.
  264. Proof of providential success is especially noted in the recounting of what happened at the well.
  265. In this section of the speech the servant is diplomatic and discreet without misrepresenting the spirit of his master’s words.
  266. The Retelling of the Incident at the Well

    (vv. 42-48)

    VERSE 42 "So I came today to the spring, and said, 'O LORD, the God of my master Abraham, if now You will make my journey on which I go successful (h'yl,[' %leho ykinOa' rv,a] yKir>D; x;ylic.m; aN"-^v.y<-~ai ~h'r'b.a; ynIdoa] yhel{a/ hw"hy> rm;aow" !yI['h'-la, ~AYh; aboa'w" [waw w/Qal impf.1s. bo go, come + m.s.abs. yom day + prep el + f.s.abs. ayin spring + waw w/Qal impf.1s. amar say + proper noun Yahweh + noun m.p.constr. Elohim + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + proper noun Abraham + part im + adv yesh + interj na + Hiphil part.m.s.abs. tsalach rush; "make…successful" + noun both s.constr.w/1s.suff. derek way; "journey" + asher + pro.1s. anoki I + Qal part.m.s.abs. halak go + prep al w/3f.s.suff. "in which"]);

    VERSE 43 behold, I am standing by the spring, and may it be that the maiden who comes out to draw, and to whom I say (h'yl,ae yTir>m;a'w> taceYOh; hm'l.[;h' hy"h'w> ~yIM'h; !y[e-l[; bC'nI ykinOa' hNEhi [interj hinneh + pro.1s. anoki I + Niphal part.m.s.abs. natsab stand + prep al + noun f.s.constr. ayin spring + m.p.abs. mayim water + waw w/Qal perf.3m.s. hayah + f.s.abs. alemah young woman + part.f.s.abs. yatsa come out + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. sha-abh draw + waw w/Qal perf.1s. amar say + prep el w/1s.suff.], "Please let me drink a little water from your jar" [%DeK;mi ~yIm;-j[;m. an"-ynIyqiv.h; [Hiphil imper.f.s.w/1s.suff. shqah give to drink + interj na + adj.m.s.constr. me-at little + noun m.p.abs. mayim water + prep min w/noun f.s.constr.w/2f.s. kad jar]);

    VERSE 44 and she will say to me, "You drink, and I will draw for your camels also" (ba'v.a, ^yL,m;g>li ~g:w> htev. hT'a;-~G: yl;ae hr'm.a'w> [waw w/Qal perf.3f.s. amar say + prep el w/1s.suff. + conj gam also + pro.2m.s. attah you + Qal imper.m.s. shathah drink + waw w/conj gam also + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. gamel camel + Qal impf.1s. sha-ab draw]; let her be the woman whom the LORD has appointed for my master's son [ynIdoa]-!b,l. hw"hy> x;ykiho-rv,a] hV'aih' awhi [pro.3f.s. hi she + f.s.abs. ishshah woman + rel pro asher + Hiphil perf.3m.s. yakach decide; appoint + proper noun Yahweh + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr. ben son + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master]).'

    VERSE 45 "Before I had finished speaking in my heart, behold, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder (Hm'[; HD'k;w> taceyO hq'b.rI hNEhiw> yBili-la, rBed;l. hL,k;a] ~r,j, ynIa] [pro.1s. anoki I + adv terem before + Piel impf.1s. kalah finish + prep lamedh w/Piel infin.constr. dabar speak + prep el + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. leb heart + waw w/interj hinneh + proper noun Rebekah + Qal part.f.s.abs. yatsa come out + waw w/noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. kad jar + prep al upon + noun m.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. shekem shoulder], and went down to the spring and drew, and I said to her, 'Please let me drink [an" ynIyqiv.h; h'yl,ae rm;aow" ba'v.Tiw: hn"y>[;h' dr,Tew: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. yarad go down + f.s.abs. ayin spring + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. sha-ab draw + waw w/Qal impf.1s. amar say + prep el w/3f.s.suff. + Hiphil imper.f.s.w/1s.suff. shaqah give to drink + interj na please]).'

    VERSE 46 "She quickly lowered her jar from her shoulder, and said, 'Drink, and I will water your camels also' (hq,v.a; ^yL,m;G>-~g:w> htev. rm,aTow: h'yl,['me HD'K; dr,ATw: rhem;T.w: [waw w/Piel impf.3f.s. mahar hasten + waw w/Hiphil impf.3f.s yarad take down + noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. kad jar + prep min w/prep al "from her" + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + Qal imper.m.s. shathah drink + waw w/conj gam also + noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. gamel camel + Hiphil impf.1s. shaqah give to drink]; so I drank, and she watered the camels also [ht'q'v.hi ~yLim;G>h; ~g:w> T.v.aew" [waw w/Qal impf.1s. shathah drink + m.p.abs. gamel camel + Hiphil perf.3f.s. shasqah give to drink]).

    VERSE 47 "Then I asked her, and said, 'Whose daughter are you (T.a; ymi-tB; rm;aow" Ht'ao la;v.a,w [waw w/Qal impf.1s. sha-al ask + d.o. marker w/3f.s.suff. + waw w/Qal impf.1s. amar say + noun f.s.abs. bath + interrog mah + pro.2m.s. attah you])?'

    And she said, 'The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bore to him' (hK'l.mi AL-hd'l.y" rv,a] rAxn"-!B, laeWtB.-tB; rm,aTow: [waw w/Qala impf.3f.s. amar say + noun f.s.abs. bath daughter + proper noun Bethuel + noun m.s.constr. ben + proper noun Nahor + asher + Qal perf.3f.s. yalad bear + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + proper noun Milcah]; and I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her wrists [h'yd,y"-l[; ~ydIymiC.h;w> HP'a;-l[; ~z<N<h; ~fia'w" [waw w/Qal impf.1s. shim put + m.s.abs. nezem ring + prep al + noun m.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. aph nostril, nose + waw w/ m.p.abs. tsamid bracelet + prep al + noun f. dual constr.w/3f.s.suff. yad hand]).

    VERSE 48 "And I bowed low and worshiped the LORD, and blessed the LORD, the God of my master Abraham (~h'r'b.a; ynIdoa] yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, %reb'a]w" hw"hyl; hw<x]T;v.a,w" dQoa,w" [waw w/Qal impf.1s. qadad bow down + waw w/Hishtapel impf.1s. shachah bow down + prep lamedh w/proper noun Yahweh + waw w/Piel impf.1s. barak bless + d.o. marker + proper noun Yahweh + noun m.p.constr. Elohim + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + proper noun Abraham], who had guided me in the right way to take the daughter of my master's kinsman for his son [ ynIdoa] yxia]-tB;-ta, tx;q;l' tm,a/ %r,d,B. ynIx;n>hi rv,a] [ asher + Hiphil perf.3m..sw/1s.suff. nachah guide + prep beth w/noun both s.abs. derek + noun f.s.ab.s emeth truth; "right way" + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. laqach take + d.o. marker + noun f.s.abs. bath daughter + noun m.s.conste. ach brother; "kinsman" + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. ben son]).


  267. The objective of the preceding part of the speech was to sell the family on the idea of the desirability of a marriage between Abraham’s son and Rebekah.
  268. Now he shifts to the incident at the well to demonstrate that such a union was divinely ordained.
  269. He recounts his prayer and the test that he had imposed upon God and the suitable woman for Isaac (vv. 42-46).
  270. Rebekah was a witness to all this (as were others) and was present at the dinner to show her agreement to that part of the retelling that involved her actions at the well.
  271. The only difference between the incident and the retelling of it is the order of events of vv. 22-23 and here in v. 47.
  272. The servant gave Rebekah the jewelry before he asked her whose daughter she was.
  273. Whatever his motives for this alteration is not clear.
  274. Maybe he felt that in retrospect he should have asked the girl’s identity before he gave her gifts.
  275. Finally, he reports his act of worship and his acknowledgement that God "had guided [him] in the right way" with a view to securing a wife for his master’s son (v. 48).
  276. Sealing the Deal (vv. 49-53)

    VERSE 49 "So now if you are going to deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me (yli WdyGIh; ynIdoa]-ta, tm,a/w< ds,x, ~yfi[o ~k,v.y<-~ai hT'[;w> [waw w/adv attah now + part im if + adv yesh there is + Qal part.m.p.abs. ashah do + noun m.s.abs. chesed kindness, etc. + waw w/noun f.s.abs. emeth truth + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master + Hiphil imper.m.p. nagad make known + prep lamedh w/1s.suff.]; and if not, let me know, that I may turn to the right hand or the left [lamof.-l[; Aa !ymiy"-l[; hn<p.a,w> yli WdyGIh; al{-~aiw> [waw w/part im w/neg lo + Hiphil imper.m.p. nagad tell + pre lamedh w/1s.suff. + waw w/Qal impf.1s. panah turn + prep al + noun f.s.abs. yamim right hand + part o or + prep al + noun m.s.abs. shemo-l left hand])."

    VERSE 50 Then Laban and Bethuel replied, "The matter comes from the LORD; so we cannot speak to you bad or good (bAj-Aa [r; ^yl,ae rBeD; lk;Wn al{ rb'D'h; ac'y" hw"hy>me Wrm.aYOw: laeWtb.W !b'l' ![;Y:w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. anah answer + proper noun Laban + waw w/proper noun Bethuel + waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. amar say + prep min w/proper noun Yahweh + Qal perf.3m.s. yatsa come forth + m.s.abs. dabar word + neg lo + Qal impf.1p. yakol be able + Piel infin.constr. dabar speak + prep el w/2m.s.suff. + adj.m.s.abs. ra bad + conj o or + noun m.s.ab.s tob good]).

    VERSE 51 "Here is Rebekah before you, take her and go, and let her be the wife of your master's son, as the LORD has spoken (hw"hy> rB,DI rv,a]K; ^yn<doa]-!b,l. hV'ai yhit.W %lew" xq; ^yn<p'l. hq'b.rI-hNEhi [interj hinneh + proper noun Rebekah + prep lamedh w/noun both p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. paneh face + Qal imper.m.s. laqach take + waw w/Qal imper.m.s. halak go + waw w/Qal impef.3f.s.juss. hayah + noun f.s.abs. ishshah wife + pre lamed w/noun m.s.constr. ben son + noun m.p.constr.w/2m.s.suff. adon master + prep kaph w/ asher + Piel perf.3m.s. dabar speak + proper noun Yahweh])."

    VERSE 52 When Abraham's servant heard their words, he bowed himself to the ground before the LORD (hw"hyl; hc'r>a; WxT;v.YIw: ~h,yreb.DI-ta, ~h'r'b.a; db,[, [m;v' rv,a]K; yhiy>w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. hayah + prep kaph w/ asher + Qal perf.3m.s. shama hear + noun m.s.abs. ebed servant + proper noun Abraham + d.o. marker + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.p.suff. dabar word + waw w/Hishtaphel impf.3m.s. shachah bow down + noun both s.abs. eretz ground + prep lamedh w/proper noun Yahweh]).

    VERSE 53 The servant brought out articles of silver and articles of gold, and garments, and gave them to Rebekah (hq'b.rIl. !TeYIw: ~ydIg"b.W bh'z" ylek.W @s,k,-yleK. db,[,h' aceAYw: [waw w/Hiphil impf.3m.s. yatsa bring + ebed servant + noun m.p.constr. keli vessel; "articles" + noun m.s.abs. keseph silver + waw w/noun m.p.constr. keli vessel; "articles" + non m.s.abs. zahab gold + waw w/noun m.p.abs. begged garment + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. nathan give + prep lamedh w/proper noun Rebekdah]; he also gave precious things to her brother and to her mother [HM'ail.W h'yxia'l. !t;n" tnOD'g>miW [waw w/noun f.p.abs. migdanah excellent thing + Qal perf.3m.s. nathan give + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr. ach brother + waw w/prep lamedh w/noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. em mother]).


  277. The information relayed by the servant speaks for itself.
  278. All that he presented in this drawn out pre-dinner speech is illustrative of steadfast love (chesed loyalty, steadfast love) and truth (emeth truth).
  279. The servant has presented a very strong case for the proposed martial union.
  280. The main thing that the Rebekah’s family needs to focus on is the incident at the well and the vindication of the servant’s prayer.
  281. How can they ignore that and be on the side of chesed and emeth?
  282. If they stand in the way of the girl leaving her home to marry Abraham’s son then they would be guilty of flaunting the directive will of God.
  283. If they respond to all the evidence in a positive fashion and let the woman go then they will have responded in kind to the divine dealings with Abraham.
  284. In v.49 the servant asks Rebekah’s family to respond showing the same virtues of chesed (steadfast love) and emeth (truth).
  285. In other words, the servant is appealing to their conscience; are they going to reciprocate and exhibit these virtues to Abraham, the author of this quest?
  286. The call to act or not act is like a loaded question.
  287. The language used is designed to make them look really bad if they refuse the request.
  288. To act in the negative is to flaunt the directive will of God manifest in the things He has brought to pass to give this expedition obvious success.
  289. Refusal on their part to allow Rebekah to leave would be an offense against the moral order of things.
  290. Common sense, morality and the divine will are all at stake here.
  291. The servant ends his speech with the ultimatum, "and if not, let me know, that I may turn to the right or to the left."
  292. In other words, "I will take my case elsewhere" (e.g., to relatives that can discern a good thing when they see it!).
  293. It is no surprise then, that Laban and Bethuel responds to the servant’s ultimatum in the affirmative (v. 50).
  294. The mention of Bethuel Rebekah’s father is surprising as it is Laban who up to this point has led the negotiations.
  295. It has been conjectured that Bethuel is deceased and that the mention of his name is a gloss.
  296. Yet, there is no evidence of textual corruption.
  297. One explanation is that the man was very old and incapable of engaging in tough negotiations and so Laban is the family spokesperson.
  298. Another suggestion is that the man was dominated by his wife!
  299. In any case, he was sufficiently alert to give his approval to the proposal.
  300. The family does not want to be tagged with this blunder, and see whatever benefits they imagine might be theirs go to another family.
  301. The reply in the affirmative that they cannot contradict what the servant has said is based on the fact that God has shown which side he is on in the matter.
  302. "Hence, the words, "The thing/matter comes from the LORD…"
  303. "We cannot speak to you bad or good" is an idiomatic expression (cf. 31:24, 29; 2Sam. 13:22).
  304. We might say: "Our hands are tied."
  305. So at least they were sensitive to the providential will of God (cf. v. 51 "Here is Rebekah before you, take her and go, and let her be the wife of your master’s son, as the LORD has spoken.").
  306. God spoke, not audibly, but through the events leading up to the meeting in the home.
  307. As was the servant’s custom, he prostrated himself before the LORD, giving credit where credit is due (v. 52).
  308. Bridal gifts were then distributed by the servant to the bride-to-be, and to her brother and to her mother (v. 53).
  309. The "precious things" given to Laban and to the mother were equivalent to the bride-money.
  310. The Departure (vv. 54-61)

    VERSE 54 Then he and the men who were with him ate and drank and spent the night (WnyliY"w: AM[i-rv,a] ~yvin"a]h'w> aWh WTv.YIw: Wlk.aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. akal eat + waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. shathah drink + pro.3m.s. hu he + waw w/ m.p.abs. ish man + asher + prep im w/3m.s.suff. + waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. lun spend the night]).

    When they arose in the morning, he said, "Send me away to my master (ynIdoal; ynIxuL.v; rm,aYOw: rq,Bob; WmWqY"w: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. qum rise + prep beth w/noun m.s.abs. boqer morning + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + Pie limper.m.p.w/1s.suff. shalach send away + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master]) ."

    VERSE 55 But her brother and her mother said, "Let the girl stay with us a few days, say ten; afterward she may go (%leTe rx;a; rAf[' Aa ~ymiy" WnT'ai r'[]N:h; bveTe HM'aiw> h'yxia' rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + noun m.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. ach brother + waw w/noun f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. em mother + Qal impf.3f.s. juss. Yshasb remain + f.s.abs. na-arah girl + prep eth w/1p.suff. + noun m.p.abs. yom day + conj o or + noun m.s.abs. asor ten + adv achar after + Qal impf.3f.s. halak go])."

    VERSE 56 He said to them, "Do not delay me, since the LORD has prospered my way (yKir>D; x;ylic.hi hw"hyw: ytiao Wrx]a;T.-la; ~h,lea] rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. amar say + prep el w/3m.p. + neg al + Piel impf.2m.p.juss. achar delay + d.o. marker w/1s.suff. + waw w/proper noun Yahweh + Hiphil perf.3m.s. tsalach rush; prosper + noun both s.constr.w/1s.suff. derek way]).

    Send me away that I may go to my master (ynIdoal; hk'l.aew> ynIWxL.v; [Pie limper.m.p.w/1s.suff. shalach send away + waw w/Qal impf.1s. halak go + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master])."

    VERSE 57 And they said, "We will call the girl and consult her wishes (h'yPi-ta, hl'a]v.nIw> r'[]N:l; ar'q.nI Wrm.aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. amar say + Qal impf.1p. qara call + prep lamedh w/noun f.s.abs. na-arah girl + waw w/Qal impf.1p. sha-al inquire + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. peh mouth "her wishes"])."

    VERSE 58 Then they called Rebekah and said to her, "Will you go with this man (vyaih'-~[i ykil.teh] h'yl,ae Wrm.aYOw: hq'b.rIl. War>q.YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. qara call + prep lamedh w/proper noun Rebekah + waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. amar say + prep el w/3f.s.suff. + interrog ha w/Qal impf.2f.s. halak go + prep im with + m.s.abs. ish man])?"

    And she said, "I will go (%leae rm,aTow: hZ<h; [ zeh this + waw w/qal impf.3f.s. amar say + Qal impf.1s. halak go])."

    VERSE 59 Thus they sent away their sister Rebekah and her nurse with Abraham's servant and his men (wyv'n"a]-ta,w> ~h'r'b.a; db,[,-ta,w> HT'q.nIme-ta,w> ~t'xoa] hq'b.rI-ta, WxL.v;y>w: [waw w/Piel impf.3m.p. shalach send away + d.o. marker + proper noun Rebekah + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.p.suff. achoth sister + waw w/d.o. marker + Hiphil part.f.s.constr.w/3f.s.suff. yanaq suck; nurse + waw w/d.o. marker + noun m.s.abs. ebed servant + proper noun Abraham + waw w/d.o. marker + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. ish]).

    VERSE 60 And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, "Our sister, may you increase to thousands upon thousands (hb'b'r> ypel.a;l. yyIh] T.a; Wntexoa] Hl' Wrm.aYOw: hq'b.rI-ta, Wkr]b'y>w: [waw w/Piel impf.3m.p. barak bless + d.o. marker + proper noun Rebekah + waw w/Qal impf.3m.p. amar say + prep lamedh w/3f.s.suff. + noun f.s.constr.w/1p.suff. achoth sister + pro.2f.s. attah you + Qal imper.f.s. hayah + prep lamedh w/adj.m.p.constr. eleph thousand + noun f.s.abs. rebabah ten thousand]; may your offspring possess the gates of their enemies [wya'n>fo r[;v; tae %[er>z: vr;yyIw> [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s.juss. yarash take possession of + noun m.s.constr.w/2f.s. zera seed + d.o. marker + noun m.s.abs. sha-ar gate + Qal part.m.p.constr.w/3m.s. shane hate])."

    VERSE 61 Then Rebekah arose with her maids, and they mounted the camels and followed the man (vyaih' yrex]a; hn"k.l;Tew: ~yLim;G>h;-l[; hn"b.K;r>Tiw: h'yt,ro[]n:w> hq'b.rI ~q'T'w [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. qum rise + proper noun Rebekah + waw w/noun f.p.constr.w/3f.s.suff. na-arah girl; "maids" + waw w/Qal impf.3f.p. rakabh mount, ride + prep al upon + m.p.abs. gamel camel + waw w/Qal impf.3f.p. halak go + adv achare after + m.s.abs. ish man]).

    So the servant took Rebekah and departed (%l;YEw: hq'b.rI-ta, db,[,h' xQ;YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. laqach take + m.s.abs. ebedh servant + d.o. marker + proper noun Rebekah + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. halak go]).


  311. Following the pre-dinner negotiations, the servant and the men who traveled with him enjoy a meal and a good night’s rest (v. 54).
  312. First thing the next morning the servant requested that the traveling party be allowed to depart and return to "[his] master."
  313. The preceding evening had been a resounding success blessed by God at every turn.
  314. His remaining responsibility to his master was to extradite himself from the place and make the long trip back to his niche.
  315. His abrupt "Send me away to my master" is absent the polite "please" (na).
  316. He knew when to be diplomatic and when to play hardball.
  317. He demands rather than request to be released from their hospitality.
  318. But an obstacle was placed in his path by Rebekah’s brother and her mother (v. 55).
  319. In light of the families permission to give the woman as wife to Abraham’s son, they feel it necessary for the entourage to remain for some ten days so they can have closure.
  320. While this may seem reasonable, the servant has an assignment and that was to obtain a suitable bride for Isaac and return promptly.
  321. The servant’s response to their suggestion was based on the principle that so far the effort to secure a bride had been blessed by God and so to stay would not be compatible with the prospering of his assignment (v. 56).
  322. Note how the servant keeps his master’s interests foremost (14x in vv. 22-65 the reference to "my master" occurs).
  323. Again, the stated reason for not delaying his return is: "since the LORD has prospered my way."
  324. He doesn’t want to contribute to any unnecessary delay as something unforeseen could happen that would negate all the previous efforts to secure a bride.
  325. He has been granted permission to take Rebekah back and he desire to get on and complete the mission without delay.
  326. Laban and Rebekah’s mother propose that they leave the decision up to "the girl" (v. 57).
  327. Since the scene at the well we have heard nothing from Rebekah.
  328. Is she in favor of the agreement struck by the servant and her family or is she having second thoughts?
  329. In the present context the question that stands are would the woman’s attachment to her home compel her to spend a relatively short time with her family before she leaves them forever?
  330. The suggestion to leave the decision to stay or leave to the girl brings is climatic.
  331. So Rebekah was summoned and asked if she was willing now and then to "go with this man?" (v. 58)
  332. Her simple reply was direct and without hesitation: "I will go."
  333. He willingness to go was the precondition of the oath imposed upon the servant.
  334. In her soul she makes the break with family and identifies her destiny with the people that the servant represents.
  335. Once again, her positive character traits are evident.
  336. By so responding she aligns herself with the underlying spirit of the covenant.
  337. Abraham was told to go and he and his wife left family and country in exchange for the promises of God.
  338. The party finally leaves Haran in Mesopotamia which included Rebekah, her nanny from childhood, and more than one maidservant along with the servant and his companions (vv. 59 and 61)).
  339. Her "nurse’s" name is Deborah according to 35:8.
  340. The "maids" were part of her dowry.
  341. The farewell and bridal blessing is twofold: (a) that she would be the matriarch of "thousands of ten thousands; and, (b) that her descendants would "possess the gate of those who hate them."
  342. This apparently was a standard bridal blessing (cf. Ruth 4:11-12 for another example).
  343. In her case they spoke more than they could ever know, not being acquainted with the promises made to their relative Abraham.
  344. Scene 4: The Meeting of Isaac and Rebekah

    (vv. 62-67)

    VERSE 62 Now Isaac had come from going to Beer-lahai-roi; for he was living in the Negev (bg<N<h; #r,a,B. bveAy aWhw> yairoƒyx;l;ƒraeB. aABmi aB' qx'c.yIw> [waw w/proper noun Isaac + Qal perf.3m.s. bo go + prep min w/Qal infin.constr. bo + proper noun Beer-lahai-roi + waw w/pro.3s. hu he + Qal part.m.s.abs. yashab dwell + prep beth w/noun both s.abs. eretz + noun Negeb]).

    VERSE 63 Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening; and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, camels were coming (~yaiB' ~yLim;g> hNEhiw> ar>Y:w: wyn"y[e aF'YIw: br,[' hd,F'B; x;Wfl' qx'c.yI aceYEw: [waw w/Qal impf.3s. yatsa come out + proper noun Isaac + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. shiach mediate + prep beth w/noun m.s.ab.s sadeh field + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr. panah turn + noun m.s.abs. ereb evening + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. nasha lift up + noun f. dual constr.w/3m.s.suff. ayin eye + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. ra-ah see + waw w/interj hinneh + noun m.p.abs. gamal camel + Qal bo go, come]).

    VERSE 64 Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac she dismounted from the camel (lm'G"h; l[;me lPoTiw: qx'c.yI-ta, ar,Tew: h'yn<y[e-ta, hq'b.rI aF'Tiw: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s nasha lift up + proper noun Rebekah + d.o. marker + noun f. dual constr.w/3f.s.suff. ayin eye + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. ra-ah see + d.o. marker + proper noun Isaac + waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. naphal fall; "dismounted" + prep min w/prep al + m.s.abs. gamel camel]).

    VERSE 65 She said to the servant, "Who is that man walking in the field to meet us (Wntear' hd,F'B; %lehoh; hz<L'h; vyaih'-ymi db,[,h'-la, rm,aTow: [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. amar say + prep el + m.s.abs. ebed servant + interrog mah who? + adj.m.s.abs. hallazehy yonder one + part.m.s.abs. halak walk + prep beth w/noun m.s.abs. shadeh field + prep lamedh w/Qal infin.constr.w/1p.suff. qara meet])?"

    And the servant said, "He is my master (ynIdoa] aWh db,[,h' rm,aYOw: [waw w/Qal impf.3s. amar say + m.s.abs. ebed servant + pro.3s. hu he + noun m.s.constr.w/1s.suff. adon master])."

    Then she took her veil and covered herself (sK't.Tiw: @y[iC'h; xQ;Tiw [waw w/Qal impf.3f.s. laqach take + m.s.abs. tsa-iph veil, shawl + waw w/Hithpael impf.3f.s. kasha cover]).

    VERSE 66 The servant told Isaac all the things that he had done (hf'[' rv,a] ~yrIb'D>h;-lK' tae qx'c.yIl. db,[,h' rPes;y>w: [waw w/Piel impf.3m.s. saphar recount + m.s.abs. ebed servant + prep lamedh w/proper noun Isaac + d.o. marker + noun m.s.constr. kol all + m.p.abs. dabar word; "things" + asher + Qal perf.3m.s. ashah do]).

    VERSE 67 Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent (AMai hr'f' hl'h/aoh' qx'c.yI h'a,biy>w: [waw w/Hiphil impf.3m.s.w/3f.s.suff. bo go + proper noun Isaac + m.s.abs. ohel tent + proper noun Sarah + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.suff. im mother], and he took Rebekah, and she became his wife, and he loved her [h'b,h'a/Y<w: hV'ail. Al-yhiT.w: hq'b.rI-ta, xQ;YIw: [waw w/Qal impf.3m.s. laqach take + d.o. marker + proper noun Rebekah + waw w/Qal impf.3fs.s. hayah "she became" + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + prep lamedh w/noun f.s.abs. ishshah wife + waw w/Qal impf.3m.s.w/3f.s.suff. ahab love]; thus Isaac was comforted after his mother's death [AMai yrex]a; qx'c.yI ~xeN"YIw: [ waw w/Niphal impf.3m.s. nacham comfort + proper noun Isaac + adv achare after + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. em mother]).


  345. V. 62 relate Isaac’s whereabouts when he met Rebekah for the first time.
  346. Isaac had for some reason visited the well at Beer-lahai-roi.
  347. This well was the well where Hagar was intercepted by the angel of Yahweh in her flight from Sarah (16:14).
  348. Its name means "The Well of the Living One Who Sees."
  349. Isaac in the narrative of Genesis is the man associated with wells (cf. Gen. 26).
  350. At the time of his meeting his prospective bride Isaac was living in the Negev (southern part of the land).
  351. The absence of any mention of Abraham, in whose service the servant had left the land to find a bride for his son, hints at transition in leadership.
  352. Toward dusk, Isaac, the introspective type, was by himself in a field meditating (Qal infin shiach meditate, commune).
  353. He happened to look up and see a caravan of camels approaching his location (v. 63).
  354. Isaac had no clue as to his father’s plan to secure him a bride.
  355. Like the event that led to his near sacrifice, Isaac was uninformed in the matter concerning Rebekah.
  356. Possibly the servant touched base with Abraham who was living in the area when he sent the servant on the long journey for a bride.
  357. Whether fortuitous or not the caravan arrives at the end of the day and approaches Isaac in a field where he was deep in thought.
  358. In the fading light of day, Rebekah makes visual contact with this lone man standing in a field (v. 64).
  359. She, upon seeing him, abruptly dismounts from her camel (vb. naphal ‘to fall’).
  360. Her intuition impelled her to dismount and then she asks the servant who the man in the field walking toward us is (v. 65).
  361. He tells her that the man is "my master."
  362. The servant of Abraham recognized that he was serving the son as well as his father.
  363. Rebekah took a veil and covered her face symbolizing her new status as a bride.
  364. There is no conversation recorded as transpiring between Isaac and Rebekah.
  365. Rather the servant informs Isaac of all that he had transpired to bring this woman into his life (v. 66).
  366. This way Isaac could see the hand of God in all that had transpired while he was unaware of the blessing that was to be his.
  367. Four years had transpired since the death of Isaac’s mother.
  368. The narrative that "Isaac brought her into his mother’s tent" is both poignant and instructive (v. 67).
  369. Rebekah becomes the new Sarah, the leading lady of the covenant.
  370. Sarah’s tent was kept intact with a view to making it the home of the newlyweds.
  371. Rebekah had much to be informed about with respect to the history of Abraham and Sarah.
  372. In short order Isaac accepted her as his right woman and they were married.
  373. Even though the marriage was an arranged marriage, Isaac fell in love with her.
  374. The final comment of this chapter informs us that Isaac was very close to Sarah and after the years following her death he mourned her loss.
  375. Sarah held a very special place in his heart, but the loss was soften by the presence of this God-sent woman into his life.

END: Genesis Chapter Twenty-Four

November, 2011

Jack M. Ballinger