Daniel Chapter Six
Daniel and the Lion’s Den
Daniel’s Promotion in the Empire (vv. 1-3)
It seemed good to Darius to appoint 120 satraps over the kingdom, that they would be in charge of the whole kingdom (at'Wkl.m;-lk'B. !wOh/l, yDI !yrIf.[,w> ha'm. aY"n:P.r>D;v.x;a]l; at'Wkl.m;-l[; ~yqih]w: vw<y"r>D' ~d'q\ rp;v. [peal perf.3m.s. shepar be fair, be appropriate; "seemed good" + part qadam before + proper noun abs. Darius + waw w/haphel perf.3m.s qum arise, stand; "appoint" + prep al over + noun f.s.w/art. malku kingdom + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.w/art. achashadarpenin satraps + adj.m.s.abs. men-a one hundred + waw w/adj.m.s.abs. esrin twenty + peal impf.3m.p. hawa become" would be" + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr. kol all + noun f.s.w/art. malku kingdom]),VERSE 2 and over them three commissioners (of whom Daniel was one) (!AhN>mi-dx; laYEnId' yDI at'l'T. !ykir>s' !AhN>mi aL'[ew> [waw w/adv ella above, over + prep w/3m.s.suff. min from; "them" + noun m.p.abs. sarak overseer + adj.m.s.abs. telat three + rel di + noun proper abs. Daniel + adj.m.s.abs. chad one + prep min w/3m.s.suff.]), that these satraps might be accountable to them, and that the king might not suffer loss [qzIn" awEh/l,-al' aK'l.m;W am'[.j; !Ahl. !ybih]y" !yLeai aY"n:P.r>D;v.x;a] !wOh/l,-yDI [rel di + peal impf3m.p. hawa become; "might be" + noun m.p.w/art. achashadarpenin + adj.p.abs. illen these + peal part.m.p.abs. yehab give; "might be" + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + noun m.s.w/art. te-em taste; "accountable" + waw w/noun m.s.w/art. melek king + neg la + peal impf.3m.s. hawa "might" + peal part.m.s.abs. nezaq suffer injury]).
VERSE 3 Then this Daniel began distinguishing himself among the commissioners and satraps because he possessed an extraordinary spirit (HBe ar'yTiy: x;Wr yDI lbeq\-lK' aY"n:P.r>D;v.x;a]w: aY"k;r>s'-l[; xC;n:t.mi aw"h] hn"D> laYEnID' !yId;a/ [adv edayn then + proper noun Daniel + adj.m.s.abs. denah this + peal perf.3m.s. hawa become; "began" + hithpaal part.m.s.abs. nesach distinguish oneself + prep al "among" + noun m.p.w/art. sarak overseer + waw w/noun m.p.w/art. achashadarpenin satraps + noun m.s.constr. kol + prep dobel before + rel di = "because" + noun both s.abs. ruach spirit + adj.f.s.abs. yattir surpassing + prep beth w/3m.s.suff., and the king planned to appoint him over the entire kingdom (at'Wkl.m;-lK'-l[; HteWmq'h]l; tyvi[] aK'l.m;W [waw w/noun m.s.w/art. melek king + peal qal pass part.m.s.abs. ashith think, plan + prep lamedh w/haphel infin.const.w/3m.s.suff. qum rise "appoint" + prep al over + noun m.s.constr. kol all + noun f.s.w/art. malku kingdom]).
Conspiracy Against Daniel (vv. 4-9)
VERSE 4 Then the commissioners and satraps began trying to find a ground of accusation against Daniel in regard to government affairs
(at'Wkl.m; dC;mi laYEnId'l. hx'K'v.h;l. hL'[i !yI[;b' Awh] aY"n:P.r>D;v.x;a]w: aY"k;r>s' !yId;a/ [adv edayin then + noun m.p.w/art sarak overseer (2 men) + waw w/noun m.p.w/art achashadarpenin satrap (120) + peal perf.3m.p. hawa come to pass; "began" + peal part.m.p.abs. bera ask, make petition; "ground" + noun f.s.abs. illah matter; "accusation" + prep lamedh w/haphel infin.constr. shakach forget; "to find" + prep lamedh w/proper noun Daniel + prep min from w/noun m.s.abs. tsad side; "in regard" + noun f.s.w/art. malku kingdom; "government affairs"]; but they could find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption [lbeq\-lK' hx'K'v.h;l. !ylik.y"-al' ht'yxiv.W hL'[i-lk'w> [waw w/noun m.s.constr. kol + noun f.s.abs. illah matter, affair; "ground of accusation" waw w/peal pass.f.s.abs. shechat corrupt; "evidence of corruption" + neg la + peal part.m.p.abs. yekil be able; "could" + prep lamedh w/haphel infin.constr. shakach forget; "find"], inasmuch as he was faithful, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him [yhiAl[] tx;k;T.v.hi al' ht'yxiv.W Wlv'-lk'w> aWh !m;yhem.-yDI lbeq\-lK' [noun m.s.constr. kol + part qabel befoe + rel di + "inasmuch as" + haphel pass.part.m.s.abs. aman believe/trust in; "was faithful" + pro.3m.s. hu he + waw w/noun m.s.constr. all; "no" + noun f.s.abs. shalu failure; "negligence" + waw w/peal pass.part.m.s.abs. shechath corrupt + neg lo + hithpeel perf.3f.s. shckach forget; "was found" + prep al w/3m.s.suff. "in him"]).VERSE 5 Then these men said, "We will not find any ground of accusation against this Daniel unless we find it against him with regard to the law of his God (Hhel'a/ td'B. yhiAl[] hn"x.K;v.h; !hel' aL'[i-lK' hn"D> laYEnId'l. xK;v.h;n> al' yDI !yrIm.a' %Leai aY"r;b.GU !yId;a/ [adv deayin then + noun m.p.w/art. gebar man + adj.p.abs. illek these + peal part.m.p.abs. amar say + rel di + neg. la + haphel impf.1c.p. shakach forget; "find" + prep lamedh w/proper noun Daniel + adj.m.s.abs. denah this + noun m.s.constr. kol "any" + noun f.s.abs. illah matter; "ground" + conj lahen "unless" + haphel perf.1c.p. shakach forget; "find" + prep al w/3m.s.suff. against + prep beth w/noun f.s.abs. dat decree; "law" + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. elah God]) ."
Analysis: Verses 4-5
Darius Signs the Decree (vv. 6-9)
Then these commissioners and satraps came by agreement to the king and spoke to him as follows: "King Darius, live forever (yyIx/ !ymil.['l. aK'l.m; vw<y"r>D' Hle !yrIm.a' !kew> aK'l.m;-l[; WvGIr>h; !Leai aY"n:P.r>D;v.x;a]w: aY"k;r>s' !yId;a/ [adv edayin then + noun m.p.w/art. sarak overseer + waw w/noun m.p.w/art. ahashadarpenin satraps + adj.p.abs. illen these + haphel perf.3m.p. regash be in turmoil; "came by agreement" + prep al w/noun m.s.w/art. melek king + waw w/adv ken thus; "as follows" + peal part.m.p.abs. amar say + prep lamedh w/3m.s.suff. + proper noun Darius + noun m.s.w/art. melek king + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.abs. alam perpetuity; "forever" + peal imper.m.s. haya live])!VERSE 7 "All the commissioners of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the high officials and the governors have consulted together (at'w"x]p;W aY"r;b.D'h; aY"n:P.r>D;v.x;a]w: aY"n:g>si at'Wkl.m; yker>s' lKo Wj[;y"t.ai [ithpaal perf.3m.p. ye-at advise; "have consulted together" + noun m.s.abs. kol all + noun m.p.constr. sarak commissioner [2] plus Daniel = [3] + noun f.s.w/art. malku kingdom + noun m.p.w/art. segan prefect + waw w/noun m.p.w/art. ahashadarpenin satraps +noun m.p.w/art. haddabar counselor; "high officials" + waw w/noun m.p.w/art. pecha governor] that the king should establish a statute and enforce an injunction that anyone who makes a petition to any god or man besides you, O king, for thirty days, shall be cast into the lions' den [at'w"y"r>a; bgOl. amer>t.yI aK'l.m; %N"mi !hel' !ytil'T. !ymiAy-d[; vn"a/w< Hl'a/-lK'-!mi W[b' h[eb.yI-yDI-lk' yDI rs'a/ hp'Q't;l.W aK'l.m; ~y"q. hm'Y"q;l. [prep lamedh w/pael infin.constr. qayyam enduring; "that…should establish" + noun m.s.abs. qeyam statute + noun m.s.w/art. melek + waw w/prep lamedh w/pael infin.constr. teqep grow strong; "enforce" + noun m.s.abs. esar decree of restriction; "injunction" + rel di + noun m.s.constr. kol all + rel di + peal impf.3m.s. be-a make (petition) + noun f.s.abs. ba-u petition + prep min + kol any + noun m.s.abs. elah god + waw w/noun m.s.abs. anash man + prep ad until; "for" + noun m.p.abs. yom day + adj.s.abs. telatin thirty + part lahen therefore + prep min w/2m.s.suff. + noun m.s.w/art. melek king + hithpeel impf.3m.s. rema cast + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.abs. geb pit; "den" + noun m.p.w/art. aryeh lion]).
VERSE 8 "Now, O king, establish the injunction and sign the document so that it may not be changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which may not be revoked (aDe[.t, al'-yDI sr;p'W yd;m'-td'K. hy"n"v.h;l. al' yDI ab't'K. ~vur>tiw> ar's'a/ ~yqiT. aK'l.m; ![;K. [adv ke-an now + noun m.s.w/art. melek + aphel impf.2m.s. qum rise; "establish" + noun m.s.w/art. esar injunction + waw w/peal impf.2m.s. resham inscribe; "sign" + noun m.s.w/art. ketab writing; "document" + rel di + neg lo + prep lamedh w/haphel infin.constr. shanah change + prep kaph w/noun f.s.abs. dath decree; "law" + proper noun Mede + waw w/proper noun Persia + rel di + neg la + peal impf.3f.s. adah pass over; "revoked"])."
VERSE 9 Therefore King Darius signed the document, that is, the injunction (ar's'a/w< ab't'K. ~v;r> vw<y"r>D' aK'l.m; hn"D> lbeq\-lK' [noun m.s.constr. kol w/part qabel front + adj.m.s. denah this = "therefore"+ noun m.s.w/art. melek + proper noun Darius + peal perf.3m.s. resham inscribe; "signed" + noun m.s.w/art. ketab a writing + waw w/noun m.s.w/art. esar injunction]).
Daniel’s Conviction, Trial, and Sentence (vv. 10-17)
VERSE 10 Now when Daniel knew that the document was signed, he entered his house
(Htey>b;l. l[; ab't'K. ~yvir>-yDI [d;y> ydIK. laYEnId'w> [waw w/proper noun Daniel + prep kaph w/rel di "Now when" + peal perf.3m.s. yeda know + rel di + peil perf.3m.s. resham inscribe; "was signed" + noun m.s.w/art. ketab writing + peal perf.3m.s alal go in; "entered" + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. bayit house] (now in his roof chamber he had windows open toward Jerusalem) [~l,v.Wry> dg<n< HteyLi[iB. Hle !x'ytiP. !yWIk;w> [waw w/noun f.p.abs. kawah window + peal qal/pass part.f.p.abs. pathach open + prep w/3m.s.suff. "his" + prep beth w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. aliyah roof chamber from root to climb + prep neged facing + proper noun Jerusalem]; and he continued kneeling on his knees three times a day, praying and giving thanks before his God, as he had been doing previously [hn"D> tm;d>q;-!mi dbe[' aw"h]-yDI lbeq\-lK' Hhel'a/ ~d'q\ adeAmW aLec;m.W yhiAkr>Bi-l[; %reB' aWh am'Ayb. ht'l'T. !ynIm.zIw> [waw w/noun m.p.abs. zeman time + adj.m.s.abs. telath three + prep beth w/noun m.s.w/art. yom day + pro.3m..s hi he + peal part.m.s. as. Berak kneel + prep al on w/noun f.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. berak knee + waw w/pael part.m.s.abs.tsela pray + waw w/aphel part.m.s.abs. yeda give thanks/praise + part. Qadam former time; "before" + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. elah God + noun m.s.constr. kol all + part qadam "previously" + rel di + peal perf.3m.s come to pass + peal part.m.s.abs. abad perform; "doing" + prep min w/noun f.s.constr. qademah former time + adj.m.s.abs. denah this]).VERSE 11 Then these men came by agreement and found Daniel making petition and supplication before his God (Hhel'a/ ~d'q\ !N:x;t.miW a[eB' laYEnId'l. WxK;v.h;w> WvGIr>h; %Leai aY"r;b.GU !yId;a/ [adv edayin then + noun m.p.w/art. gebar man + adj.p.abs. illek these + haphel perf.3m.s. regash be in tumult; "came by agreement" as in v.6; a conspiracy verb + waw w/haphel perf.3m.p. shakach forget; "found" + prep lamedh w/proper noun Daniel + peal part.m.s.abs be-a ask; "making petition" + waw w/hithpael part.m.s.abs. chanan show favor; "making supplication" + part qadam before + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. elah God]).
VERSE 12 Then they approached and spoke before the king about the king's injunction (aK'l.m; rs'a/-l[; aK'l.m;-~d'q\ !yrIm.a'w> WbyrIq. !yId;aBe [prep beth w/adv edayin then + peal perf.3m.s. qereb approach + waw w/peal part.m.p.abs. amar say; "spoke" + part qadam before + noun m.s.w/art. melek + prep al + noun m.s.abs. esar injunction + noun m.s.w/art. melek], "Did you not sign an injunction that any man who makes a petition to any god or man besides you, O king, for thirty days, is to be cast into the lions' den [at'wy"r>a; bAgl. amer>t.yI aK'l.m; %N"mi !hel' !ytil'T. !ymiAy-d[; vn"a/w< Hl'a/-lK'-!mi h[eb.yI-yDI vn"a/-lk' yDI T'm.v;r> [peal perf.2m.s. resham inscribe; "sign" + rel di + noun m.s.constr. kol + noun m.s.abs. anash man + rel di + peal impf.3.m.s. be-a make petition + prep min + noun m.s.constr. kol + noun m.s.abs. elah god + waw w/noun m.s.abs. anash man + prep ad until + noun m.p.abs. yom day + adj.s.abs. telatin thirty + part lahen therefore; "besides" + prep min w/2m.s.suff. + noun m.s.w/art. melek + hithpeel impf.3m.s. rema cast + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.abs. geb pit, den + noun m.p.w/art. aryeh lion]?" The king replied, "The statement is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which may not be revoked [aDe[.t, al'-yDI sr;p'W yd;m'-td'K. at'L.mi ab'yCiy: rm;a'w> aK'l.m; hnE[' [peal part.m.s.abs. anah answer + noun m.s.w/art. melek + waw w/peal part.m.s.abs. amar say + adj.f.s.abs. yassib certain, true + noun f.s.w/art. milla word; "statement" + prep kaph w/noun f.s.abs. dath decree; "law" + waw w/proper noun Mede + waw w/proper noun Persia + rel di + neg la + peal impf.3f.s. adah pass on/over; "revoked"])."
VERSE 13 Then they answered and spoke before the king, "Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you, O king, or to the injunction which you signed, but keeps making his petition three times a day (HteW[B' a[eB' am'AyB. ht'l'T. !ynIm.zIw> T'm.v;r> yDI ar's'a/-l[;w> ~[ej. aK'l.m; Î%l'[]Ð ¿%yIl;[]À ~f'-al' dWhy> yDI at'Wlg" ynEB.-!mi yDI laYEnId' yDI aK'l.m; ~d'q\ !yrIm.a'w> An[] !yId;aBe [prep beth w/adv edayin then + peal perf.3m.s. anah answer + waw w/peal part.m.p.abs. amar say + part qadam before + noun m.s.w/art. melek + rel di + proper noun Daniel + rel di + prep min + noun m.p.constr. bar son + noun f.s.w/art. gelu exile + rel di + proper noun Judah + neg la ) peal perf.3m.s. sum make; "pays" + prep al w/2m.s.suff. "to you" + noun m.s.w/art. melek + noun m.s.abs. te-em taste; "attention" + waw w/prep al + noun m.s.w/art. esar injunction + rel di + peal perf.2m.s. resham inscribe; "signed" + waw w/noun m.p.abs. zeman time + adj.m.s.abs. telat three + prep beth w/noun m.s.w/art. yom day + peal part.m.s.abs. be-a make petitoin + noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. ba-u petition]).
VERSE 14 Then, as soon as the king heard this statement, he was deeply distressed and set his mind on delivering Daniel (HteWbz"yvel. lB' ~f' laYEnID' l[;w> yhiAl[] vaeB. ayGIf; [m;v. at'L.mi ydIK. aK'l.m; !yId;a/ [adv edayin then + noun m.s.w/art. melek + prep kaph w/rel di "as soon as" + noun f.s.w/art. millah statement + peal perf.3m.s shema hear + adj.m.s.ab.s saggi great; "deeply" + peal perf.3m.s. be-esh be evil; "distressed" + prep al w/3m.s.suff. + proper noun Daniel + peal perf.3m.s. sum set + noun m.s.abs. bal mind + prep lamedh w/shaphel infin.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shezib deliver; Akkad]; and even until sunset he kept exerting himself to rescue him [HteWlC'h;l. rD;T;v.mi aw"h] av'm.vi yle['m, d[;w> [waw w/part ad until + noun m.p.constr. me-al going in + noun m.s.w/art. shemash sun + peal perf.3m.m.s.s hawa come to pass + hithpaal part.m.s.abs. shedar struggle, strive + prep lamedh w/haphel infin.constr.w/3m.s.suff. nasal deliver]).
VERSE 15 Then these men came by agreement to the king and said to the king (aK'l.m;l. !yrIm.a'w> aK'l.m;-l[; WvGIr>h; %Leai aY"r;b.GU !yId;aBe [prep beth w/adv edayin then + noun m.p.w/art. gebar man + adj.p.abs. illek these + haphel perf.3m.p. regash be in commotion; "came by agreement" + prep al + noun m.s.w/art. melek + waw w/peal part.m.p.abs. amar say + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.w/art. melek], "Recognize, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians that no injunction or statute which the king establishes may be changed (hy"n"v.h;l. al' ~yqeh'y> aK'l.m;-yDI ~y"q.W rs'a/-lk'-yDI sr;p'W yd;m'l. td'-yDI aK'l.m; [D; [peal imper.m.s. yeda know + noun m.s.w/art. melek + rel di + noun f.s.abs. dath decree; "law" + prep lamedh w/noun Medes + waw w/proper noun Persian + rel di + noun m.s.constr. kol + noun m.s.abs. esar injunction + waw wmpim ,/s/abs/ qeyam statute + rel di + noun m.s.w/art. melek + haphel impf.3m.s. qum stand; "establishes" + neg la + prep lamedh w/haphel infin.constr. shanah change])."
VERSE 16 Then the king gave orders, and Daniel was brought in and cast into the lions' den (at'w"y"r>a; yDI aB'gUl. Amr>W laYEnId'l. wytiy>h;w> rm;a] aK'l.m; !yId;aBe [prep beth w/adv edayin then + noun m.s.w/art. melek + peal perf.3m.s. amar say + waw w/haphel perf.3m.p. atah come + prep lamedh w/proper noun Daniel + waw w/peal perf.3m.p. rama cast + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.w/art. geb den + rel di + noun m.p.w/art. aryeh lion]).
The king spoke and said to Daniel, "Your God whom you constantly serve will Himself deliver you (%N"biz>yvey> aWh ar'ydIt.Bi Hle-xl;P' ÎT.n>a;Ð ¿hT'n>a;À yDI %h'l'a/ laYEnId'l. rm;a'w> aK'l.m; hnE[' [peal part.m.s.abs. anah answer + noun m.s.w/art. melek + waw w/peal part.m.s.abs. amar say + prep lamedh w/proper noun Daniel + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. elah god, God + rel di + pro.3m.s. anta you + peal part.m.s.abs. pelach serve + prep lamedh w/2m.s.suff. + prep beth w/noun f.s.abs. tedira continuance; "constantly" + pro.3m.s. hi he + shaphel impf.3m.s.w/2m.s.juss. shezib deliver])."
VERSE 17 A stone was brought and laid over the mouth of the den (aB'GU ~Pu-l[; tm;fuw> hd'x] !b,a, tyIt'yhew> [waw w/hephal perf.3f.s. ata come; "was brought" + noun m.s.abs. eben stone + adj.f.s.abs. chadah one + waw w/peil perf.3f.s.s sum set + prep al + noun m.s.abs. pum mouth + noun m.s.w/art. geb den]; and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the signet rings of his nobles, so that nothing would be changed in regard to Daniel [laYEnId'B. Wbc. anEv.ti-al' yDI yhiAnb'r>b.r;tq'z>[ib.W Hteq.z>[iB. aK'l.m; Hm;t.x;w> [waw w/peal perf.3m.s.w/3f.s.suff. chatam to seal + noun m.s.w/art. melek + prep beth w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. izqa signet ring + waw w/prep beth w/noun f.s.constr. izqa signet ring + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. rabreban lord, noble + rel di + neg la + peal impf.3f.s. shana change + noun f.s.abs. tsebu thing (something desired) + prep beth w/proper noun Daniel]).
ANALYSIS: Verses 10-17
Daniel Delivered (vv. 18-23)
Then the king went off to his palace and spent the night fasting, and no entertainment was brought before him; and his sleep fled from him (yhiAl[] tD;n: HTen>viw> yhiAmd'q' l[en>h;-al' !w"x]d;w> tw"j. tb'W Hlek.yhel. aK'l.m; lz:a] !yId;a/ [adv edayin then + peal perf.3m.s. azal go off + noun m.s.w/art. melek + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr.w/2m.s.suff. hekal palace + waw w/peal perf.3m.s. bayit house + adv tewat fasting + waw w/noun f.p.abs. dachawah music + neg la + haphel perf.3m.s. alal go or come in + part qadam before + waw w/noun f.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. shenah sleep + peal perf.3f.s. nedad flee + prep al w/3m.s.suff.]).VERSE 19 Then the king arose at dawn, at the break of day, and went in haste to the lions' den (lz:a] at'w"y"r>a;-ydI aB'gUl. hl'h'B.t.hib.W ah'g>n"B. ~Wqy> ar'P'r>P;v.Bi aK'l.m; !yId;aBe [prep beth w/adv edayin then + noun m.s.w/art. melek + prep beth w/noun m.s.w/art. sheparpar dawn + peal impf.3m.s. qum rise; "arose" + prep beth w/noun m.s.w/art. nogah daylight; "at the break of day" + waw w/prep beth w/hithpeel infin.constr. behal alarm; "in haste" + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.w/art. geb pit; "den" + rel di + noun m.p.w/art. aryeh lion + peal perf.3m.s. go off; "went"]).
VERSE 20 When he had come near the den to Daniel, he cried out with a troubled voice (q[iz> byci[] lq'B. laYEnId'l. aB'gUl. Hber>q.mik.W [waw w/prep kaph w/peal infin.constr.w/3m.s.suff. qereb approach + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.w/art. geb den + prep lamedh w/proper noun Daniel + prep beth w/noun m.s.abs. qal voice + adj.m.s.abs. atsab grieve, pain; "troubled"]).
The king spoke and said to Daniel (laYEnId'l. rm;a'w> aK'l.m; hnE[' [peal part.m.s.abs. anah answer + noun m.s.w/art. melek + waw w/peal part.m.s.abs. amar say + prep lamedh w/proper noun Daniel], "Daniel, servant of the living God [aY"x; ah'l'a/ dbe[] laYEnID' [proper noun Daniel + noun m.s.abs. abedh servant + noun m.s.w/art. elah God + adj.m.s.w/art. chay living], has your God, whom you constantly serve, been able to deliver you from the lions [at'w"y"r>a;-!mi %t'Wbz"yvel. lkiy>h; ar'ydIt.Bi Hle-xl;P' ÎT.n>a;Ð ¿hT'n>a;À yDI %h'l'a/ [noun m.s.w/2m.s.suff. elah God + rel di + pro.2m.s. anta you + peal part.m.s. pelach serve; original meaning "to cleave" + prep lamech w/2m.s.suff + prep beth w/noun f.s.abs. tedira continuance; "constantly" + interrog.part. w/peal perf.3m.s. yekil be able + prep lamech w/shaphel infin.constr.w/2m.s.suff. shezib deliver + prep min from + noun m.p.w/art. aryeh lion])?"
VERSE 21 Then Daniel spoke to the king, "O king, live forever (adv edayin then + proper noun Daniel + prep im with + noun m.s.w/art. melek + pael perf.3m.s. melal speak + noun m.s.w/art. melek + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.abs. alam perpetuity + peal imper.m.s. chaya to live])!
VERSE 22 "My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths and they have not harmed me (ynIWlB.x; al'w> at'w"y"r>a; ~Pu rg:s]W Hkea]l.m; xl;v. yhil'a/ [noun m.s.constr.w/1c.s.suff. elah God + peal perf.3m.s. shelach send + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. mal-ak angel + waw w/peal perf.3m.s. segar shut + noun m.s.abs. pum mouth + noun m.p.w/art. aryeh lion + waw w/neg la + pael perf.3m.p.w/1c.s.suff. chabal hurt], inasmuch as I was found innocent before Him; and also toward you, O king, I have committed no crime (tdeb.[; al' hl'Wbx] aK'l.m; Î%m'd'q'Ð ¿%yIm;d'q'À @a;w> yli tx;k;T.v.hi Wkz" yhiAmd'q' yDI lbeq\-lK' [noun m.s.constr. kol+ part qabel before + rel di = "inasmuch as" + prep qadam w/3m.s.suff. "before Him"+ noun f.s.abs. zaku innocence + hithpeel perf.3f.s. shakach forget; "found innocent" + prep lamedh w/1c.s.suff. "before Him"+ waw w/conj aph also + prep w/2m.s.suff. qadam before + noun m.s.w/art. melek king + noun f.s.abs. chabula a wrong; "no crime" + neg la + peal perf.1c.s. abad do; "committed"])."
Daniel Restored and Enemies Annihilated (vv.23-24)
VERSE 23 Then the king was very pleased and gave orders for Daniel to be taken up out of the den (aB'GU-!mi hq's'n>h;l. rm;a] laYEnId'l.W yhiAl[] baej. ayGIf; aK'l.m; !yId;aBe [prep beth w/adv edayin then + noun m.s.constr.w/art. melek + adj.m.s.abs. saggi great; "very" + peal perf.3m.s.s te-eb be good; "pleased" + prep al w/3m.s.suff. + waw w/prep lamedh w/proper noun Daniel + peal perf.3m.s. amar command + prep lamedh w/haphel infin.constr. salaq come up + prep min from + noun m.s.w/art. geb den]).
So Daniel was taken up out of the den and no injury whatever was found on him, because he had trusted in his God (Hhel'aBe !miyhe yDI HBe xk;T.v.hi-al' lb'x]-lk'w> aB'GU-!mi laYEnID' qS;huw> [waw w/hophal perf.3m.s. salaq come up + proper noun Daniel + prep min + noun m.s.w/art. geb den + waw w/noun m.s.constr. kol all; "no" + noun m.s.abs. chabal injury + neg la "no" + hithpeel perf.3m.s.s shckach forget; "found" + prep beth w/3m.s.suff. + rel di + haphel perf.3m.s. aman trust, believe in + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. elah God]).
VERSE 24 The king then gave orders, and they brought those men who had maliciously accused Daniel (laYEnId' yDI yhiAcr>q; Wlk;a]-yDI %Leai aY"r;b.GU wytiy>h;w> aK'l.m; rm;a]w: [waw w/peal perf.3m.s. amar command + noun m.s.w/art. melek + waw w/haphel perf.3m.p. ata bring + noun m.p.w/art. gebar man + adj.p.abs. illek these + rel di + peal perf.3m.s. akal eat, devour; "accused" + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.s.suff. qeras narrow; root refers to a pinching together; used in Akkad as a stinging insect; "maliciously" + proper noun Daniel], and they cast them, their children and their wives into the lions' den [!Ahyven>W !AhynEB. !WNai Amr> at'w"y"r>a; bgOl.W [waw w/prep lamedh w/noun m.s.ab.s geb den + noun m.p.w/art. aryeh lion + peal perf.3m.p. rema cast + pro.3m.p. innun those, them + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.p.suff. bar son; "children" + waw noun f.p.constr.w/3m.p.suff. neshin wife]; and they had not reached the bottom of the den before the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones [WqDIh; !Ahymer>G:-lk'w> at'w"y"r>a; !Ahb. Wjliv.-yDI d[; aB'GU ty[ir>a;l. Ajm.-al'w> [waw w/neg lo + peal perf.3m.p. mata reach + prep lamedh w/noun f.s.constr. ar-i bottom + noun m.s.w/art. geb den, pit + part ad even to, until + rel di + peal perf.3m.p. shelet have power; "overpowered" + prep beth w/3m.p.suff. + noun m.p.w/art aryeh lion + waw w/noun m.s.constr. kol + noun m.p.constr.w/3m.p.suff. geram bone + haphel perf.3m.p. deqaq be shattered]).
Darius’ Witness to the Living God (vv. 25-27)
Then Darius the king wrote to all the peoples, nations and men of every language who were living in all the land: "May your peace abound (aGEf.yI !Akm.l'v. a['r>a;-lk'B. Î!yrIy>d'Ð ¿!yrIa]d'À-yDI aY"n:V'liw> aY"m;au aY"m;m.[;-lk'l. bt;K. aK'l.m; vw<y"r>D' !yId;aBe [prep beth w/adv edayin then + proper noun Darius + noun m.s.w/art. melek + peal perf.3m.s. ketab write + prep lamedh w/noun m.s.constr. kol all + noun m.p.w/art. am people + noun f.p.w/art. ummah nation + waw w/noun f.p.w.art. lishshan tongue, language + rel di + peal part.m.p.abs. dur dwell + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr. kol all + noun f.s.w/art. ara earth + noun m.s.constr.w/2m.p.suff. shelam prosperity; "peace" + peal impf.3m.s.juss. sega grow great])!VERSE 26 "I make a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom men are to fear and tremble before the God of Daniel (laYEnId'-yDI Hhel'a/ ~d'q\-!mi !ylix]d'w> Î!y[iy>z"Ð ¿!y[ia]z"À !wOh/l, ytiWkl.m; !j'l.v'-lk'B. yDI ~[ej. ~yfi ym;d'q\-!mi [prep min from + part qadam before + peil perf.3m.s. sum make + noun m.s.abs. te-em taste, judgment; "decree" + rel di + prep beth w/noun m.s.constr. kol all + noun m.s.abs. sholtan dominion + noun f.s.constr.w/1c.s.suff. malku kingdom + peal impf.3m.p. hawa come to pass "are" + peal part.m.p.abs. zua tremble + waw w/peal part.m.p.abs dechal to fear + prep min from + prep qadam before + noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. elah God + proper noun Daniel]);
For He is the living God and enduring forever (!ymil.['l. ~Y"q;w> aY"x; ah'l'a/ aWh-yDI [rel di for + pro.3m.s hu he + noun m.s.w/art. elah God + adj.m.s.w/art. chay living + waw w/noun f.s.abs. qayyam enduring; root is qum to arise + prep lamedh w/noun m.p.abs. alam forever]),
And His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed (lB;x;t.ti al'-yDI HteWkl.m;W [waw w/noun f.s.const.w/3m.s.suff. malku kingdom + rel di + neg la + hithpaal impf.3f.s. chabal destroy]),
And His dominion will be forever (ap'As-d[; HnEj'l.v'w> [waw w/noun m.s.constr.w/3m.s.suff. sholtan dominion + part ad until + noun m.s.w/art. sop end]).
VERSE 27 "He delivers and rescues and performs signs and wonders (!yhim.tiw> !ytia' dbe['w> lCim;W bzIyvem. (shaphel part.m.s.abs. shezib deliver + waw w/aphel part.m.s.abs. netsal rescue + waw w/peal part.m.s.abs. abad do; "performs" + noun m.p.abs. ar miraculous sign + waw w/noun m.p.abs. temah wonder])
In heaven and on earth
(a['r>a;b.W aY"m;v.Bi [prep beth w/noun m. dual w/art. shemayin heaven + waw w/prep beth w/noun f.s.w/art. ara earth]),Who has also delivered Daniel from the power of the lions
(at'w"y"r>a; dy:-!mi laYEnId'l. byzIyve yDI [rel di "Who" + shaphel perf.3m.s. sezib deliver + prep lamedh w/proper noun Daniel + prep min from + noun f.s.abs. yad hand; "power" + noun m.p.w/art. aryeh lion])."ANALYSIS: VERSES 25-27
Daniel Prospers (v.28)
So this Daniel enjoyed success in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian (Îha's'r>P'Ð ¿ay"s'r>P'À vr,AK tWkl.m;b.W vw<y"r>D' tWkl.m;B. xl;c.h; hn"D> laYEnId'w> [waw w/proper noun Daniel + adj.m.s.abs. denah this + haphel perf.3m.s. selach prosper + prep beth w/noun f.s.constr. malku kingdom + proper noun Darius + waw w/prep beth w/noun f.s.constr. malku reign + proper noun Cyrus + gentilic abs. Parsa; Persian]).ANALYSIS: VERSE 28
END: Daniel Chapter Six
Jack M. Ballinger
July, 2004