What must I do
to be saved?

Thank you for asking, the answer is elegantly simple.

The apostle Paul was asked this same question (Acts 16:30-31) and his answer was "believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." (compare John 3:16) If you believe that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for your sins, then you are saved! (Ephesians 1:13) God's gift of acceptance is available to everyone who changes their mind and decides to believe in Christ. Notice that absolutely NOTHING ELSE is required!

If you still have questions, this site was provided to help answer them. Take a look at the Doctrine of Salvation. The members of Maranatha Church are also willing to answer questions so feel free to contact us or better yet, come join us.

Maranatha Church is committed to honestly studying the Bible verse-by-verse from the original languages of scripture in light of the historical setting and in harmony with the rest of scripture. If you are interested in knowing what the Bible says without regard to someone's opinion, then Maranatha Church and the information in this site was provided for you. We look forward to hearing from you.

What comes after salvation?

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